Flawless Victory

“Are you sure he entered the nightmare mode?” An elder asked with a frown as he questioned the outer disciple who had witnessed Felix entering the nightmare mode.

“Yes, I saw him enter the nightmare mode” The Outer disciple replied with guilt.

“Then it means that he’s most probably dead, there are many geniuses who have attempted the nightmare mode and there are only two who have lived through it, those two are two of if not the most powerful geniuses in the entire sect, their names are the ones written on the board…huh!” The elder said with a shake of his head as he pointed at a large board that had a heading that read Nightmare Mode, two names were shining brightly on the board, they were ‘Zhao Feng’ and ‘Tom Clearwater’ but as soon as he glanced at the board, he saw another name appear on the board which caused his eyebrow to furrow.