The Feel Good Drag Part 1

Wiyot’s eyes became locked on Greg and Sheila while his eyebrows pressed down, his eyes tensed up. In an almost unconscious way, he moved closer to them, inspected them with close intrigue. Wiyot made eye contact with Sheila, the smile on her face a rather cold one. He stood firm in his stance as she turned towards Penny.

“You must the hostess?” Sheila asked Penny.

“Who me?” Penny asked. “No, no, no. Not exactly my kind of place”.

“You did seem to know your way around here”. Greg noted. “So let me ask, do you have any lagers and chardonnay?”

“I’ll see what I can do”. Penny said as walked out of the kitchen.

Once Penny had left Wiyot, Calian, and Takoda all had directed their focus and gaze in a razor-sharp manner at Greg and Sheila. Greg and Sheila’s demeanor changed as they delivered a couple of serious and stark looks over to the trio.

“How did you know we were here?” Wiyot asked.

“That’s something that we’re not willing to share at this time”. Sheila stated.

“You then, you’re just going to stalk us?” Calian asked.

“This isn’t stalking so much as it is getting ahold of some pesky mice that refuses to be caught”. Greg responded with.

“And we’re the mice”. Takoda said.

“Sometimes you’re the cats sometimes you’re the mice”. Greg said. “Sucks when you’re the mice. Although, you could be a bird”.

Wiyot’s eyes widened before he proceeded to step back, Calian’s and Takoda’s composure were disrupted as well. Greg and Sheila were caught in front of them, caught within stillness with a smile. Wiyot looked at two while his body began to tremble to smidge.

“So, I got this craft lager and a real nice glass of chardonnay”. Penny said as she reentered the kitchen. She looked around and her smile became a bit of a frown. “Is something wrong?”

“Not at all”. Sheila reassured Penny. “Do you know the name of the chardonnay?”

“I think it’s Hectare”. Penny said.

“Wonderful”. Sheila said.

“Looks like I beat you”. Greg said.

“Must have been luck of the draw”. Wiyot said.

“Yeah”. Greg as he started to sip on his lager. “I suppose so”.

Greg decided to pound his beer, Wiyot standing there and watching him. Out of the corner of his right eye he could see Sheila sipping on her chardonnay, her left eye on Wiyot and Greg. Wiyot noticed that Penny was looking down at the ground, her eye focused on the hardwood floors, a sharp gaze to be sure.

“So, how do you guys know about this party?” Penny asked.

“Oh, you know”. Sheila said. A friend of a friend told a friend who told us and after a shot we’re here!”

“Isn’t that convenient?” Calian said.

“You two from around here?” Penny asked.

“We’re actually on a bit of a work trip”. Greg explained. “But once the invite came in, we couldn’t resist. I’m sure everyone here knows how that goes”.

“Yeah”. Wiyot said. “For sure”.

“Anyone for a game of cards against humanity?” Penny asked.

“Sure”. Takoda said. “Though, I’m not so sure if those two can keep up”.

“We’ll manage”. Greg said.

Wiyot, Calian, Takoda, Greg, Sheila, and Penny found themselves in the den where groups of people were playing different card and board games such as sorry and magic the gathering. The room had white walls with giant black and white stickers of studio Ghilbi characters and one large lamp shade in the left corner of the room. Penny took them to the one vacant couch in the room. It was a dark red puff couch. Penny sat with Takoda next to her, then Calian then Wiyot right next to Greg and Sheila. Penny reach down to the right side of the couch and picked up the box for cards against humanity.

“Does everyone know how to play?” Penny asked.

“I’ve never played before”. Wiyot said.

“I wonder why?” Greg asked, a smug smile coming across his face.

“Just never got the opportunity”. Wiyot responded with.

“I see”. Sheila said as she sipped on her drink.

“What types of games do you play Wiyot?” Penny asked.

“Truth be told, I am not much of a game kind of guy. But I believe that open mindedness is a good thing, so here I am”.

“How wise of you?” Greg said, smiling at Wiyot. Wiyot’s face stayed stoic and static.

“With that being said”. Penny interjected. “Let’s begin”.

Penny passed out six cards to everyone and created a pile to draw new cards from. While Takoda and Penny were cozying up to one another and Calian was inspecting what the answers on the cards were, Wiyot was looking at Greg and Sheila. The two of them staring with intent focus on the game. But at the same time, all three of them knew that there was another game at hand.

“You’re not supposed to look!” Penny told Calian.

“Sorry!” Calian said. “Was waiting on you. But you were a little preoccupied…”

“Hey!” Takoda jumped in. “Mind your own business”.

“Right”. Calian said.

“Anyway”. Penny began. “First prompt is: “I cannot believe it’s not__”. Go!”

Everyone began to study their cards. Penny and Takoda investigated it and even Calian looked over it once or twice. Wiyot at first tried to get into it, but he could not help but turn his attention towards Greg and Sheila. When he looked up, he and Sheila made strong eye contact once again. Wiyot held onto it as did Sheila. After a moment Sheila dropped her head down.

“Times up!” Penny said. “Alright! Show me what you got!”

Takoda, Calian and Greg all pushed their cards in. Wiyot was about to do so, but his gaze caught Sheila’s gaze once again. The two sat there and looked each other before Wiyot pushed his card in and Sheila then followed so.

“Okay!” Penny said. So, “I cannot it ‘s not…a flying monkey! “I cannot believe that it’s not…Spyro! “I cannot believe it’s not, a jumping water buffalo! Yeah, that’s different. But finally, “I cannot believe it’s not…the backstreet boys!” Hmm. Hard to decide which is the best one.

“I personally am partial to the flying monkey one”. Takoda said.

“Then I am going to have to go with backstreet boys!” Penny said.

“Ah come on!” Takoda said.

“You sold yourself down the river”. Penny said. “So, whose card is it anyway?”

“It was mine”. Wiyot said, his hand raised.

“Not bad for your first time”. Sheila said.

“Beginner’s luck”. Wiyot responded.

“Moving on”. Penny began. “What…”


And sounded that resonated through the door grabbed everyone’s attention in the frat house. Wiyot, Calian, Takoda, Greg and Sheila got up and Penny backed away. As the crowds cleared a short young man and taller older man appeared.

“Hey!” Halian said, Arnold walking up to him. “Found them!”