Chapter 13 - Who Are You?

“We are going to walk to get there?”, I repeated.

“Yes sir. If it’s alright with you.”, Locsin said in a somewhat challenging tone.

I was used to walking. Sometimes, I walked the distance from our subdivision’s gate to my apartment. These students had no idea who they’re challenging with.

“Of course, it’s fine with me. As long as it’s not raining.”, I said with confidence.

“That’s great. Let’s go then.”, Howard said cheerily, looking back and forth between me and Jefferson.

I always bring backpacks at work. With my laptop inside, it never bothered me on my walk. Once I changed to my rubber shoes, I had no problem walking. I dropped by the HR to clock out and followed Jefferson and Howard going out of the University.

“What is the name of the subdivision we are practicing in?”, I asked the two while walking.

“Peak Homes sir.”, Howard answered.

“What! Peak Homes?”, I exclaimed quietly to myself.

“Why sir, do you know the place?”, Jefferson asked, looking at me.

“Ah, not really.”, I lied. “Are you serious we are walking to Peak Homes?”

Valdez said that it was near. So I thought the subdivision was within the vicinity of the place only. Clearly, I was wrong. I didn’t think they were practicing in Peak Homes. It would take two jeepney rides to get there. A thirty-minute trip. What more if we were going to walk?

I couldn’t find a way out of this mess I was in. It’s embarrassing to turn back now at these two after knowing where we were headed. Also, these were two agile boys I was with. What excuse would make me escape them without thinking I was weak.

I was left helpless and just gave a huge heap of sighs in surrender.

15 minutes,

20 minutes,

30 minutes of walking. The two boys were laughing on their way while my back was already drenched in sweat.

“Are you okay sir?”, Jefferson asked. Looking concerned.

I hoped Jeff was not mocking me. I felt like I had an open faucet on my body. My face was dripping with beaded sweat. My legs were starting to numb from walking a distance. And he would ask me if I was okay? What was he thinking?

“Sir Toledo is okay, don’t mind him. I’m sure he’s an iron man.”, Howard said as he angkored his arm on Jeff’s shoulders.

“Yeah I’m okay.”, I replied. Hiding the uncomfortable I was feeling at that moment.

40 minutes,

50 minutes,

1 hour of walking.

“Can we just buy something to drink?”, I called out to them upon seeing a convenient store.

“Hey, sir is going to treat us. Let’s go.”, Howard cheered.

This hooligan was starting to get on my nerves. I was the one dripping in sweat and so tired and he would ask me to treat him with drinks? I forced myself to calm down and think straight because if I won’t, I might hit him anytime soon. We might not reach the subdivision at all.

“Hey Ward, wait. Isn’t is embarrassing.”, Jeff called out to Howard who ran towards the convenient store. Leaving the two of us behind. Jeff was shy with how his friend was reacting in front of me. He couldn’t barely look me straight in the eyes.

“At least this one is good-mannered.”, I whispered to myself.

Howard got inside first. And when he did, he roamed the entire store like a kid. Jefferson ran after him. While Howard was stolling, Jeff and I looked for a spot to sit down. We found a table beside an AC unit. I was so thankful. I intentionally chose this spot because I was burning like hell. I didn’t care if my back was drenched in sweat. I just wanted to cool myself down and rest my numbing legs.

Jeff sat in front of me. Still shy and couldn’t look at me.

“Is there a problem?”, I asked him. He shook his head. I understood it already. He didn’t have to say it. “Don’t mind your friend. Go and get yourself a drink. Just get me a bottle of Gatorade.”, I told him. “And here, pay those at the counter.”

Jefferson was extremely shy as I handed him the money. I even forced the money on his hand to take it because he was not really taking it from me. Our hand slightly touched as I reached for it. A slight jolt of electricity ran through my arm as it did. Weird yet captivating.

