Chapter 12

Outside the wall

''It will take a long time to fix things here in xx19? How can that big hole be covered? Because there are monsters coming. The lights become red. Many people are screaming. Noah went out and saw the people running in the opposite direction. When Noah arrived, he saw a group of zombies. A huge wave of zombies was coming in his direction...'this is not a drill. GO to the evacuation center. A hunter who will take care of the zombies. This is not a drill go to the evacuation area'...

Rox came and asked''what is happening here?'',''A huge wave came and the people because we did not know this immediately, many were injured and a large percentage of this area was destroyed.''what happened to the zombies'' she asked,''the rest have been consumed by the hunters and those who were wounded and got bitten are being looked at by other hunters for further examination'', Noah...

In the ROOM 

As you all know, a huge wave came and a huge area of xx19 was destroyed. Now who is assigned to guard the gate? Noah, raise your hand and come to the front ...

Rox raised her hand and said''what is this huge wave of zombies you were talking about earlier?''''zero, it is a group of zombies coming from one direction. We only encountered them twice. 'through that hole, we can't go back to our houses yet.''- ''it happened because of those assigned to guard the gate'',''Don't be noisy, they might hear you'',''why, everything i said true'', 


''You need to pay for your disobedience to the order. All who is higher than the omega must withdraw their rank for negligence in disobeying the order and those who rank below this will not be given 8 months' salary for all the damage. You have all done ''-Noah, ''you can now return to your guarded areas and others to help people whose belongings/houses were damaged and those who lost loved ones''-Noah.


Little by little, the damaged houses started to be repaired and the hole in the gate that was due to the entry of the zombies was also covered. A few more days passed, and the place was fixed and it seems that what happened was a few months ago.