New Ability


[You have killed a F rank esper and gained 100xp]

[You have levelled up to level 1 and all stats increased by 1 and you have also gained an additional stat point with 200 system points]

"System am I dreaming?, if I am not then are you what he was after?" Felix asked the system while searching the body.

[You are not dreaming and unfortunately yes, I am what he was after... ]

"Don't worry about apologising, I don't blame you, now they are still looking for a book so I still have some time" Felix cut off the system as it was talking.

[Actually I was going to say that they still don't know that I have merged with you so you have to burn down your shop]

"Oh, you want to get rid of all evidence and make them think I an dead, I like how you think" Felix said with a grin as he heard what the system said.

[Yes, you have to make them think that you died in the fire otherwise they will continue to send assassins after you]

"Assassins, let them send more and I will kill them as I have killed these ones" Felix said with confidence as he found a card in his pocket, some F rank beast cores and the dagger.

[You really think that you can kill a F+ rank assassin with your current strength, you forget that he hadn't used his ability not to mention the fact that he could have killed you with the powder, he only died because he underestimated you too much otherwise you would be the one on the ground]

"Looks like he works for an organization called shadow, that is the only information on it" Felix said as he read examined the card.

[You need to get stronger fast because a war is coming, take a look at your stats to see how weak you are]

"Wow" Felix said with a grin as a transparent screen appeared in front of him showing his information.

Name: Felix Argus



XP [0/200]



System points:200

Stat points:1






Esper abilities:

[Light Hand][Level 1]


Cost:50 Mana points


Releases a burst of bright light from the palm of the user.

Active abilities

[Perception][Level 1]



Enables the user to perceive hidden threats.

[Enhanced Senses][Level 1]



Gives the user enhanced senses of touch smell, hearing, sight and taste.

[Perfect Aim][Level 1]



Gives the user the ability to have a perfect aim and hit any target perfectly.

[Professional Hand To Hand Combat][Level 1]



The user of the skill is a pro at hand to hand combat and is able to execute deadly and lethal moves.

"Wait aren't this skills from my previous life, it seems that I was able to bring back the experience of the skills from my previous life" Felix said after thinking it through.

"So let me see, I gain XP from enemies and Beasts to level up, HP is my health points, MP is my mana points, stat point is used to upgrade my stats, strength is the amount of power that I am able to exert, agility is my speed, vitality is my health, luck is..well my luck, intelligence is how smart I am, so now what are the system points, how does the levelling work and why doesn't my ability rank show" Felix said what he had deduced and asked the system what he didn't understand.

[You are really smart which shows from your 30 point intelligence, system points are gotten from killing enemies, it can be used to buy new abilities but don't get your hopes high, you can't even afford the lowest price at your current level but it can be used to upgrade your abilities also the leveling would need to be explained later because you have to leave now and lastly your ability rank doesn't show because I can't recognize it at my current level which may be because it is at a rank higher than SSS+]

"A rank higher than SSS+" Felix said with shock as he almost fell to the ground.

"Who would have thought that my trash skill would actually be so OP, this is so cool, first I have to burn this place down then I will go visit an old friend" Felix said with excitement as he found a place to place the body after taking anything of value.

After gathering all his important items, he went outside and set the shop on fire and as it burned, he stood there watching it but later left.

As he left, he saw some people gathering and at first he thought they were coming to put out the fire but he later revealed a look of scorn after seeing them going in to steal whatever hadn't been consumed by the fire.

"A bunch of lowlife piece of shits, can't even at least pretend to put out the fire" Felix said with anger as he saw them stealing his books then left.

He went through a bunch of confusing alleys when he thought he saw someone following him and arrived at a little pawnshop with the picture of a dragon on the sign.

When he walked inside, he looked around and saw a short blond man talking to a plump red faced man who looked out of place with his extravagant clothing and as he walked towards them he could hear them arguing over a bracelet.

"This is not an ordinary bracelet, do you know how much I suffered just to get it and now you are telling me to pay 10 F rank beast cores for it, you better give me a fair price or I am going to another shop" The plump red faced man said to the short blonde man with dissatisfaction.

