The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step

"Okay let's head over to the Beast king's lair, there should be some treasure there" Felix said as moved through the forest at a frightening speed.

"Wait a minute, something's not right" Felix said with furrowed brows as he suddenly stopped.

[What is it?]

"I can't quite put my finger on it" Felix said as he observed his surroundings.

[Hmm, yes it does seem like something is not right]

"Damn it, this is so frustrating, It feels like it is important" Felix said with frustration as he punched a tree lightly, causing to break.

[Yeah you are right, we have been moving for some time but you haven't encountered any beast yet]

"Yes that's right, what the hell is going on?, did something happen while I wasn't paying any attention?, yeah I don't give a shit" Felix said with a carefree expression as continued moving forward.

"But still if a treasure has appeared, I will miss out it, maybe I will tag along but if it boring, I can always raid the beast king's lair later" Felix said with a cunning smile as he took out a White Jade medallion and injected his mana in it which caused it to sense the location of the nearby espers.

"Hmm, it seems some of them noticed" Felix said with a grin as he headed in the location where he sensed a large group of espers had gathered.


"Good it seems like some of you have arrived" Damien said with a grin as he observed the crowd that had gathered, most of the top ranked espers were here.

"I knew that it wouldn't take long for some of you to realize that something was wrong and would then make the smart decision of meeting up with the others" Damien said with a thoughtful expression.

"So what do you think is the problem?" Drake asked as he stepped out from the crowd.

"Well, while I was hunting, I suddenly heard a loud howl which caused me to feel a strong pressure and the beast that I was fighting suddenly went in the direction of that location so I followed it because I wanted to see what sort of beast could call a D rank beast and cause me to feel pressure, at first I had already guessed that it was a D+ rank beast but I wasn't sure and my doubt was confirmed when I finally saw that it was the Forest beast king and a C rank beast" Damien said before he stopped and waited for the news to sink in, every single esper who heard it was surprised because this was a beast on the same level as the city lord, how frightening was that.

"It seems like one of us offended the beast king and enraged it causing it to declare an all-out war on us, it has gathered all the beasts in the forest and is preparing them for war" Damien said again after sometime.

"What do we do?, we are clearly no match for the C rank esper not to talk of the thousands of beast which consists of E, E+, D, and D+ ranks, to stay here and wait for them to attack is nothing but stupidity" A very beautiful girl said with furrowed brows, if Felix was here he would recognize her as the girl he had met in the forest, she was the 3rd rank who was skilled in both close and ranged battles.

"Right on point Mulan, but I discovered that the aura of the beast king was somewhat weak for a C rank which would either mean that it was injured or it had just become a C rank recently, both options provide is with an advantage but the second option is more dangerous because even if it is injured, it is still a C rank" Damien replied with a nod.

"That's crazy, our numbers don't add up, we alone can't defeat their army" Xander said as he also spoke his mind.

"Yes so that's why I have sent a distress call to all the espers, they should be here soon" Damien said with a smirk.

"Hahaha, a bunch of fools going to be slaughtered, so which of you is going to fight the beast king, huh? A laugh sounded as a masked figure walked out of the crowd.

"Who the fuck are you?" Feng Shui asked with furrowed brows.

"None of your fucking business" Felix answered arrogantly.

"What did you just say?" Feng Shui asked as he walked towards Felix with battle intent.

"Hoho, someone seems lively today" Felix said with a mocking laugh.

"Feng Shui control yourself, focus on the greater problem, we don't have time to be fighting with each other and you stop causing trouble and introduce yourself" Damien said as he stopped Feng Shui and glared at Felix.

"What if I don't?" Felix taunted as he glared at Damien.

"Then so be it but if you are itching to fight then direct it towards the enemies at hand" Damien answered with a calm expression.

"No thanks you, I would rather not participate in a battle that is bound to be lost, I have better things to do" Felix said with a smirk as he waved his hand.

"So are you trying to disobey the orders of the city lord?, he said to work together in times of danger" Damien said with a righteous expression.

"Oh and did he say to sacrifice the lives of your friends for your own benefit?" Felix asked with a cunning grin.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Damien asked with a glare.

"Oh don't act so surprised, not everyone is as dumb as these idiots, it obvious that there is treasure to be obtained from this but you can't get it alone so you need a distraction, these espers are just Cannon fodder, pawns for your own game" Felix stated bluntly as he sensed killing intent coming from Damien.

