Jang Dae Hyun stared blankly at the window, he took a peak at the time and it was time for him to get ready for his date. He took his bath in his luxurious bathroom and started dressing up, he picked up a white long sleeve well ironed shirt and black pants from his neatly arranged closet, everything about him was organized and neatly done. 기쁨

He put on his clothes and arranged his black silky hair neatly then finally put on his glasses. He was a thirty five year old, seven foot tall, lean muscular man and his facial features were just breath taking, he had dark thick brows and small grey eyes with thick long dark lashes, his long nose sculpted perfectly on his face and red full lips hiding perfectly white teeth, he was gorgeous but he always wore a poker face.

He put on his expensive cologne, took his car keys and set out to leave his expensively furnished apartment.

He arrived at a restaurant and went in, he sat on his reserved table, he hated been late and was twenty minutes early. He sat there with a straight face, waiting patiently for his date.

About half an hour later, he saw a tall, slender elegant lady walking towards him, she was wearing a smile and he returned it revealing his perfect white teeth that almost looked fake.

She got closer and he stood up to pull her seat out for her like a gentleman and the woman was indeed shocked by his politeness. She admired how breathtaking he looked while she spoke.

"its nice to finally meet you, its been so nice chatting with you." She said in her most lady like manner as he took his seat. Dae Hyun looked up at her and nodded slightly giving her a sweet smile.

"Me too. Na Ri is a really nice name." He complimented, making Na Ri blush.

"Ahh...Thank you, Dae Hyun is a manly name too, I like it." She said and he smiled. He called for the waiter and they both ordered.

"So..How old are you?" Dae Hyun asked.

"thirty three. You?"

"I'm thirty five." He said.

"Lets go to your place...if you don't mind." Na Ri said, Dae Hyun looked up at her as if reading her mind. "We've been talking for some time now and I've been so excited to meet you and get to know you more." She said batting her eyelashes, he shook his head in agreement and stood up elegantly.

"Lets go then." He said and she followed behind him, he opened the car door for her like a gentleman making her wonder if gentlemen like him still existed, he got in the driver's seat and twenty minutes later, the car came to a halt in front of a two storeyed luxurious house.

It was a grey coloured, plain but classy house with some parts made of glass. They entered the house and Na Ri was perplexed to see his place so organized.

"Your house is nice." She complimented as they walked towards the living room. He gave her a small black box and she took it in awe, she opened it and saw an expensive ruby ring inside, her eyes shone widely and she gasped.

"Oh this mine?" She asked rhetorically and he nodded smiling at her reaction.

"Yes, I just thought since it's the first time meeting, I should give you a gift." He said charmingly making her eyes bright with joy.

"Its beautiful, thank you." She said as she hugged him lightly. He took the ring and slipped it on her middle finger. She smiled shyly and then wrapped her hands around his neck and whispered in his ear "I'm curious to know what your bedroom looks like." Dae Hyun smirked sarcastically.

"I'll show you."

They reached the bedroom and within a second they started taking off their clothes, Na Ri tried to kiss him but he pulled away and pushed her on the massive bed, only her panties were on while he had taken everything off. "Eat me." she ordered and Dae Hyun took her panties off and separated her legs, he sucked her and she let out a moan as she pulled his head closer.

Na Ri moaned loudly as he fucked her hard, but she wondered why he didn't ejaculate, his body was glorious and she had never felt this kind of pleasure before.

The sex was over and Na Ri hugged him on the bed "You were amazing..." Dae Hyun got up abruptly from the bed stopping her from completing her sentence and she watched as he put on his clothes.

"What's wrong?" She asked thinking she had done something wrong as she sat up and pulled the covers over her body. Dae Hyun directed his gaze towards her, they were cold and hard, different from the way he had looked at her earlier.

He went towards her and dragged her harshly from the bed naked, she let out a shrill cry and he suddenly punched her hard on her face with his muscular hand to unconsciousness.

Dae Hyun carried her on his shoulder effortlessly and went downstairs, he opened a door revealing stairs to a basement which he went through,it was neat and fluorescent lights brightened the room, there were different tools and equipments inside and a table with straps which he placed her on and then tied her up, he picked up a hammer and swung it around playfully while waiting for her to regain consciousness.

He prepared a body bag and put on a plastic apron and a hand glove, he wore a face mask and then waited around in boredom.

Few minutes later, she woke up groaning in pain from been hit on the head, she realised she was been tied on a table.

"Dae Hyun what are you doing?" She sobbed in fear. He turned towards her giving her a cold, expressionless glare. He completely ignored her and opened a box, bringing out a small knife, on seeing this, she immediately screamed in fear.

" don't kill me...I'm sorry.. please.." Her voice trembled in fear as tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. 'He was a fucking maniac!' she thought as he came towards her with the knife.

He gave a sadistic smile as he took her finger where he had slipped the ruby ring earlier on and with a swift movement he chopped it off, her blood jetted out of her finger and she screamed in immense pain, her eyes reddened, and she shook restlessly on the table. Dae Hyun took her cut off finger and put it in a small black box, she watched him and she was scared to her bones, she couldn't believe she was fooled by his charming act but in reality he was just another psychopath, she sobbed while she pleaded for him not to kill her but he taped her mouth shut and collected a hammer which made her eyes go wide with extreme fear and shock.

He hovered the hammer above her and then slammed it on her leg, blood gushed out from her smashed leg and her vein popped while her scream was muffled and the pain was extreme, tears ran down her eyes like river and Dae Hyun held his gaze with hers, her eyes pleading with him not to kill her but he let out a short sarcastic laugh clearly feeling euphoria.

He slammed the hammer on her legs and then went upwards, he slammed it on her chest making her cough up blood and then slammed her head till her brain melted. He smashed her whole body continuously with so much force it turned to a bloody mush. blood splashed on his face.

"Shit!" He cursed as he cleaned his face fervently. He put whatever remained of Na Ri into a body bag and started cleaning the whole place up till every spot was thoroughly clean.

He took her belongings and burned them in the incinerator in the room he killed her, then he burned the blankets too where her DNA was most likely to be. He got rid of the evidence and deleted his account in the dating app he had chatted her from.

He took the body bag and put it in the boot of his car making sure no one saw him, he drove to a lake and threw the body into it and then drove out.

He took a shower and lay on his massive bed, thinking of his next kill and a creative way to back it up. He smiled maniacally and closed his eyes to sleep.

The next day, he anonymously sent the small black box he had put her finger inside to her family with a note saying

'Na Ri has beautiful fingers, take care of it.'

Dae Hyun got ready for work as usual, few days after his latest kill, he worked as a managing director in a manufacturing company. He arrived at work and went in the building, while the ladies fawned over him which he completely ignored.

As usual he had a blank face on, he was going to his office when he saw the news and pushed his glasses a little. The news was talking about his latest murder of Na Ri, they had finally found her body and even the forensics were shocked by what they saw.

"Psychos everywhere huh?" Chan Yeol his minor said as he watched the news beside him.

" Yes..I hope they catch the culprit." He said with an innocent look and left without waiting for Chan Yeol's reply. Immediately he entered his office, a wicked grin appeared on his face 'who'd be the lucky one next?' He thought sadistically.