Take him out....

Under the cover of darkness among the shadows,three men clad in black hooded cloaks advanced towards the backdoor of Overlord Equipment Shop. They were fast like the wind,thanks to their stage three level nine cultivation.


"Yes my Lord..."

"Take him out...."

Wanjiru gave his orders for the two guards at the shop's backdoor to be dealt with.

The unfortunate guards didn't even know what hit them as their headless bodies fell. Sinako had utilized all his strength to charge forward and decapitate the two unlucky fellows before returning to his original position behind his Lordship.

"This guy is ruthless..."

Wanjiru thought as he lead the two into the shop. The shop was dimly lit and it seemed that there was nobody guarding in the inside.

Wanjiru left the two men outside the back office door to stand guard as he walked in and headed for the hidden trap door that led to the secret meeting room in the shop's basement.

The room was dark but it didn't bother him,he activated his skill,{Moon's Blessing},and everything appeared in grey around him.It was a night vision skill that he had obtained early.

He headed for the hidden safe and pushing Bach the portrait,he opened it.

The number of spatial rings in it amazed him.There were more than twenty of them and several more spatial poaches. He took everything before leaving the basement.

"Who would have thought that I will make such a gain today..."

Outside the back office,he had Sinako and Max steal all the equipment on display as he broke into the storage room....

It only took the three men ten minutes to clean up the place before leaving as fast as they had arrived.

The guards at the Overlord Equipment Shop were stunned when they saw the silhouette of what they assumed to be a man materialize from the shadow before hurling an object at them.

They quickly evaded and were about to give chase when they caught a glimpse of what the object was.

It was the head of the old man who managed the Overlord Equipment Shop.They minds blanked out for a minute.

When they looked up,the silhouette had long disappeared into the distant darkness.

Back in the guild headquarters, Wanjiru waited for Sinako to turn in the quest. A couple of seconds later,Wanjiru received the string of system notifications he had been waiting for....


«System notification: The SSS Grade mission...{Overlord Break-in}...has been completed.....»


«System notification:Analyzing rewards for the completion of the SSS Grade mission...{Overlord Break-in}....»


«System notification: Error!!!!»

«There are no {Potential Grade Upgrade Potion} in the guild storage for mission reward....»


«System notification: Stock three {Potential Grade Upgrade Potion} in the guild storage for mission reward....»

"How damn of me...."

Wanjiru rebuked himself as he transfered three bottles of {Potential Grade Upgrade Potion} in the guild's storage.

When he was done, a system notification rang in his mind....


«System notification:Analyzing rewards for the completion of the SSS Grade mission...{Overlord Break-in}.....»


«Analysis complete...»

Mission: Overlord Break-in


Completion Grade: SSS+{You stole every equipment and murdered the shop's manager and two guards.}

Party Leader: Sinako

Party Members: Max, Baron Wanjiru.

Guild Experience Points: 12,000

Guild Contribution Points: >Sinako {Party Leader}:150

>Max{Party Member}:100

>Baron Wanjiru {Party Member}:100

Mission Reward: {Potential Grade Upgrade Potion} ×3

The wooden guild tokens hanging on both sides of Sinako and Max lit up for a second. They both infused their Qi in them and looked at Wanjiru pleadingly. Both knew how expensive the {Potential Grade Upgrade Potion} was. They had thought that the Lord only put them there as to increase the guild experience points they would gain after completing the mission,and would later take them back.

Sensing their pitiful gazes, Wanjiru looked up....

"You two earned the potions..."

Sinako and the slave guard Max,went on their knee and sincerely thanked Wanjiru. They knew that the quest they did, even though it had a high risk factor,it was not the {Potential Grade Upgrade Potion}.

Wanjiru had them stand before accessing the guild status panel....

{Guild Status Panel}

«Heavens Guild»

Guild Level: 2(2,000/20,000GC)

Capacity: 100(3/100)

Guild leader: Baron Wanjiru

1st Guild vice-leader: None

2nd Guild vice-leader: None

Elders:0{Click Here}

Members: 0{Click Here}

Mission:0{Click Here}

Warehouse:{Click Here}

Earnings: 0 gold coins :0 silver coins:0 copper coins

Fame: 5

Tittles: None

Achievement: None

He clicked on the guild elders icon as he planned on making Funij an elder,for unlike him who received his bottle of {Potential Grade Upgrade Potion} directly in his system inventory,Sinako and Max had to pick it up from the elder in charge of the Guild Warehouse.

He received a system notification,but before he could pay it a glance,he sent Max to summon Funij.


{Guild Status Panel}


Current:0 {Click Here}


"First things first...."

He ignored elder notification and selected the members icon. He first needed to make Funij a member.


{Guild Status Panel}


Current:3 {Click Here}


He selected on {Invite}....


«System notification: Select number of tokens to produce....»

He chose one....and a second later,one wooden guild tokens with the name {Heavens Clan Guild}, inscribed on it appeared on his palm.

The only difference between this one and the previous two that he had handed over to Sinako and the slave guard Max,was the single star drawn at the back.

He had learnt from the forum that guilds only had twelve levels. The guild tokens would change to iron when three stars appeared on it,and that was after achieving level three.

At level six,the guild token will be made of bronze and would only transform at level nine to a silver one. It was said that upgrading to a gold token was practically impossible since the current base cultivation of players was far too low to undertake the high end missions.

He waited for Funij to arrive....

"What's taking them long...."

As he was about to call out for Sinako to go check why they were taking forever even though just a minute had passed,he had a knock on his door.

"Come in..."

Funij walked in and bowed....

"You sent for me my Lord...."

Wanjiru just nodded and handed him the wooden guild tokens...

Seeing the wooden guild token being handed to him,he quickly received it and infused his Qi in it.

The system notifications that he had been waiting for rang in his mind a couple of seconds later....


«System notification: Funij has joined {Heavens Clan Guild}....»