"Are you telling me that I don't know my work, if you take this to another pawn shop the price would be even lower and now you are telling me that my price is too much, if you don't like it then go to another pawn shop or to the Esper association if you want a "fair price", hmm" The short blond man said to the plump red faced man as he pretended to be annoyed.

"Do you think I can't do that, hmm, I only came here because I thought you were an honest man" The plump red faced man said with anger as he pretended to leave but as he reached the door, he stole a glance at the short blonde man but saw him tending to other business so he gritted his teeth and walked back to him.

"15 F rank beast cores or nothing" The plump red faced man said through gritted teeth.

"Oh you are back, I thought you were going to another pawnshop, out of the kindness of my heart, I will give you the 15 F rank beast cores" The short blonde man said shamelessly with a wide grin that made him look like a little devil.

"You..." The plump red faced man almost puked blood as he was shocked by the shamelessness of the short blonde man, he just told him now that the necklace wasn't worth 10 D rank beast cores and now he was willing to pay 15 D rank beast cores.

"Thank you for the transaction, have a nice day" The short blonde man said to the plump red faced man with a mocking grin as he snatched the necklace from him while pushing the cores into his hands.

Even though he knew that he had been duped, There was nothing he could do but to accept the beast cores like that otherwise he wouldn't be able to leave the slums, he saw the way the people outside were staring at him, like a lion waiting to devour him and he was sure that if he got lost in an alley, he would for sure be robbed or even worse, he had heard a lot of bad stories about this place and he wasn't a fool.

"Have a nice day" Felix said to the plump red faced man as he walked past him fuming and that was only when he noticed that someone was standing near him but he was too angry to bother about him.

"Sup Dave, I see that you haven't changed much" Felix said with a smile after the plump red faced man had left as he walked towards the short blonde man who looked like he had just won the lottery.

"Oh Felix, I didn't see you there, looks like you also haven't changed much too, still having problems with teddy?" Dave said to Felix with a smile after seeing the bruises on his face as he placed the cores in his pocket as which bulged due to the numerous cores that had been crammed into it and Felix wondered how he could move around with all those cores in his pockets.

"Yeah same old, ever thought of getting a cash register, I still don't understand how you can move around so easily with small those cores in your pocket" Felix said with a laugh as he stared at Dave who looked funny with his bulging pockets.

"Have you forgotten where we are, do you think I would waste my breath all day just to have all my precious cores stolen" Dave said as he patted his pockets as if afraid that the cores would disappear from them.

"Could you wait for a moment, I have to make an important call" Dave said to Felix as he took out a phone from one of the numerous pockets on his trouser.

"Yeah it's me, I have a great artifact I know you will love, yes and it's a necklace, the price, well I would give you the best price I can, I'm how about 100 F rank beast cores, oh you know me it's just business, when have I ever tricked you, yes you can come for it at any time, goodbye" Dave chatted with the person on the phone for a minute the cut the call with a smile on his face.

"Okay, what are you doing here by this time?" Dave asked Felix we he walked over to the door of his shop and placed a "closed" sign.

"Um I need your help but first I need a place to crash, can I stay here?" Felix asked Dave as he went through his pocket looking for something.

"Yeah sure, you know that you are family but what happened to your shop" Dave asked Felix as he opened his door and looked around before closing it and locking it.

"It kind of burnt down, it's a long story which you wouldn't want to hear" Felix said to Dave as he handed him the dagger he got from the assassin

"I need you to find out what you can about this dagger" Felix said to Dave with a grin as he saw the look on his face when he handed him the dagger.

"Wow, this should be a D-rank weapon at the least but I have to use my ability to confirm it" Dave said with shock as he placed the dagger in his palms and then a warm light suddenly appeared on his palm as he closed his eyes.


[System has detected a F-rank detection ability "Analyze"]

[Would host like to steal it, the cost is 200 system points]

As he heard this, the edges of his mouth rose to reveal a smile.