I Am The Strongest

"Is this really allowed?" An esper asked with confusion.

"Well since Master Feng hasn't said anything then it means that it is allowed" Another esper replied.

'What the hell is wrong with that person, is he actually doing this, is this even allowed, this is actually my fault, I didn't give a rule stating the least amount that could be increased each time' Master Feng thought.

"350 D rank beast cores and 1 E rank beast core, going once, going twice, gone..." Master Feng said then paused, why didn't the other person bid any higher, he asked himself.

"Congratulations to the VIP guest for obtaining the item at a striking price of 350 D rank beast cores and 1 E rank beast core" Master Feng said with a fake smile.

"You don't need to praise for that much, I really didn't do much, hehehe" Felix said from the VIP room.

'Who said I was praising you, you idiot and what's with the creepy laugh' Master Feng thought to himself.

"How did you know that I would get the item?" Felix asked the system with curiosity.

[Well if you knew who I was before I ended up like this, then you wouldn't ask such a question]

[Judging from the other person's tone, I was able to note that he was also at his last when he paused]

[But then he could also see that you were also at your last so he made an all-out attempt to crush your confidence with the final bid]

[Which would have worked if not for me]

"Hmm, thank for your help anyway but I didn't need it, I would have been fine on my own if you hadn't interrupted me" Felix said with an indifferent expression.


[Even though you have gotten the item, you need to be careful, that person may want to find trouble with you after the auction]

"This next item is an item which will surely grab your attention, it is an elixir which was concocted by a 3 star alchemist, it is called the Heavenly Mana Cleansing Elixir, as its name implies, it cleanses the impurities in our mana making it pure, it is a grade 4 elixir, the bid starts from 200 D rank beast cores, every increase should be at least 20 D rank beast cores" Master Feng said, this elixir was bound to get all their attentions.

"A grade 4 elixir, I have to obtain this item for the tournament, Alice, please send word to my father that a grade 4 elixir is being auctioned so I need some funds" Yu Yan said from within a VIP room.

"What the?, a grade 4 elixir, damn it I didn't bring enough funds, Leonard, did you remember to do what I asked you to?" Cloudcrusher said from the VIP room.

"Yes, Young Master, I have 300 D rank beast cores with me" Leonard said with a respectful tone.

"Good this should be barely enough even when added to my current funds" Cloudcrusher said with relief.

"Young Master Vane, will you be participating in this bidding competition?" A tall man asked a seated figure from within a VIP room.

"Of course, I love fierce competitions, hahahaha" Vane laughed as his eyes burned with fighting spirit.

"Young Master Dominic, these are the beast cores that you asked me to prepare" A muscular man stood behind another muscular man who was seated.

"Good, if I manage to get this elixir then I will surely be able to crush that Felix brat in the tournament, I must get this at all costs" Dominic said with rage.

"This item will surely end up in hands" A red haired man said within a VIP room with a grin.

"Yes it will, Young Master Xander" Another red haired man with a smile said from behind him.

"This will surely be a nice competition to watch, all I need to do is to just sit tight and watch" Felix said with a grin.

[Oh this is going to be nice]

"Let the battle commence" Felix said to himself with a laugh.

"220 D rank beast cores" Cloudcrusher said as the bidding battle began.

"250 D rank beast cores" Xander also said with a grin.

"270 D rank beast cores" Yu Yan said.

"300 D rank beast cores" Vane said as his eyes burned with fierce competitive spirit.

"Wow this is so intense, this is a battle between geniuses, we can only look up to them" An esper said with envy.

"330 D rank beast cores" Dominic said.

"350 D rank beast cores" Yu Yan said as the battle continued.

"Wow the competition is so fierce, I wonder how much I can get from this" Felix said with excitement because at this moment, the bid had reached 500 D rank beast cores but no one wanted to back down.

"550 D rank beast cores" Xander said.

"580 D rank beast cores" Cloudcrusher said almost immediately, he was at his wits end.

"600 D rank beast cores" Vane said.

"700 D rank beast cores" A voice suddenly sounded which caused everyone to be shocked.

"Hmm, that person again so he had this much money, could it be that he was actually planning to buy something else so he left the map for me" Felix said to himself with realization.

"700 at once, ahh this guy is so rich, I feel so alive" Vane said with excitement, he loved competition.

"Damn it, I don't think I can match this guy so I have to drop out of this battle

"750 Drank beast cores" Xander said with furrowed brows.

"This guy is not simple" Xander said to himself.

"800 D rank beast cores" Vane said as he relaxed onto his chair, from the beginning he knew that he wouldn't get it so he had joined the battle for the thrill and now he was dropping out.

"870 D rank beast cores" Xander said as he bid his last, he was betting everything on this like how his family had bet everything on him when they gave him half of their wealth to boost himself for the tournament.

"870 D rank beast cores, going once, going twice..." Master Feng said.

"Yes, yes just a little bit more" Xander said to himself nervously.

"950 D rank beast cores" The voice suddenly sounded again shattering Xander's hopes.

"950 D rank beast cores, going once, going twice, gone, congratulations to the VIP guest for obtaining the elixir for a staggering amount of 950 D rank beast cores" Master Feng said.

"950 D rank beast cores for one elixir, wow, I am rich" Felix said with excitement, he was drunk on happiness right now.

"Now for the next item which is also an elixir called the Mind Cleansing Elixir, as the name says, it cleanses the mind and makes thinking easier, using this elixir will make you feel calm even in difficult situations, the bid starts from 200 D rank beast cores, every increase should be at least 20 D rank beast cores" Master Feng said as another battle commenced, in the end the elixir landed in the hands of Xander at a price of 900 D rank beast cores.

"For the two elixirs, I got 1850 D rank beast cores" Felix said with a huge smile.