"Enough with your bickering, we don't have time for this, if you won't help us then leave, you have no business here" A calm and cold voice sounded as a handsome man with purple hair and eyes walked out.

'This man is strong, hmm, he's right I have no business here, I should probably go back to raiding' Felix thought with furrowed brows.

"Okay, If you insist on throwing away your lives then be guest, don't say I didn't warn you" Felix said with a grin as he left.

"Thanks for sending him away, he was really starting to get on my nerves, do you know who he is?" Damien asked.

"No I don't, but i doubt he is weak" The handsome man said with a thoughtful look.

"Now we just wait for the rest then launch an attack on the beast king to gain the upper hand" Damien said as he jumped into a tree and sat down to rest which caused the others to follow.

Several minutes after Felix left, some espers arrived carrying a one armed Cloudcrusher who looked extremely pitiful.

"What happened to him?" Xander asked with a grin expression.

"It was a masked man who did this to him, he called himself Shadow Walker, he was strong, we could even match him" One of the espers said with fear as he recalled the scene of Felix ripping off Cloudcrusher's arm effortlessly.

"That masked ape, when I get my hands on him, I am gonna tear him apart" Xander said with anger as veins bulged on his head, many people didn't know but Cloudcrusher was his stepbrother and that was the reason why many people didn't dare provoke him.


"This should be the direction, I can't believe some idiot pissed off the beast king after just entering and when I wanted to raid him, well I guess I just have to change my plans, those bats should be protecting some good" Felix said as he headed towards the bat cave.

Several minutes later, he arrived some distance away from the bat cave and activated his camoflague skill before cautiously walking towards it slowly, when facing an enemy with unknown strength it is important to be as careful as possible.

"Huh, was it just my senses acting up, hmm, maybe I was just overreacting" Felix said with furrowed brows as he paused and observed his surroundings before continuing his advance, be had felt like he was being followed but that feeling vanished immediately.

"Huh, now for the real battle" Felix said as he stepped into the cave and vanished.

"Huh, where did he go, I can't sense his presence" A purple haired figure said with surprise as he furrowed his brows, he had been tailing Felix for some time and had seen him gone into camoflague, but due to his special bloodline eyes, he had been able to faintly sense Felix's presence but when he entered the cave, his presence had disappeared entirely.

"Who exactly are you?" The purple haired figure said before turning around and going back.


After stepping into the cave, Felix had appeared in another dimension inside the cave, it was filled darkness but he could barely see what was in here and he was shocked, inside the cave were thousands of bats on the walls, they covered every single inch of the wall and ceiling, he couldn't even count how many there were.

"This might have been a bad idea" Felix said to himself as he turned around to leave.

[Wait, there is a strong aura I am feeling from the cave, you shouldn't turn back, I think there is a unique treasure deeper within this cave]

"Are you mental?, did you see what these bats did to that guy earlier, I can't take on all of them, this is suicide" Felix said to the system with mockery as he turned but what he saw stunned him, there was no exit, he tried to walk forward but walked straight into a wall.

"System, what the fuck is happening?" Felix asked with shock as he tried to calm down.

[Hmm, it seems that the entrance to the cage has been sealed by that unique treasure]

"The fuck did you just say" Felix said as his eye twitches in anger.

[I said you can't get out so you have to find another way out]

"So you have a solution, I knew you were the great and mighty system" Felix praised with hope.

[As much as I would like to feel proud of your praises, the only way out is through the bats]

"I totally forgot how useless you are" Felix said as the system's words shattered his hopes.

[Quit being a bitch and just kill them all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, your journey to be strong begins with facing the impossible]

"Okay, you are right, if these bats want a piece of me, then they should bring it on" Felix said with battle intent as he took a step forward towards the bats, as he did, he accidentally stepped on a stone and crushed it, the noise caused the eyes of some of the bats to open and when they spotted him, they immediately let out a screech which was so loud that it woke all the other bats.



As soon as their eyes opened, they let out a large screeching noise which almost shattered Felix's eardrums as they rushed at him.

"Oh fuck, shit, I was wrong, what was I thinking, I can't kill them all, this is a bad idea, system you piece of shit, look what you made me do" Felix shouted in anger as he watched the bats approaching him.