Suddenly, I remembered that moment I saw him alone under our tree. I sat opposite him unnoticed and he was surprised when he saw me. I spilled my hot coffee over my hand because of his shriek. He ran towards me and wiped my hands with his handkerchief. Back then, my eyes were fixated with my burnt hand. I didn’t notice how gentle his hands were, until today. They were soft and smooth. They were the hands of someone who never did any household chores.

Back at the tree when our eyes met, all I did see was worry and concern because of the accident. But now, his eyes were speaking to me in a language I couldn’t discern.

All of a sudden, a glimpse of the past ran through my memory. “These eyes. I might have seen them before.”, I told myself. Not just those innocent eyes but that pale white skin. They all look familiar. I was back tracking all of my previous friends, casual encounters, common friends, ex-colleagues but it was none of them.

I was also remembering my hook ups before but I was certain he’s not one of them. I was not into skinny, untoned and pale skinned people especially kids that looked like virgins. They are a complete turn off for me.

But this kid, Jefferson, really caught my attention.

“Sir, Howard is in line already. Let me get your Gatorade to him and hand him the money.”, Jefferson uttered in a very low yet audible voice. His words cut my day dreaming of him.

“Ah, here. Bring this to him.”, I replied to him and immediately turned my eyes elsewhere to avoid him noticing me.

Jefferson left me on the table. He took a bottle of Gatorade in the chiller and came to Howard on the line. From where I was sitting, I looked at the two of them by the counter particularly to Jefferson. Compared to how I saw him weeks ago, he was starting to regain his build already. He was no longer that skinny. It was good to see that he recovered and improved his physique. His body changed a lot for a short span of time. From the back, I’d noticed how beautiful his body shape was. His shoulders were starting to take shape. Bones from his joints were becoming less visible. Even his legs were starting to get muscled. Those thin and smooth hair legs were sexy that anyone who would notice might be tempted to give it a stroke. His skin had a healthier glow as well from the light of the convenient store.

Clearly, Jefferson had improved a lot.

After a few minutes, the two were walking back to our table. This mole had ordered a hotdog sandwich aside from the drink while Jefferson only had a coke in his hand.

“Thanks for the treat sir.”, Howard said happily as he sat down and laid his hotdog with catsup and mustard.

“Sure, don’t mention it.”, I bellowed sarcastically.

Howard was so busy dressing his hotdog that he didn’t notice my tone on him. Jefferson, on the other side, was still shy that his head was bowed so low it touched his coke on the table.

As Howard was devouring his hotdog, Jeff was looking around inside the convenient store. One time, he stared at the students who entered the store and bought snacks. Then, he looked at Howard as he enjoyed his free snacks on me. And sometimes, he was throwing a quick glance like he wanted to say something. But immediately took his look away when I met his eyes. So cute.

I forced myself to hide a smile at Jefferson for doing so. He didn’t have to say it but I knew he wanted to say something. Like, he wanted to start a topic for conversation as he was too shy to take the initiative. Jefferson and Howard seemed opposite in most ways which made me wonder how these two became close.

“The hotdog tastes great. I’m full.”, Howard said after finishing his snack. He looked very satisfied.

“Glad to hear.”, I acknowledge in an ill-toned voice.

Jefferson had understood what I meant and gave Howard a slightly mocking laugh.

“What’s the problem? It’s delicious.”, Howard reacted. Still not understanding the context of my commentary.

“Since you are finish with your sandwich, I think it’s best if we take these drinks along the way.”, I told the two and started back packing my bag. The two grabbed their gym bags as well and stood up.

Again, the two took the lead as we walked. But this time, Jeff was including me in their conversation. Jeff would ask my opinion about something that they were talking about and I’d answer. And Jeff was really listening to what I was saying. Even Howard listened when I spoke.

I listened too when they spoke. I even laughed when Howard cracked jokes. Unlike earlier, I felt I was just following them as we walked, this time I feel I was walking with them already. Jefferson was no longer shy anymore. He smiled and agreed to what Howard and I were saying. I felt like the walls dividing us were broken down. It was good. I could have a chance of knowing them better, especially Jeff.

I still couldn’t remember where I’d seen him. Or had I.