"This marks the end of the auction, see you next time" Master Feng said with a bow as he left.

"Master Shadow Walker, the manager would like to see you, please follow me" A servant said respectfully to Felix after the end of the auction.

"Okay lead the way" Felix said to the servant as he was led to the same room where he had met her before.

"Master Shadow Walker, I hope you enjoyed the auction, here is your balance, we subtracted the price of the items you purchased, all of it has been placed in the storage ring, if you have any Elixirs in the future please don't hesitate to come to us, we will purchase it at a suitable price" Manager Xing said with a beautiful smile as she handed Felix a storage ring which he received.

"Thank you and if I have any Elixirs in the future, I will be sure to visit you" Felix said with a smile as he left.

"Send a D+ rank esper skilled in stealth to trail him" Manager Xing said to a servant with a grin.

"Hey take out your storage ring and let me search inside, I am looking for an item" Felix heard an arrogant voice as he exited the auction house.

"Hmm" Felix said as he tried to leave.

"Hey can't you hear me talking to you?" Cloudcrusher said with anger after being ignored

"You beat him up and bring me his storage ring" Cloudcrusher said to the D rank esper standing beside him.

"Hey break your arms and legs and give me your storage ring then maybe I can forgive you" The D rank esper said with arrogance.

"Hahaha, you insolent dog, why don't you go over to your master before you get hurt, a pig like you doesn't deserve to stand in front of me" Felix said ruthlessly as he stared at the D rank esper.

"You dare insult me, hahaha, now you will get it" The D rank esper said with anger as he punched towards Felix who also threw a punch to block it.

"How?, you actually blocked my punch, hmmp, then I will see if you can block 10 of them" The D rank esper said with shock then rushed forward to throw another punch.

"Stop at once, you dare to fight within the vicinity of the Black Hawk Auction House" A loud voice was heard as the aura of a D+ rank suddenly appeared.

"What seems to be the trouble" The D+ rank esper asked.

"Well I was walking peacefully when this crazy ape of a man attacked me" Felix answered the D+ rank esper.

"Ha lies, I accidentally lost an item in the auction house so I 'peacefully' asked this guy to let me look in his storage ring to see if he accidentally picked it up and he refused and attacked me, you can ask everyone around" The D rank esper said with a menacing grin.

"Yes, I would like to act as an eyewitness, I clearly saw this man attacking first" Cloudcrusher said with a righteous expression as he pointed at Felix.

"Hmm, so this man tried to negotiate with you out of good intentions and you attack him, you better get ready for your punishment" The D+ rank esper said with a look of arrogance.

"Who are you to punish me?, hahaha" Felix laughed as he stared at the D+ rank esper.

"Hmmp, I am a 3rd rank city guard, you hear that 3rd rank" The D+ esper said with pride.

"Do you know who I am?" Felix asked with a grin.

"Hahaha, who could you possibly b..." The D+ rank guard said.

"Oh Master Shadow Walker, what seems to be the trouble?" A calm voice said as another D+ rank esper suddenly appeared from the direction of the auction house.

"Mister Crane, do you know this guy?" The D+ rank guard asked with furrowed brows.

"Yes this is Master Shadow Walker, an esteemed guest of our Black Hawk auction house, please could you spare him on our behalf" The D+ rank esper said with a grin.

'So that's their plan' Felix thought to himself with a grin.

"Thanks for your help but I can handle it" Felix said to the D+ rank esper with a smile.

"Will this be enough, get out of my face within 5 seconds or face the consequences" Felix said as he brought out his medallion.

"Rank 4..4 hon..honorary citizen" The D+ rank guard stammered with fear, this was the rank only patriarchs of big families had.

'Wait, VIP guest, Rank 4 honorary citizen, Shadow Walker...Shadow Walker!, don't tell me' The D+ rank guard thought to himself with fear as he connected the dots, he wasn't an idiot, naturally he had heard about what happened at the Scarlet Panther Training Facility and the name 'Shadow Walker' was now famous in the city.

"I am sorry for my previous disrespect, I will leave right now" The D+ rank guard said with fear and respect as he glanced at Cloudcrusher and the D rank esper with anger before leaving.

"As for you, I have no interest in dealing with a bunch of small fry like you, get out of my face" Felix said in an arrogant manner as he glared at the both of them who were sweating furiously, they would be fools if they didn't know what was happening.

"Thank you for sparing us Lord Shadow Walker" The both of them said before they took off.

"Thank you for your help, if not for you I would have gotten my hands dirty" Felix said to the D+ rank esper with a smile.

"Yo... you're welcome" The D+ rank esper said with a forced smile, even he was shocked.

"See you next time" Felix said as his figure faded into nothing.

"Wow, I can't even sense him, this is the power of a Rank 4 honorary citizen" The D+ Rank esper said with admiration before leaving.

"Whew, that was thrilling" Felix said with a sign of relief as he suddenly appeared in an alley in order to not shock people.

"Yeah sure was but unnecessary" A voice sounded behind Felix which shocked him.

"How did you...what are you even doing here James?" Felix asked the source of the voice with suspicion.

"Your time's up, you were supposed to start your training today" James said as he walked over to Felix.

"Oh yeah I forgot, well maybe tomorr.." Felix said but suddenly stopped.


"How did we get here?" Felix asked in shock as he looked at his surroundings, they were now in the E rank beast forest.

"It's called teleportation" James said with a look that said 'isnt it obvious'.

"You teleported us here with a snap of your finger, is this the power of a C rank?" Felix asked with admiration.

"Who said I was a C rank" James said with a grin..

"Then how strong are you?" Felix asked curiously.

"Well let's just say, out of my brothers I am the strongest" James answered with a mysterious grin.