Cunning Plan

"The traitor is him" Felix who had been quiet the whole time got up and pointed at Shi Huang, sensing the hint from Felix, the guards rushed to Shi Huang and aimed their swords at him.

"You!" Bai Wang exclaimed in shock, he had never expected Shi Huang to be the traitor.

"No..this isn't right, Li Qin" Shi Huang stammered in shock, his eyes turning to Li Qin who coldly glared at him.

"Die traitor" Li Qin yelled before leaping toward Shi Huang, a dark mist forming on her fist which she aimed at Shi Huang's head, attempting to kill him but something else happened which Li Qin never expected.


The table was shattered by the attack, by the table were two figures, one was Li Qin whose attack had been nullified and the other was Han Ren who had nullified her attack, behind him was Shi Huang who stood pale with fear, his eyes glued to Li Qin who was also shocked by the conclusion.