Slavery verse freedom.....

Wanjiru rolled his eyes at her and asked for his bill....

Men Slaves × 320

Grade F

Amount:320 × 5 silver coins

Total: 1,600 silver coins

Women Slaves × 162

Grade F

Amount:162 × 3 silver coins

Total: 486 silver coins

Children Slaves ×24

Grade F

Amount:24× 3 silver coins

Total: 72 silver coins

Children Slaves × 12

Grade E

Amount:12 × 5 silver coins

Total: 60 silver coins

Children Slaves × 16

Grade D

Amount: 16 × 20 silver coins

Total: 320 silver coins

Children Slaves × 7

Grade C

Amount: 7 × 80 silver coins

Total: 560 silver coins

Children Slaves × 1

Grade B

Amount:1 × 150 silver coins

Total: 150 silver coins

"F* damn lucky,a Grade B potential child and seven Grade damn lucky....!"

Wanjiru thought as he looked up to admire his newly to be residents....before adding up the total cost....

"Four thousand and thirty-eight silver coins ain't even a drop in the ocean of what the weapon store earned me today...."

He was about to take out the money when he remembered something.....

"These people will need an extra set of clothes and shoes...."

He looked at the slave merchants besides him and chose to use them.

"How much for the slavery book....?"

He asked the beast woman.

"Thirty-two gold coins and one silver coin....but I will give you a discount of one silver coin...."

She said in a straight face as the other merchants sniffled. Wanjiru sent a cold glare at them before motioning to one of his guards.

"Aah....thank you for the about we add one thousand five hundred sets of common cotton clothes, woollen jackets and shoes...."

The merchants jaws fell....

"This Baron is f*cking rich....who buys extra clothes for their slaves...?"

"Make that five hundred sets per group...."

Wanjiru added as he dripped his blood on the book....

"Yes your Lordship....."

The merchants responded as they left to get the huge order not knowing they only had a few days to live.

Wanjiru had the children come drip their blood on the book first and when the thirty-fifth child dripped his blood,a system notification rang in Wanjiru's mind....


«System Alert:You have gained a hundred slaves...»

Tittle earned: Enslaver{one star} (0/250)

Rewards:>Slavery Book (mid-tier)

>Slave Token


«QUEST: Freedom....»

Release the slaves under you.


Rewards:>Enslaver title removed

>10,000 silver coins

>«Spirit Pill»×10 bottles (low-tier)

Wanjiru looked at the notification and gasped....he quickly pressed on his brand new title.....


One who is feared by the masses for his evil deed of slavery.

Bonus:Ten percent discount on all slaves purchased.

Wanjiru mentally laughed as this title was going to be useful to him for his next phase of the plan.

He checked out the other two rewards and cursed at the first one.....

«Slavery Book» {mid-tier}

Used to replace blood contract slips by slave merchants.


"Damn book...! Did you have to wait for me to spend thirty-two gold coins for you to show up...?

"And what with this usage....that beast woman didn't mention that the 9ne she sold had a limit....."

"I swear if you live longer than three days....then I will castrate myself..."

The guard close to him felt the blood thirsty aura that emanated for a mere millisecond from his Lordship and shivered in fear. His instincts told him to escape but his body refused to obey.

He couldn't run even if he wished to for he was a slave bonded to his Lordship.

Wanjiru had a look at the last reward.....

«Slave Token»

A token of identity among slave raiders and merchants.

Level: one star

Benefits: >Access to the Slave Organization

>Ten percent discount on items bought from the Slave Organization

>Free access to the underground market

"I didn't know there was a slave organization....I must pay them a visit tomorrow...."

Wanjiru ignored the quest for the time being....

"I shall grant them freedom after I establish my village....."

He mumbled to he now watched the women drip a drop of blood on the slavery book.

As each slave dripped their blood,a name would appear on the book.

As the eighty-third man had passed, another system notification rang in his mind....


«System Alert:You have gained two hundred and fifty more slaves...»

Tittle: Enslaver{two stars} (0/500)

Rewards:>Magical Camp Sphere


«QUEST: Freedom....ii»

Release the slaves under you.


Rewards:>Enslaver title removed

>100,000 silver coins

>«Strengthening Pill»×10 bottles (low-tier)

>«Spirit Pill»×10 bottles (mid-tier)

>«Potential Grade Upgrade Potion»×10 bottles (low-tier)

Wanjiru was interested in the slavery reward and so he quickly pressed on it.

«Magical Camp Sphere» {low-tier}

A godly magical artifact that is every Enslaver's wish. It houses a dimensional space of a hundred metres radius. One can fuse their camp in it.

Limit: Can't store living beings.

Wanjiru gasped as he read the rewards magical benefits....

"Such an overpowered I don't need to build a camp as I move..."

He thought as he checked out the rewards for the quest,he saw that the level of spirit pills had increased to mid-tier and that two more rewards were added.

His greed took over as he deduced that if he could hit five hundred more slave margin,the rewards would be doubled.

"I only need a hundred and sixty-three more slaves....."

Wanjiru thought as he did the math.....

"Since I have the money..."

He shrugged and when the last man was done....he turned towards the beast woman who had returned holding three spatial poaches.

"Get me a hundred and sixty-three more men...."

He heard the gasps from both the merchants and slave.....

"Actually....make that two hundred and all should be Grade C...."

The merchant looked at him before conversing among themselves....

An hour and half later....two hundred Grade C men were brought before him,most had been brought over from the other two cities.

They had all being cleaned, clothed and fed.

"Each man will cost you five hundred silver coins...."

The beast ready said....her cold tone was long gone....

"And we also brought more sets of clothes for them....."

She added a she showed him an extra spatial poach.


Wanjiru didn't care about the money since he would be making a hundred fold of what he will be spending after granting freedom to these slaves.