Magic Weapon

"Okay straight to the point, I see that you are a straightforward person, I would be making a trip to the F rank beast forest to hunt and also gain experience and I want you to accompany me" Connor said with a wide smile as he explained his mission.

"So first you send someone to tail me and now you want me to accompany you to a hunting trip, what do you think I am?, a mercenary?" Felix said angrily as he glared at Connor who smiled in return.

"Please forgive me for my rudeness, I just thought you wanted to gain some experience, we will be on our way if you don't mind, we won't disturb you ever again" Connor said and turned to leave as he pretended to be sorry, an act which didn't fail to be recognized by Felix keen eyes.

"Wait" Felix said as they were about to leave, it wasn't that he didn't want to go but it was just too suspicious for him, he couldn't just want to build up good ties with him, there had to be a catch and why did he keep on smiling, it irritated him.

"Did you change your mind?" Connor asked with his signature smile.

"What's the catch?" Felix asked curiously as he glanced at the guard while making plans to escape if they tried anything because his opponent this time was an E+ rank Esper, the gap between the two ranks wasn't something that could be covered by a F rank like himself.

"Oh you think I am doing all this for something, yes I am, I want to know why someone like you is wanted by Shadow, Mr Felix" Connor said with a cunning smile as he stared at Felix who had tensed up.

"How do you know who I am?, do you work for shadow " Felix said coldly as he got ready to attack.

"As I previously said, forgive me for my rudeness, after our encounter in the inn, I sent out a scout to find out your background and was surprised to find out that you were a bookshop owner and it surprised me because a bookshop owner couldn't have such skills so it occurred to me that you were hiding from someone and took up the ruse of a bookshop owner in order to stay hidden but unfortunately you were discovered and now you are being hunted down by them maybe because you stole something from them or you offended someone" Connor said with a mischievous smile as he explained his deductions to Felix whose expression changed after hearing Connor.

"Such accurate deduction even if some points are wrong, to be able to figure out so much from just that information, maybe that's his ability "deduction", if he was on earth, he would be one of the best detectives, now I have to find out if he is an enemy or an ally" Felix thought because he was shocked by what he just heard, was it so easy to figure it out.

"I won't ask again, do you work for shadow?" Felix asked coldly as he tried to act normal even though his heart was beating furiously in his chest.

"No if that's what you want to hear, I actually hate them to the core, they assassinated my mother and since then, they have been arch enemies with my Alexander family since" Connor said and for the first time, he revealed a serious expression.

"Why should I trust you?" Felix asked cautiously but he didn't lower his guard down.

"You shouldn't because I don't trust you but we can go our separate ways or we can be allys, the Alexander family can give you protection once I talk to my grandfather, so are you with me or not?" Connor said with a serious expression as he stepped forward and offered his hand to Felix.

"Okay, I will trust you for now, when do you leave?" Felix asked as he relaxed and also stepped forward to shake his hand.

"Good, we leave in 2 days, you will meet me at the edge of the forest at sunrise" Connor said with a smile then turned around and left with his guard who glanced at Felix before he left.

"Okay but next time, don't send someone to tail me" Felix responded with a smile and also left.

The next morning Felix woke up and started his training and as he was, he felt a cool stream of energy flowing through his body which strengthened his body.


[You have gained 1 point in strength]

Felix received a notification and after thinking for some time, he remembered the beast blood that he drank and it made sense to him because beast blood was used by Espers to strengthen their bodies.

After he had finished his workout session, he rested and took his bath after which he went down and had his breakfast before he returned back to his room to sleep.

Felix woke up in the afternoon refreshed, this was the first time he had a comfortable sleep since he arrived in this world and he knew that he may not get another chance like this again.

"Time to see what's so special about this dagger" Felix said as he took out the ordinary looking dagger he had bought at the weapons shop.

The dagger looked like a normal dagger but immediately he saw it at the shop, his gut told him that it wasn't normal and he always trusted his gut because it had saved him more times than he could count in his former life, his idea was also confirmed when the attendant had explained its origin.

He held the dagger in his hands and suddenly a warm light appeared on the dagger and some information popped up in front of Felix.


[You have used your skill "Analyze"]

Broken magic weapon

Rank: A


This was once a magic weapon but was sealed due to unknown reasons and is now an A rank weapon.

"A magic weapon..." Felix said in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, the former Felix had read about magic weapons, it was said that they were at a rank higher than SSS and we're used by powerful Espers, magic weapons were weapons of mass destruction and even the Wind continent which he was currently in had only one magic weapon and it was kept in the Imperial palace under strict supervision, there were other continents which were inhabited by humans and it was alleged that the light race was the strongest of all because their top expert was an existence that could destroy his current continent easily and they were the main force suppressing the demons.

