Showcase Of Strength

"That was fast" Felix said with surprise as he arrived at the scene and saw the white cloaked slumped on the ground with a huge hole in his chest.

"Shadow, again" James said with furrowed brows as he observed the corpse.

"So?, you killed him didn't you?" Felix asked as he set a fire.

"You are not getting the point, how did he find us?, I used teleportation so no one saw us enter the beast forest, which would only mean.." James analyzed with furrowed brows and as he came to a conclusion, he glanced at Felix.

"Why are you staring at me?" Felix said as he felt James's stare behind him.

"Stand still for a moment" James said as his eyes glowed with a golden light then after some seconds, it stopped and he had a look of understanding on his face.

"What is it?" Felix asked suspiciously.

"Your soul has been marked" James answered.

"What!, what do you mean my soul has been marked?, am I going to die?, oh shit, I still haven't done so many things" Felix said with panic.

"You are not going to die" James said to calm him.

"Oh that's great, I was star.." Felix said but was interrupted by James's next words which made his legs go cold.

"At least not yet" James said with indifference but then glanced at Felix and saw his terrified expression.

"Wait I mean, um if I wasn't here you would have died but.." James said but was suddenly interrupted by Felix.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better, you are not here okay" Felix said with slight anger as he glared at James.

"Wait, don't worry I am here do you are going to be alright" James said with pride.

"So you are are going to fix this?" Felix asked with hope but the hope was crushed into powder by James next words.

"No, I mean not now" James said then immediately rephrased his words.

"What the hell is wrong with you, are you trying to kill me" Felix said with anger.

"You don't understand, what I mean is that we will use this to our advantage to find out who did this to you" James explained carefully.

"Why didn't you just say that?" Felix asked in annoyance.

"Well I could have but it's fun to see you panic" James answered with a grin.

"Hahaha, very funny" Felix laughed sarcastically as he started preparing their food.

Some minutes later, a tempting aroma appeared that made James lick his lip in hunger.

"Wow this is one of the best meals that I have ever tasted but it certainly doesn't come anywhere near my skills" James said as he ate the roasted meat.

"You sure brag a lot" Felix said with slight annoyance.

"Yeah because I have the strength to back it up" James answered with pride.

"The day is going to come when someone will beat you up" Felix said with a smile.

"There is something I have to tell you" James said as his expression and voice became serious.

'Why the sudden change in countenance' Felix thought to himself.

"There is something you have to know but I can't tell you" James said with seriousness.

"Isn't that what you have been telling me" Felix said with a smile.

"The world isn't as it seems" James said slowly then paused.

"The continent you see is just one of many, many others, the world outside the continent is filled with danger" James continued as Felix listened attentively.

"But to get strong you have to take risks, the people you see around you are not always who they seem to be, at any given time there could be an enemy around you so you have to be extremely cautious" James said as he chewed on a piece of meat.

'Why is he telling me this!' Felix thought to himself.

"I could be your enemy but you could never know so you have to trust your guts, in the upcoming tournament, you will encounter strong enemies that will prove difficult to defeat even after the training you are undertaking but in order to truly be strong, you will have to take these challenges and overcome them, I can't tell you my plan but it involves you gaining the first rank in the tournament" James said as he carefully stressed on each word.

"I want to know why me of all people?" Felix asked with curiosity, this question had been bugging him since he obtained the system.

"That is one of the things I can't tell you but very soon you will understand, in the upcoming tournament, you will encounter a powerful enemy but I believe that after our training, you will defeat him but as for now, we have more visitors which I require you to take care off yourself, when I see that you are in trouble I will step in, take this as a test, bye" James said with a grin as his figure disappeared.

"Damn it, so that's how it feels" Felix said with annoyance as he stood up from his seat while still chewing some meat as he stared into the distance where some figures were approaching.

"Hm so this is where that aroma is coming from" The leading figure said with a grin as he stared at Felix.

"What are you looking at you piece of shit?" One of the figures, a man with a scar that ran across his face asked with disdain.

"Max, show some respect and control your mouth" The leading figure who was a D rank esper said.

"Little brother, may we trouble you to get a part of your dinner, we have been hunting since morning and we are quite famished" The D rank esper said with a respectful tone.

"Well, because of you okay, but your lackey really has to learn to control his mouth, he may end up provoking a powerful enemy who may wipe you out one day" Felix said as he tore off a part of the meat and started eating.

"Arrogant bastard, do you think that just be.." The scarfaced man said but suddenly stopped with fear.

"I told you to watch your mouth dipshit, do it again and I don't mind teaching you a few lessons myself" Felix said as he suddenly appeared in front of the scarfaced man with a dagger to his neck.

'This guy is fast, I didn't even see him move don't, we shouldn't offend him' This was the thought going through the heads of all the men here even the D rank esper.

