Killing The D+ rank One Eyed Frost Ape

He was thinking of how to escape when the Ape glanced at his direction with its one eye and immediately he looked into its eye, he lost control over his body and at that same moment, all the monsters rushed towards him.

His camoflague ability was also deactivated so he was clearly visible to the approaching monsters.

This was exactly what he was afraid of, the One Eyed Frost Ape was as skilled in soul attacks as it was in physical attacks and the skill it just used on him was called "Soul Chains" and he knew that it could kill him instantly but it wanted him to be ripped apart by the raging monsters.

"System is there any way that I can escape, I can't move my body" Felix asked the system with a panicked tone.

[There is a way but it isn't available to you at the moment]

"So I am doomed" Felix said and for the first time since he arrived in this world, he showed genuine fear which seemed to please the ape in its own twisted way.

As he watched the approaching monsters, he felt like he could smell death coming for him, he felt like this way of death was worse than his other life's so he tried to remember how he died but found out that he couldn't.

It was at this moment that the first monster was about to pounce on him but at that same moment, a huge fireball flew out from the forest and blasted the monster into pieces then immediately several attacks followed that struck the monsters and killed them.


[System has detected a C rank Offensive ability "Fire Manipulation"]

[Would you like to steal it, it costs 3,200 points]

As Felix gave the affirmative to the system he looked towards the source, he saw a huge group of Espers and leading them was a D+ rank Esper with red hair, he also caught sight of Connor and his friends who revealed a sign of relief after seeing him safe-ish, he heard other system notifications but he was too excited to bother about stealing any abilities.

"Noo, my xp" Felix screamed in his mind as he stared at the monsters which were massacared by the Calvary of Espers, his heart bled as he stared at the huge amount of XP that was being wasted.

"You puny humans shall pay for killing my servants" The One Eyed Frost Ape roared in anger as frost began to gather on his body which formed a huge armor made of ice then it rushed towards the D+ rank Esper.

"Hmm, it seems like you have forgotten your place" The D+ rank Esper said with laughter as flames also gathered on his body to form a flaming armor then he rushed towards the Ape.

When the two opposing forces clashed, they released a huge shockwave which struck both sides and resulted in several deaths but Felix also regained control over his body because it seemed like the ape was too occupied to bother with him.

After regaining control over his body, he immediately moved backwards in order not to get hit by the shockwaves that were being released by the two powerhouses.

After getting to a safe place, he took out his bow again with a smile as he nocked several arrows and slew various monsters in the shadows because in this chaos, it was easier to kill monsters because no one had the leisure of searching for an archer in this confusion.

He killed monster after monster but he soon realized that his levelling speed was too slow so he soon started stealing other people's kills, whenever a monster was about to be killed he would immediately kill it but he was also paying attention to the battle going on between the leaders of the two opposing sides.

The two of them seemed to be evenly matched but if observed carefully, one would see that the D+ rank Esper was actually gaining the upper hand.

After observing the between the two powerhouses for some time he decided to switch to real combat after realizing that he was starting to infuriate the Espers by stealing their kills.

He kept his bow in his storage ring and took out the poison dagger then rushed into battle.

As the battle went on, he gradually gained new battle experience and also started gaining fame because of how he attacked, he would target a F+ rank beast and then attack it's vital points with lightening speed then retreat and trade blows with it and after the poison started kicking in, he would attack it fiercely and kill it.

Felix killed monster after monster and gradually, the monster horde reduced in size until they were almost completely suppressed by the human and before long Felix's body released a terrifying pressure that pressured the F ranks Espers and monsters.


[You have levelled up to level 20 and all stats increased by 1 and you have also gained an additional stat point with 800 system points]

[You have reached the E rank, all stats increased by 10, you have unlocked the lottery feature and gained 10000 system points and the rank of all abilities has been increased by one]

"Wow, he actually broke through in the midst of battle but his aura is so strong" An old E rank Esper said with surprise because he had been a E rank Esper for years but he still felt slightly pressured by Felix, who had just become a E rank Esper.

"So this is how it feels to be a E rank Esper" Felix felt that he was invincible and he could kill a F rank Esper with a single normal punch but when facing the two D rank powerhouses he felt small and feeble but the increase in the ranks of his abilities was simply unexpected.

"Hmm, this Is a treasure trove for those who use it wisely" Felix said with a grin as he activated his camoflague skill and then moved towards the dead body of a E rank Esper.

He moved slowly at first but then increased his speed when he saw that no one had noticed him and when he reached the body, he quickly slipped the storage ring from the dead body's finger.

After stealing the first ring safely, he gained courage and continued stealing more rings until his storage ring was almost full then this time he walked through the chaotic battlefield as he stole monster's bodies and whenever a ring was full, he would take out another one and fill it up with bodies until all of them were full, he was very lucky because no one had noticed that some bodies were gone due to the abundance of bodies.

"Time to absorb some blood" Felix said as he found a safe place and took out a E rank beast's body, he had collected all the bodies for many reasons, one was to sell for money two was to take out their beast cores since he couldn't do that here, three was to use his blood sucking dagger to absorb the beast's blood, four was to use their blood himself and he had many other reasons but at present, he was going to absorb the blood of the beasts with his bloodsucking dagger.

