Han Family Residence

“Thank you brave warriors for coming here, I appreciate your efforts, I’ve heard a lot about your sect” The Town Head said with a huge smile ushering Felix and his friends to a few seats.

“Thank you Town Head, if you don’t mind, we’ll like to get straight to the point, we’ll be asking a few questions” Felix said with a nod after they had all taken a seat.

“Okay no problem, what questions do you have?” The Town Head replied with a nod, his behavior seemed strange to Felix and his friends who thought that he was acting maybe a little too respectful.

“Um, we wanted to know firstly, why you didn’t hire anyone even after all this started a long time ago” Zhang He asked as Felix took the liberty to look around, his eyes scanning the design of the house, and the guards standing around.

“Oh, that…” The Town Head after hearing the question, suddenly changed and started fidgeting which made Zhang He even more suspicious.