The Massacre

"I found him, I need help to find the book" Felix shouted at the door to the nearest assassin after switching his and the assassin's clothes.

"I came in and met him sleeping and and as I tried to kill him, he rushed me so I slit his throat" Felix said to the man when he entered the room as he imitated the first assassin's voice.

"Oh where is the body? "The second assassin asked him so Felix led him to the body of the dead assassin.

"Good job, wait isn't this 1's tatt..." The man said as he recognized the dead assassin's tattoo but was cut off by Felix who immediately stabbed him in the head before he could raise an alarm.


[You have killed a F rank esper and gained 100xp]

[You have levelled up to level 2 and all stats increased by 1 and you have also gained an additional stat point with 200 system points]

As he levelled up, he felt a cool stream of energy flow through his body, he felt refreshed and his mana was refilled.

"Whew, that was close I need to be more careful, add the additional stat point to my agility" Felix said to the system as he carefully cleaned away the blood on the dagger while hiding the bodies.

"2 down, 4 to go" Felix said as he took out a decoy book from his bag and went outside.

"Why haven't they come yet, you two go take a look" The deep voice said to the last remaining assassins with suspicion.


As they were moving towards the room, something flew out of the room and hit the light bulb near it immediately destroying it and plunging the that side into darkness.

"It's a trap, take cov.." The deep voice shouted as he rushed in to reveal a grey cloaked man but he was too late, three daggers flew at lightening speed towards them, the two assassins in front were caught off guard so they were hit in the head by the dagger which instantly killed them but the last assassin managed to dodge it easily.


[You have killed a F rank esper and gained 100xp and 200 system points]

[You have killed a F rank esper and gained 100xp and 200 system points]

"Show yourself coward and fight me like a man" The grey cloaked assassin said with rage as he took out two daggers which were similar to the one used by the assassin who tried to kill Felix at his shop.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Felix said with a calm expression as he walked out of the darkness with his dagger.

"It would seem like we underestimated you, you hid yourself good, to be able to kill 4 F rank assassins by yourself shows that you have had training and I am sure you didn't get that from your books but still you are not my match, I will be willing to end your life quickly if you give me the book" The grey cloaked assassin said to Felix with a mocking smile.

"Big words coming from a dead man, less talking and more fighting" Felix said to the grey cloaked assassin with a sneer as he rushed towards him.

"If you want to die so much then be my guest" The grey cloaked assassin said angrily after hearing Felix remark.

The both of them met and exchanged moves with speed that the average human couldn't have, their attacks both deadly and highly calculated because they both knew that their opponent shouldn't be underestimated.

During their first exchange they were evenly matched because even though the grey cloaked assassin had a higher rank, Felix had all his previous experience so he knew how to attack, dodge, block and counter all his opponents moves but still he could sense that he was weaker.

"You are stronger than I thought, looks like I have to use my full strength" The grey cloaked assassin said with shock.

They once again exchanged moves and this time, the grey cloaked assassin gained the upper hand because he was using his full strength and he had become stronger and faster so Felix found it hard to attack so he switched to defence but still he felt like he was getting hit by a steel hammer.

"If only this body trained more, system assign two stat points to agility" Felix said with pain because he was slowly getting hit and he was stretching the limit of this body so any moment and he would be totally suppressed which meant that he would have to change the tide of the battle or else he would be the one to die but after assigning the stat points he felt his speed increase.

"What?, he got faster, does that mean he was holding back" The grey cloaked assassin thought as he sensed the change in his speed.

This time, Felix attacks got faster and he managed to equalize again, as time went by both sides grew tired but Felix had also gained the upper hand and the grey cloaked assassin was covered in injuries.

"You forced me to do this" The grey cloaked assassin said to Felix with anger.


[System has detected a E rank offensive ability "Wind blade"]

[Would you like to steal it, it costs 800 system points]

Immediately he heard it, Felix jumped to the side while throwing the dagger at the grey cloaked assassin and at that same moment, the grey cloaked assassin also threw 5 wind blades at him.

"Yes steal it" Felix said to the system in pain because even though he reacted quickly due to the systems notification, he still got hit by a wind blade which narrowly cut through his hand and paralysed it instantly but his dagger also hit his target.