As he was about to absorb the blood of the monster, he suddenly felt a huge wave of cold air wash over him and instantly he felt like his organs were being frozen so he immediately moved back and when he was at a safe distance away from the cold air, he glanced at the ongoing battle between the two powerhouses and was shocked to realize that the One Eyed Frost Ape had slightly gained the upper hand.

"How did this happen?" Felix asked himself in shock but suddenly saw the answer himself, the One Eyed Frost Ape was currently being supplied with energy by the remaining monsters who sacrificed themselves and by now, the power of the One eyed frost ape had risen to the extent that the D+ rank Esper was being suppressed.

"This is bad, if this continues then the captain will be killed and it will be our turn, we have to do something" A E+ rank Esper said after seeing the One Eyed Frost ape's boost in strength.

"What do we do, we are no match for the one eyed frost ape" Another man replied.

"We are no match for it in a one on one fight but together we can defeat it if we work together" Felix said as he came out from the trees with a calm expression.

"Who are you to tell us what to do" A E+ rank Esper said disdain.

"He is the man who was brave enough to stall the beast horde" Connor said with a smile before Felix could say anything.

"I know that I don't have the right to command you but now the only option is to fight or die trying, just think of your families at home because if we don't fight, the One Eyed Frost Ape will kill the captain, kill us then attack the slums and maybe kill everyone there including your families so are you just going to stand here and let your family be wiped out or are you going to fight for your lives and the lives of your family because let me tell you, I don't have any family but I am willing to fight for yours so will you join me or not" Felix said with a brave voice which sounded in the ears of the Espers who were touched by his speech, he didn't have any family but was willing to fight for theirs, even the E+ rank Esper who questioned Felix became embarrassed.

"I will fight with you" A brave man said as he stepped forward and suddenly another voice sounded and another man came forward then another until all the Espers were staring at Felix like their leader and meanwhile, Felix showed a courageous smile but inside he was smiling, in his previous life he had led many operations in which the odds were against them but he had managed to boost the morale of his team so giving an inspirational speech was as easy.

"Okay so do you have a plan?" The E+ rank Esper who had previously questioned Felix asked.

"Yes I do, as you all know, the weakest part of the One Eyed Frost Ape is it's heart but that its weakness is made up with a thick skin which is basically impenetrable by any weapon less than the D+ rank but if we can cause enough damage to its chest enough to create a large enough hole, I can kill it" Felix explained his plan with a smile.

"And how are you going to do that?" A E rank Esper asked.

"Well all you need to know is that I am an archer" Felix said with a mysterious smile as his figure faded away.

"How did he do that, I can't sense him" One of the strongest E+ rank Esper said with shock.


A loud explosion was heard and when they turned, they saw a badly ruffled figure of the D+ rank Esper missing one hand.

"Damn it we wasted too much time, attack" The strongest E+ among them said then rushed towards the One Eyed Frost Ape with the others while conjuring a wind blade which he threw.

"A bunch of ants" The One Eyed Frost Ape said with disdain when the wind blade landed on it and caused nothing but a scratch as it waved it hand at them and suddenly, a huge ice ball flew towards them.

"All Espers with defensive abilities step forward and activate them" The E+ rank leader shouted as he moved backwards and immediately all the Espers with defensive abilities stepped forward and activated them.

As the ice ball approached, different layers of defensive abilities of different abilities appeared, ice walls, earth wall, wind shield and others and when the ice ball hit them, it shattered most of the defense but before it could reach the end, it was destroyed.

"All offensive abilities should be activated and aimed at the chest" The E+ rank leader said after successfully blocking the ice ball then stepped forward with the others and attacked.

In the end even if the the One Eyed Frost Ape was a D+ rank, it wasn't able to block the attacks of at least 50 Espers comprising of F, F+, E, E+ rank and the injured D+ rank without receiving injuries.

The Espers used their skills to the highest and through this, some of them actually managed to level up their skill as they blasted the One eyed frost ape with their best of ability.

The D+ rank Esper had already understood their plans after seeing how they targeted it's chest so after they had seriously injured it's chest area, the D+ rank put his hands together and a wisp of fire appeared which grew until it was the size of a basketball then he merged all the remaining mana in his body into it which caused it to grow brighter and hotter then he threw it at the chest of the ape who had just finished blocking the attacks of the remaining Espers.

The fireball flew at such a fast speed that the One eyetd Frost Ape couldn't block it in time and could only watch as the fireball hit its chest and blasted a huge whole in its chest.

Immediately it was hit in its chest, it flew backwards and crashed into a tree and when it stood up, it's eyes glowed blue as ice slowly spread into its chest and covered it's wound.

"Oh no, the One Eyed Frost Ape had awakened its bloodline even more, this time we are dead for sure" A E+ rank Esper said with fear and despair as he saw the hole seal up.

In the moment of despair, a ray of hope appeared in the form of a arrow covered in lightening with a dagger that radiated a dark light tied to its head which flew towards the One Eyed Frost ape's chest where the hole was almost sealed and struck it's heart.


[You have killed a D+ rank One eyed frost ape with the bloodline of an Ancient Frost Ape and gained 10,000xp and 5000 system points]