The Conference

Luke could feel Clarisse’s presence within the imperial palace. There were only ten minutes left before the start of the conference, and Konrard just made it in time before he started blowing up in anger. At the very least, it was a good thing that they’d prepared quite early and there wasn’t much left to do but wait for the conference to officially begin.

“Where the hell were you?” Luke hissed at him, “I was – no fucking way…”

Unintentionally taking a whiff of Konrard’s scent, Luke’s face was a mix of disbelief and wonder. Did his Beta really had the time to mess around at the peak of an important event? Somehow, he was caught off guard and couldn’t find the right words to say.

“Did you…?”

“Honestly, I don’t want to talk about it as well,” Konrard said, spraying a bit of perfume all over his body.