"How did you know?" The grey cloaked assassin asked with shock and pain as he took out the dagger in his chest which caused blood to flow out because his energy had been exhausted while using the skill and he still hadn't killed his target, he was starting to wonder if Felix was a monster.

Instead of answering, Felix ripped off a part of the cloak he was wearing and tied it around his injury to stop the bleeding for now then he showly walked towards the gray cloaked assassin who trembled in fear.

"Who sent you to kill me?" Felix asked the gray cloaked assassin as he picked you his dagger from the ground.

"What makes you think that I would tell you that, reinforcements are on their way so even if you kill me you will still die but you may be able to escape if you let me live" The grey cloaked assassin said with in a mocking tone as he tried to threaten Felix but due to his pain he fell on the ground.

"Big words for a dead man" Felix said to the grey cloaked assassin as he wiped the blood on the dagger off which made him remember the first time he was told those words, he thought Felix was bluffing but now he knew how dangerous he was.

"You will tell me because If you don't I will torture you to death" Felix said while he bent near him as he released his full killing intent on him.

"The boss sent us under the orders of a client" The grey cloaked assassin replied after feeling Felix's killing intent, this was the intent of someone who had killed thousands of people.

"Who is the client and what is the history of this book" Felix asked the grey cloaked assassin.

"The client was anonymous and the book.., the book was auctioned at the Golden dragon auction house, it was said to have been obtained at the ancient ruins continent, all major powers of the city gathered there to try and get the book but it was obtained by a complete stranger at a price of 100 S rank beast cores, he shocked everyone and after the auction ended, several forces tried to intimidate him into surrendering the book but he.. he.." The grey robed assassin said then paused as he spat out mouthfuls of blood.

"You better stop stalling or the reinforcements will meet your dead body" Felix threatened as he raised the knife to his throat but he already knew what he was going to say.

"He slaughtered them all with a single skill so he was immediately deducted to be one of the most powerful espers in the city" The grey cloaked assassin said with fear from both Felix and the stranger.

"What skill did he use" Felix asked curiously.

"They couldn't identify it but it contained the element of lightening, the client sent a tail after the man and when he appeared at your shop with the book, the client came to us to help him gain the book and since you were so weak, one of the best F rank espers was sent after you to retrieve the book but when it was found out that you killed him, a bounty was put on your head and your good friend helped us find you" The grey cloaked assassin said with a smile as he spat out more mouthfuls of blood.

"Thanks for the information" Felix said to the gray cloaked assassin as he thought of what to do next.

"So will you spare..." The grey cloaked assassin said but was interrupted by a wind blade which sliced his head off his neck, he died with a look of disbelief because he couldn't understand how how he was killed by his own skill.


[You have killed a F+ rank Esper and gained 200xp]

[You have levelled up to level 3 and all stats increased by 1 and you have also gained an additional point with 400 system points]

Felix searched the assassin's body and found another card, and a ring

"A storage ring, convenient" Felix said with a grin as he placed all his items in the storage ring which contained some items but he didn't have time to scan through it, storage rings were made with the cores of high levelled beasts and only by a rune master, the runes used to make them were found in the ancient ruins continent.

"Felix please don't kill me I can ex.. " As Dave was begging Felix who came out of the hall with blood all over his body when a dagger flew and planted itself in his heart, instant death.

"Those who betray me shall die" Felix said coldly to the dead body of Dave as he took out the dagger and picked up the reward of the bounty and placed it in his storage ring.

"They are coming, I have to leave" Felix said after placing some items which looked expensive from the shop in his storage ring then immediately left the shop.

Some minutes after he left, four gray cloaked figures and a purple cloaked figure appeared in the shop and entered inside to meet the bloody scene.

"What happened here?, they are all dead" One of the gray cloaked figures said with shock as he glanced at the bodies scattered around the shop.

"They were killed by stab wounds to their vital parts but this one's death is strange, his head was cut off cleanly either by a weapon or a skill, all this kills are all calculated and precise, this was definitely done by an expert, the target has gained the help of someone powerful, retreat for now" The purple cloaked figure said after observing the bodies then they all disappeared like they were never there.