Reo Li, a 24-year-old junkyard scrapper, lives an ordinary life longing for a chance to prove himself as an elite basketball player. Despite his small size, Reo had always dreamed of making it to the big time, but his dreams were never realized in the world he knew. But one day, while working at the junkyard, he stumbled upon a mysterious broken radio. As he fixed it and turned it on, he was suddenly transported to a new world. In this futuristic world, aliens and cyborgs from all over the galaxy come together to share their love for basketball.
Reo awakens to find that he has access to a hologram menu, displaying stats that were similar to an MMORPG, but instead, all the stats were of his basketball skills. Reo quickly realizes that this is his chance to create a name for himself and become the basketball god he had always dreamed of being.
Reo sets out on a journey to prove himself, facing off against fierce competition from all corners of the galaxy. He trains tirelessly, honing his skills and unlocking new abilities with each victory. He befriends other players, forming a team of misfits and underdogs, determined to take on the reigning champions and claim their title.