"What was a magic weapon doing in a E rank beast forest, is there something that is hidden in the forest that made even someone with a magic weapon enter it or was it the magic weapon that was hidden in the forest, there are so many theories about it which I can only confirm when I reach there" Felix said and as he did, his will to get stronger became tougher.

He placed the magic weapon in his storage ring and took out the body of the kreed which he placed on the ground.

"Hmm, why were you following me?" Felix said as he examined the dead body for any clues, he first suspected Shadow but he soon gave up the idea after thinking it through, Shadow was an underground assassination organization but they were also part of the forces protecting the continent but still everything pointed to them then suddenly a thought suddenly entered his mind, he remembered something that the system first said to him, "You need to get stronger fast because a war is coming", it all suddenly made sense to him, it seemed like they also know about the book but how they did, he didn't know so he decided to worry about it later.

After examining the body some more, he beheaded it and took out the body of the guard and poured some of the red powder he had gained from the first assassin on the two bodies and immediately, the bodies all disintegrated them he went back to training which he did for the rest of the day and through that he gained 1 point addition to strength and 2 point addition in speed.

The second day passed in a flash and when the D-day arrived, he got up early and trained then took his bath before returning to his room to get ready.

By sunrise he was already prepared so he left before anyone could see him but he still took some turns and alleys in order to confuse anyone who might be tailing.

When he reached there, he met Connor with other people which he guessed were his friends, they all had a guard with them and Connor had the same guard from which Felix had stolen his ability, they all glanced at him with curious expressions.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting" Felix said to all of them but he was secretly observing them, they were all F+ ranks except for Connor who he couldn't see his rank at all but he didn't mind that, the guards were all E ranks except for Connor's guard who was a E+ rank.

"So you are the one we have been waiting for, take my punch" One of Connors friends stepped up proudly and immediately threw a punch towards Felix who just stood and stared at him with a smile but as the punch was about to hit him, he bended his body to the left and dodged it easily but the proud man who was rushing at him too fast couldn't stop and as he tried to slow down but tripped on a stone and rushed straight ahead and that was when he saw the tree before him and now understood why Felix smiled at him, he crashed into the tree and fell to the ground, when he stood up, his face was swollen like a pig and a picture of his face was imprinted on the tree.

"You, you, how dare you, Fred teach him a lesson him" The proud man shouted to his guard who didn't know what to do because Felix hadn't done anything and he was the one who attacked him first while Felix didn't even touch him so he couldn't do anything to him otherwise it would be bullying and cause him to lose face so he was relieved when Connor stepped up to defend Felix.

"Are you so shameless George, you attacked him first, he didn't even touch you and now you want revenge, you should thank your stars he didn't counterattack or else you would have had worse injuries" Connor said to the proud man with the swollen face who gave a hmmp and turned away but this one sentence shocked the others because Connor never lied about something like this so it made them look at Felix in a new light.

"Hey my name is Frank, nice to meet you" One Connors friends stepped up and offered his hand out to Felix with a smile.

"My name is Felix, nice to meet you" Felix also shook his hand with a smile.

"My name is Red, nice knowing you" Another one of Connors friends with red hair stepped up and shook his hand.

"George, nice to meet you" The last of Connors friends with blue eyes said while he shook his hands and immediately Felix got interested in him because he was almost like him, cold and quiet and it always people like these that turned out to be the strongest.

"Okay now that we have introduced ourselves, we better get going" Connor said with a smile as they all walked over to the guards in charge of the beast forest and handed him, his card.

"Okay, you may go but be careful, there has been some reports about a new rank E Beast king" The guard said respectful as he allowed them into the forest.

Some minutes after they left, 4 grey cloaked and 3 purple cloaked figures appeared and we're asked by the guards to show identification.

"I am sorry for not recognizing you, please forgive me for my blindness" The guard said fearfully with a pale face as he received the card from the leading purple cloaked figure.

"Who were they?" The other guard asked curiously after they had left because he had never seen his partner this scared before

"Have you ever heard of Shadow?" The other guard asked with fear.

In the forest, the cloaked figures could be seen leaping over trees with lightening speed.

"The target has gained the help of the Alexander family but that shouldn't change anything, kill them all and eliminate the target at all costs" The leading purple cloaked figure said in a voice that could send chills down someone's spine as they followed the group.