Chan Yeol's parents received a delivery with a letter beside it, they read the letter first,

'The beauty of your son's eyes are in your hands, you'll appreciate it more and if you don't it'll be a real shame'

They were confused by the letter and decided to open the black box which was delivered to them. Their mouths fell open in horror when the saw a pair of bloody brown eyes inside the box.


Some days after his latest murder, he got ready for work in his stylish black suit looking gorgeous as always.

He arrived at his workplace and caught So Ra staring at him with a pained expression and he immediately knew why, it was because he had stood her up on the night they were supposed to get a drink together, he just wasn't in the mood so he didn't go but of course he lied that he wasn't feeling too well and promised to make it up to her.

He saw the workers in groups talking about Chan Yeol's death. 'it seemed like they had found his body' he thought as he continued walking. Technically they never declared a person dead till their body was found.

"I heard that he was chopped in pieces." A lady said, her face twisted in disgust while the other employees gasped in shock.

"They said its the psycho that gives his victims loved ones a part of their body, so sick!" Another lady added with the same expression on her face.

"If he can deliver things to them why can't they find him? is he a ghost?" Mr park added and they all nodded in agreement.

"He should be very smart if they can't find him and it makes him more dangerous aish!" The first lady said in horror. Dae Hyun walked up to them pretending as if he over heard with an oblivious look on his face.

"What happened?" He asked with creased brows in pure curiosity.

"Chan Yeol is dead, he got killed by that anonymous gift psycho." So Ra said and his expression turned into a shock filled one. 'so they had given him a name already' he thought with a mental smirk.

"He was so young and had a lot to achieve, what a shame." He said with slightly lowered head and a devastated sorry look on his face.

"His burial is next week." So Ra said.

"You don't have to ask I'll definitely come." He said with the most genuine expression.

"That's nice, you've been busy but you're sacrificing your time." Ha Na chipped in, she just couldn't bare to see Dae Hyun and So Ra having a conversation.

"Chan Yeol lost his life, its the least I could do for him." He said politely and the lady grinned widely.

"I'll get going now." He said and walked away to his office while the girls swooned over him.

"Isn't he just gorgeous, he's tall, good looking, muscular and a gentleman." Ha Na sighed dreamily.

"Hey! You just lost a coworker how can you entertain such thoughts?" Mr park yelled at her making her jerk.

"Why are you yelling at me? I didn't kill him so why cant I think of getting married?" She yelled back and their bickering continued for some time.

Dae Hyun had a one on one interview with an applicant to be his secretary which he was the director of, he got ready for the interview and ordered the applicant to come in.

A young lady with shoulder length brown hair and delicate pretty features walked in, she had large doe grey eyes and a small nose which seated perfectly on her face and small full pink lips, she was of average height and had a slim curvy body.

He never entertained dirty thoughts about women because he never felt interested in them since he was dead inside, so her beauty didn't flatter him.

"Hello sir." She greeted bowing her head lightly, her facial expression spoke of seriousness and he was a bit surprised that she didn't look at him lustfully like other women normally would when they met him. He motioned for her to seat opposite him as he brought out her CV and other files.

"Your name is Cha Min Hye and you're 28 years old..." Then he stopped and glanced at her before he continued "...You're pretty young." He complimented but her serious facial expression didn't falter.

"You worked in a Bio tech company, that's a well paid job..Why did you leave?" He asked and she glanced at his eyes not holding her gaze for more than a second before saying,

"Sexual harassment...I really hope it'll be different here." She said.

" Don't worry about that, I'm a very professional person." He assured her then looked down at her file again. " You are overly qualified for this job, you got three degrees from the university, masters, doctorate and PhD. Impressive." He said but his stoic expression made him look far from impressed.

Min Hye wondered how he could be so stiff, he was different from the annoying men she had come across, he went straight to the point and didn't even glance at her body once unlike the other men who would look like hungry dogs when they saw her, she was glad at least she wouldn't try so hard to avoid him.

"You got the job." He said without wasting too much time, he expected her expression to change but it was the same expressionless face she had on.

"Thank you, I'll work hard." She said with a flat tone as she continued "When can I start?" she asked, she was eager to start work because she hated been idle and nothing to do to keep her busy.

"Next week." He replied.

"Can't I start tomorrow instead?" She said with a determined look in her expressionless face and for a second, he wondered about her.

"Yes." He said and she bowed and left. Immediately she left, So Ra came in, he rolled his eyes mentally.

"Hi, didn't mean to disturb but I just saw your new secretary." She said and he looked up at her jealousy filled eyes.

"So what? Am I not allowed to have a secretary?" He asked blankly.

"No, I was just...curious, did you accept her?" She asked curiously while waiting for his reply.

"Yes, she's perfect for a secretary, any problem with that?" He asked.

"No...Its just that when I applied as your secretary three years ago you rejected me even though I was qualified." She complained and Dae Hyun grew so tired of hearing her speak.

"Ahh I'm sorry I must have not liked you then." He said with a charming smile on his face. Her eyes gleamed at his words.

" me now?" She asked meekly while a red tinge slowly crept up to her cheeks.

"Yes and about our drink... Lets have it next week huh?" He said eager to chase her out of his office., she was really getting on his nerves evading his space like that.

"Really? That'll be nice." She said happily almost jumping in excitement.

"Yes but I'm busy now, lets talk later." He said in a sweet tone and she nodded with a smiling face as she exited his office. His smile dropped and wore a dark expression.


Min Hye exiting the company, could feel eyes on her and she hated it, she hated when people gawked at her or talked to her because she enjoyed her alone time and never really felt comfortable socialising with people thanks to her Asperger's syndrome.

Ever since she was a child and had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome,her parents had tried to do everything to make her socialise with people more and to be less weird but she just felt weirder. They especially tried to make her learn how to use emotions that she wasn't born with but she didn't need them anyways her parents did. Growing up in a normal world had been hard for her and she just ignored everything and everyone instead, making herself busy all the time to forget about the world.

Her life became a nightmare when one day, their house was been robbed and in the middle of it, she was almost raped but she got hold of her Father's iron sculpture that looked like a sword and pierced it into the robber's head, her parents were horrified by her act but she felt the opposite, she felt euphoria. She wasn't charged with murder since she was only 15 and it was recorded as an act of self defence. Her parents sent her abroad till she was done with school just to avoid seeing her face and she eventually did not show her face to them ever again. She didn't feel hurt or pained by them mentally and emotionally abandoning her because she just didn't care about what the thought about her anymore, they were supposed to love her for who she was no matter how different she was but they hated her for what she was, moreover they never even searched for her after losing contact with her and unaware of her whereabouts.

She arrived at her house in a taxi, she couldn't drive because she didn't feel the need to. She unlocked the door to her medium sized apartment, it was plain and neat, everything was white, her favourite colour. Her house had different natural art paintings hanging on her wall, she had weird tastes for a lady but didn't care, she never cared about what anyone thought about her, they weren't relevant to her. She got into her room, took her bath and ate a healthy dinner.


Dae Hyun lay on his bed and let his mind wander to the mysterious lady who got her interview, her personality was so blank and her emotionless eyes made him wonder if she was just like him.

He was indeed intrigued by her.