‘’Please stop telling me that it is okay when he hurts us, stop saying that I should accept for him to put two in more, stop introducing me to his demons, I do not want to shake hands with the reasons he seems to do what he does, stop waving a white flag and making me pity his anger and make peace with his madness’’ Jeff says as he stares deep into her eyes
‘’That is not what I meant Jeff’’ Nora replied as she puts her right hand on his left shoulder trying to reason with him
‘’Then what Nora? Then what?’’ Jeff asked
‘She breathes in a deep breathe'
‘’He is just bein....’’ Nora says as she is interrupted almost immediately by Jeff
“A person with regular vision is more blind to an object’s true color than somebody who is actually deemed color blind but it seems like you are just really blind to see” Jeff says
‘’You know intelligence is one thing your father has and intelligence has been traded for confidence, he does not have to prove he is right he just has to act like he is right” Jeff says
‘’What do you mean Jeff?’’ Nora asked looking confused
‘’Where is prove of the tales your father tell us?’’ Jeff asked as Nora stays quite
‘’Well that’s what I thought’’ Jeff says as he steps away from where they stood and went to sit and lit a cigarette
“It's usually those who break the most rules who are quickest to accuse others of breaking rules” Jeff adds
‘’Can we just stop talking about this please’’ Nora says as she goes closer to where Jeff sat and tries to sit with him as he gets up almost immediately yelling
‘’How dare you? That I forget about this? Your father killed soldiers last night, soldiers who were humans, they had families and captured the leader of the revolution families and few days ago bandits attacked, killing innocent people on the streets and burning houses and stores and you say I should forget, do you know what he did to me as well? But well I do not blame you, you are his seed after all’’ Jeff says angrily
‘’No, Jeff you know I am nothing like him, I just do not want you stressed out, the veins on your fore head pop out when you are stressed and it is popping out right now and what did he do you darling? I do hear rumors but i thought that was all it was ’’ Nora replied
“There exists trauma so severe that the sufferer will never feel comfortable explaining it so let it be” Jeff replied
“And yes let them pop out Nora and it would continue to be like this till we put your father down’’ Jeff says as he storms out
‘’Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, please come back let’s work this out what did he do to you?’’ Nora yelled trying to get him to come back to no avail
At Jason’s House
‘’I thought I told her to stay away from him’’ Alex says
‘’Yeah, I thought she did too, only for her to come and tell me this’’ Amanda replied
‘’What do we do now’’ Jason asked
‘’I do not know but let us not mention any of this to Emmy’’ Alex says
‘’Yeah I think so too’’ Amanda adds
‘’Yeah, I think he is still very angry’’ Jason adds as Emmy walks into the room as he had overheard everything they said
‘’Well too late’’ Emmy says as he walks in they all looked surprised
‘’Now you are going to tell me where he is’’ Emmy adds as he goes closer to Amanda almost immediately pushing her towards the wall
‘’Where is he’’ Emmy asked
‘’I do not know’’ Amanda replied
‘’You lie, your friend must have told you. Where is she?’’ Emmy yelled this time yelling as he puts his elbow at her neck as he chokes her softly
‘’Tell me where she is’’ Emmy says as he continues choking her as Jason and Alex tries to stop him he put them away with his right hand as he continues choking her
‘’I wi.. ll.. Tell You.., I w..ill tell youu’’ Amanda struggles to talk as Emmy leaves her after saying that
‘’You have gone soft brother, remember this was the same guy that wanted dad dead’’ Emmy says as he turns back to Amanda who was coughing profusely
‘’He stays by a hou.. se by the big riv.. er leading out of the kingdom’’ Amanda says still confusing
‘’Good, leave it to me’’ Emmy replied
‘’What if he is truly the chosen one and could save us all look around you brother’’ Alex replied
‘’A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts so he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusion, that is what your so called chosen one is in and you are slowly joining him’’ Emmy replied
‘’I will prepare and this time I and my boys will get in a position which may well be impregnable’’ Emmy says as he leaves
‘’This is bad guys’’ Jason says walking around the room then he stops walking about then goes to check if his brother was gone he saw that he was gone and came back to join them
‘’I know my brother he would do the unthinkable, we only want to teach him a lesson we do not want him dead’’ Jason adds
‘’What do we do’’ Amanda asked
‘’I have a plan’’ Alex replied
At The King’s Mansion
‘’Where did you go to the day of the fight?’’ Mayhem asked
‘’Dabur helped me out before he was killed it is a miracle that I am alive dad, they chased me all the way to the woods’’ Nora replied
‘’Hmmmmm’’ Mayhem replied
‘’Yes father’’ Nora replied
‘’Well we have a new member of the family to replace Dabur’’ Mayhem replied
‘’And who might that be?’’ Nora asked
‘’Jacob’’ Mayhem calls out his name has he joins them, and said his greetings to both the king and the princess and the eyes of both Nora and Jacob were locked
‘’Do you both know each other?’’ Mayhem asked
‘’No’’ Nora replied turning her face away
‘’No sir, I have never met such a beautiful lady ever in my life my lord’’ Jacob says as he bows his head
‘’Well now you have, prepare for when the sun set I shall make my verdict known on what happened last night’’ Mayhem replied
‘’Okay my lord’’ Jacob says as he left his presence
‘’This is how you make a verdict my daughter, you pray that you survive the tormenting imagery of the verdict you are wading past, that you do not sink in the ocean of your decisions, so I begin in the name of the father, the newly damned and in the broken wings of dying birds’’ Mayhem says as he stands
At The Cemetery
“We die containing a richness of lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have plunged into and swum up as if rivers of wisdom, characters we have climbed into as if trees, fears we have hidden in as if caves.” Zac says
“ I will have this memory in my head, And I and still have other smothered memories, now unfolding themselves into limbless monsters of pain.” Zac adds
“ Tea Obreht once said As his grandfather went, arm over arm, his heart making sour little shudders against his ribs, he kept listening for a sound, the sound of the tiger, the sound of anything but his own feet and lungs and today just like his grandfather I looked for a sound the sound of Joe’s voice telling me wake up and this is all not real.” Zac says as tears roll down his eyes and he sniffs
“We all owe death a life ….” Zac continues as he is interrupted by the sound of an unknown young man, middle age, who looked 6’1 but as he came closer was 5’4 ran towards them
“What's wrong? “ Zac asked
“Jerome was captured and he is about to be executed by the king, at the times square”
“What?” Zac replied
“Yes, hurry, come with me”
“But we were about putting Joe to rest” Zac replied
“Let the dead bury the dead” the unknown man say as he ran off and Zac followed as well
The cloud darkened as eagles roam back and forth as thousands of people gather murmuring and wailing as they stood and looked up wondering why the king ordered for a general gathering, wind blew really slow and eagles roam around the tower which they stood before
‘’Today I show example of what could be, today I put my foot down, for thousands of years your generations have caused my families nothing but pain and yet we show mercy but in this mercy you still plot my death. Here is your messiah’’ Mayhem says as Jerome is brought out and put down on his kneels with blood thick has cloth around him and the crowd exclaims