Dae Hyun slowly entered the storage room eyeing the whole place wondering where she could probably hide until his eyes fell on a tall dusty cupboard, his lips turned up.

He slowly left the room and locked the door to prevent her from coming out, he picked up a crowbar sitting at one corner of the bar like it was placed there for him, 'just perfect' he thought, as he picked it up and swung it around playfully.

The terrified girl hiding behind the cupboard peeked through a hole in the cupboard and was surprised to see the murderous man retreating. She wondered if he spared her life.

With shaky breaths, she came out of the cupboard very slowly, her body trembling with fear, she couldn't get the horrific image of her mother's dead body out of her mind, she felt nauseous as tears ran down her face like waterfall.

Dae Hyun suddenly barged into the storage room with the crowbar in his hand, the girl's blood froze in pure fear as she stared at the weapon in his hand, while Dae Hyun followed her eye movement to the crowbar before staring into her reddened eyes. He watched her tremble as she took a step backwards instinctively.

"I promise I won't kill you if you're been obedient." He said with a blank face as he turned on the light and sat near the exit door with nowhere for her to escape to.

The girl wondered if he was honest and really won't kill her if she obediently did what he asked, but what if he tried to rape her? She became even more afraid than before as she instinctively pulled her skirt to cover her legs properly, Dae Hyun watching her movements smirked sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I don't fuck kids, I'm a very modest person." She was taken aback by his words, even though he wouldn't rape her, she had a feeling that he wouldn't just let her go which made her blood curdle.

She had thought about defending herself but with the man's height and built body, it didn't seem like a good idea at the moment because he could easily over power her since she was only less than five foot tall and her body frame was quite small, so all odds were against her.

Dae Hyun stared at her with a cold expressionless face, he could feel her fear and he loved the feeling, it was simply a fascinating feeling to him.

"P...please kill me." She pleaded with shaky voice as she rubbed her palms together.

"Sit!" He ordered and motioned her to sit next to him, she did as he asked shivering in fear as she sat next to him stealing a glance at the crowbar in his hand every second. Dae Hyun caught her eye movement and he raised it up in view making her flinch back startled.

"Ahh..This, you don't have to worry about it." He said, his grey eyes were so calm but dark.

" killed her.." She trailed off with choked words as hot tears ran down her chubby cheeks.

Dae Hyun sat forward as he lowered his head a little, his face hidden away from her and she thought he maybe felt remorse for his actions, but when he raised his head up to her sight, his eyes were gleaming with darkness and his face was void of emotion, not a single hint of remorse was visible on his face and she felt her blood turn cold.

"That's what happens when you don't keep your mouth shut." His voice was cold and hard.

" you wouldn't kill me if I obeyed you. W..What do you w..want from me?" Her Lips trembled as she spoke.

"Just sit there and be scared." He replied and she trembled even more, now that she thought about it, she remembered her mother talking about the anonymous gift killer with the police.

"You...A..are you the ano..nymous gift ki..killer?" She stuttered as she prayed she wouldn't be his next victim.

"I told you to just sit there and be scared but you disobeyed." He said with a terrifying grin on his face. Her heart paced faster in her chest and her body trembled more than before as she saw his eyes gleam with dark excitement. She knew he was going to kill her as he stood up taking the crowbar in his hand, she felt like he had done this a thousand times because there was not a single hint of emotion visible on his face.

"Please..d..don't ki..ll me..." She pleaded as she slumped on the floor, tears flooding from her eyes, that would move any soul but his cold emotionless eyes gleamed darkly, eager to take her life. He glanced at the time on his watch, he was having fun but it was well past midnight and he had to end his sick fun quickly.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Her question made a terrifying short laugh escape his lips as he squatted down.

"You all ask the same question, why? Is it human instincts?" He asked thoughtfully, his voice was low and calm, it was like he feared nothing.

"I p..promise I won't te..tell anyone just spare me." She pleaded eager for her fragile life to be spared, she was sweating profusely in fear.

"Really?" He asked curiously and she nodded fervently.

"Yes, I p..promise. I swear with my life, ple..please." She pleaded, thinking he would maybe spare her if she promised not to tell anyone his identity.

"OK, you can leave, but don't forget to keep your promise." He said with a genuine expression and relief hit her as she stood up with shaking legs and headed for the door.

"T..thank you." She said bowing deeply. She headed for the door and was about to twist the door knob when....

Dae Hyun watched her hurry to the door, he gripped hold of the Crowbar and slammed it hard on her head, the effect made her skull crack while blood flowed out of it immensely and soon she was lying in a pool of her blood on the floor. Her fingers twitched as her eyeelids opened faintly. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched the maniac stare down at her with a heartless expression.

"Pl..ease do..not kill me.." Her small voice could barely be heard and it was the last thing she said before he collided the crowbar mercilessly on her skull, over and over again till her head barely had any remains, she was barely recognizable as the same cheerful high school girl she had been hours ago. He looked down at her bloody messed up remains and grinned satisfyingly.

He cleared any evidence that would incriminate him, not that there was any since he calculated his steps carefully. He got inside his car that he had left some blocks away from the bar and zoomed off.

Dae Hyun took off his blood stained clothes and went into the shower, he cleaned up for a long time because the kid's blood had gotten on him, he watched the water wash the blood away from his body and the water turned a pinkish red tinge as it flowed into the drainage.

He lay on his bed as he thought about Min Hye, his intriguing secretary, they were different but alike which made her even more unique and he found himself getting drawn to her in ways he never thought was possible.


Min Hye was feeling a bit down that Dae Hyun had postponed their dinner when she was looking forward to it but she let it slip from her mind. She noticed how he postponed their dinner because he suddenly had urgent things to do after the police visited and wondered if it was linked in any way. She had her suspicions but weirdly, she didn't care at all.