Wayward Son Part 4

Chester and the confirmer were caught off guard by Takoda’s entrance. Close by Calian and Halian were watching their interaction. Anyway, Chester and the confirmer stared at Takoda and then looked to each other and began to stare at Takoda once again. Takoda stood there with a big smile on his face.

“Hey ummm”. Chester started. “Who are you?”

“I’m Takoda but you can just call me Tak. Or Oda. Whichever works for you”.

“Look Tak or Oda, we’re a little busy here…” The confirmer started.

“Busy? Doing what?”

“It’s business. And it’s none of yours”.

“Business? You know, I’m a business, man”.

Chester and the confirmer turned and looked at each other and then turned back towards Takoda. Chester’s mouth opened but closed as he continued to look at Takoda. The confirmer stared at Takoda before he turned towards Chester. Chester had already turned towards the confirmer so the two faced each other while Takoda stood there.

“So…” Takoda said. “What’s the move?”

“Enough of this!” The confirmer shouted. “Who are you and what are you doing?”

“I was around the way and overheard you guys talk. I am always open to an opportunity if you know what I’m saying”.

“I believe we do”. Chester said.

“You cannot be serious right now?” The confirmer asked.

“Hey man, we need all the help we can get”.

Calian fell from up above on top of the confirmer’s back and from there began to fight over the gun. Chester whipped out his gun and started to shoot at Calian. Calian managed to dodge the flying bullets, but now found himself in front of the confirmer. Takoda ran over to the two, helping Calian.

“You might want to relax”. Chester said.

“And why the hell would we do that?” Calian asked.

“See for yourself brah”.

Calian and Takoda turned and saw that Chester had Halian held up at gun point. Chester’s finger was shaking as it hovered over the trigger. Calian was forced to get off the confirmer as the confirmer decked both him and Takoda across the room. Calian gathered himself up enough to focus back on Halian, still being held at gun point.

“It don’t look too good man”. Chester said. “It’s over”.

“Why?” Wiyot asked, walking in on everyone in his human form.

“What the fuck is this shit?” Chester asked. “Guess who?”

“Why are you doing all this?”

“Fuck you care?”

“Going to need more information before I can make a decision like that”.

“Look, none of this matters bro. I’m sure here to do my job”.

“It matters when you are messing with my time!”

“Tribe? Well, some of these people know too much. Tribal or not”.

Calian continued to stare at Chester. Chester’s body was turned face Wiyot. His gun was still pointed at Halian, but the angle was no longer direct. As Chester further engaged with Wiyot the gun moved away from Halian’s head. Halian’s pupils were wide as they could be as he stared into space.’

It was then that Calian ran and grabbed Halian. Once Halian was in his grip he was able to duck and cover. In the process he had knocked out the gun from Chester’s hand. Wiyot then threw a punch at Chester which land on his left cheek. Chester stumbled across the room before meeting the ground with the wall holding up his back.

Calian and Halian slid to stop. Calian held Halian tight upon impact. There was but silence when Calian released Halian from his grip. The two gathered themselves together before they picked themselves off the ground. They looked at each other, Halian lingered a bit. Halian then jumped towards Calian and hugged him. Calian’s hand patted Halian on the back.

“Fuck this!” The confirmer yelled as he ran towards Calian and Halian.

“I think you should just relax bro”. Takoda said, now with Chester’s gun in his hand which was also now pointed at the confirmer.

“You don’t have it in you”. The confirmer said, having gotten closer to Calian and Halian. Takoda pulled the trigger, and a bullet flew. It was crammed into the wall after a brush by the confirmer. The confirmer stared at the new hole in the wall and then turned to look at Takoda, still with the gun in hand, pointed towards the confirmer.

“That was a warning”. Takoda said.

“Why the fuck is this happening?” Chester cried out. “We were so close!”

“To what?” Wiyot asked.

“A way out of this shit. A way to a life that could actually be something. But I’m just going to be stuck here forever I guess”.

“And I guess you’re going to be a bitch forever”. Calian interjected.

“Come again man?”

“You sit there acting like you are only one with a problem. Do you ever think about anyone else but yourself?”

“Dawg, all I have is myself!”.

“And that’s why you are where you are”.

Chester looked at Calian as he sat straight, his back against the wall. He picked himself up, shot a look to the confirmer before they made their way out. Chester turned back and looked at Calian. Calian did not so much as blink. Chester turned away and began to walk out of the hideout before he stopped in his tracks.

“I’ve been stuck here in this damn city forever”. Chester. “Nothing happening up in these hills”.

“Then make something happen”. Calian said.

“You seem to have it figured out man. I’m jealous”.

“Maybe so. Now get the fuck out”.

Chester walked out of the hideout. Calian stared at him as Chester and the confirmer got into their cars, Chester being drove up by a driver. Both cars drove down the hill and away from Calian, Halian, Wiyot and Takoda. Calian tracked the cars progress down the hill until the vacated his eyesight.

“What was that about?” Wiyot asked.

“It was a mistake”. Calian said.

“I know how that feels”.

“So, what’s the move Calian?” Takoda asked. “Are you gonna stay or are you gonna go?”

Calian looked at Halian who’s eyes were already laid upon his. Halian’s eyes were like a puppy dog, pupils large and eyes with a melancholic demeanor. Halian was turned towards Calian as well. just held space for Halian before he turned to face Wiyot and Takoda.

“It’s too dangerous to leave with those fools lose”. Calian said. “I’ll be staying with you guys until the coast is clear”.

Wiyot nodded his head as Takoda smiled at Calian. Halian jumped back on Calian with yet another hug. Calian appeared to be aggravated with Halian and began to move his right hand towards Halian’s head. He then saw the expression on Halian. A soft look of calm that resided across his face.