"Good boy, now better come eat before the food becomes cold" Felix said as he withdrew the dagger from his neck.

"Boss, what do we do?, should we attack?" One of the figures asked.

"No, he is dangerous, I can sense danger coming from him, let's leave" The D rank esper said suspicion.

"Little brother, thanks for your invitation but we have other plans" The D rank esper said respectfully then turned to leave.

"I was actually reluctant to engage you at first but now after seeing your cowardice, all doubt has been cleared" Felix said as he stopped halfway.

"What" The D rank esper said with shock, he didn't expect Felix to challenge him directly.

"What you do is to target someone and act like you are hungry to test the person and if the person shows the smallest bit of fear, you attack and plunder, maybe even kill the person but when I displayed that small showcase of power earlier, I noticed that you backed off even after knowing that I am just an E rank esper which made me come to a conclusion that you don't actually have much power but rely on the fact that you are a D rank esper to bully the weak, how you got to the D rank puzzles me, and so I will do the world a favor and rid it of your existence" Felix said calmly as the expressions of the men changed with each word and at the end, they were pale.

" do you really think that we are afraid of you, three E ranks and one D rank, you will be crushed miserably" The scarfaced man said to Felix as he tried to convince himself rather than intimidate him.

"I warned you before, this is how easy it is to kill you" Felix's voice sounded behind the man as his dagger drew a line across the man's neck which immediately ended his life.

"Who's next" Felix said with a ruthless smile as he spread fear among them, he just created this strategy which he called intimidation kill, he would first spread fear among them thereby intimidating them before killing them.

'This..I was clearly on guard but he still moved without me even seeing his movement, could he actually be suppressing his rank' The D rank esper thought to himself in fear as cold sweat ran down his face.

"You are probably wondering if I suppressed my rank" Felix said with a cold voice as he slowly walked towards them.

'Can he read my mind?' The D rank esper asked himself with shock.

"Now you are asking yourself if I can read your mind" Felix said once again as his words stabbed into the hearts of the D rank esper.

"Can you read my mind?" The D rank esper asked with fear as his hands trembled which he tried to hide.

"No you dumb shit, it's called reverse fucking physchology" Felix said as he leapt towards the D rank esper who was disoriented, he didn't expect Felix to attack him first so he was already making plans to dodge but now that Felix had attacked him, he had no choice but to fight and find the chance to escape because he knew that he couldn't defeat his enemy.

"Hahaha, this kid actually figured it out and here I was thinking he didn't learn anything, this meat is soo good" James said to himself with a laugh as he observed the fight.

'He has probably already decided that he can't defeat me which will reduce his battle power because he will probably be looking for a window to escape.

"Shit, run" The D rank esper's lackeys said as they turned around and ran.

"Shit those bastards" The D rank esper cursed under his breath as he saw the others leaving him behind.

"Don't worry, when I am done with you, I will deal with them, this won't take long, i wouldn't want my meat to get cold" Felix said as he targeted his opponent's mental state.

'His attacks are fierce and calculated, but it seems like he is playing with me' The D rank esper thought with anger as he tried his best to block and dodge Felix's attacks which were all aimed at his vitals.

'Hmm, my stamina is above normal which means that I can make this idiot wear himself out but the others will get away, shit! my meat" Felix shorted in his mind as he glanced at his meat.

"An opening" The D rank esper said to himself with hope as his fist covered in blue mana It'sshot out towards Felix's chest which has been surprisengly left undefended.

"Bad idea" James said to himself as he shook his head while observing the fight and eating meat, he remembered his fight with Felix and how he had used this same trick against him.

"Hehehe" Felix laughed as he suddenly turned to the D rank esper with a cold smile, as the punch was about to connect, he suddenly twisted his body to the left, easily dodging the punch before jumping into the air and delivering a fierce kick to his nape and the force within the kick caused the man's head to hit the ground at an astonishing speed, all of these was done within some seconds.

"Whoa, that was fun" Felix said as he snapped the man's neck with a grin.

'This kid kills without blinking, he has the makings of a true warrior' James thought with a smile.

[You have killed a D rank esper and gained 5000xp and 2500 system points]

"Hmm seems like I will be able to go shopping today" Felix said as he took out his arrow from his dimension ring and nocked 3 arrows then closed his eyes, he them stomped on the branch he was stepping on as his sense spread out in all directions.

"Got you now" Felix said as he drew the arrows which became covered in a golden mana 2hen he discovered the locations of all the men.

"Rest, in, peace" Felix said each word one by one as he released the arrows which flew with lightening speed towards all their targets and within some seconds, sounds of screams could be heard as the arrows struck and successfully killed all the men.

"Shit, my meat!" Felix shouted as he turned to see James devouring the last of the meat.