Min Hye was getting ready for dinner with Dae Hyun, she had never thought of dressing up to impress a man or anyone in particular but she found herself digging through her closet to find something nice, all her clothes were mostly work clothes and the colours didn't help since she hated bright colours.

She finally picked an outfit of a fitted cream coloured blazer with a white shirt on and a cream colored skirt, wearing a white stiletto heel, she tied her hair in a ponytail, her face was makeup free since she hated make up but she looked beautiful anyway.


Dae Hyun drove to her apartment, wearing a simple white long sleeve shirt over black pants, he came out of his car and walked over to her doorstep and rang the doorbell. Min Hye knew who it was and she felt a smile design her face.

She opened the door to be greeted by Dae Hyun's handsome smiling face as he towered above her, she felt attracted to his built physical nature and tall height, his clothes were simple but he still looked gorgeous to her.

"You look nice." He complimented but she wasn't good with compliments so she just nodded with her regular facial expression.

"Lets get going then." She said as she walked to the car.

They were driving in silence when Dae Hyun finally broke it.

"When last did you eat a home cooked meal?" Dae Hyun asked and she was a bit taken aback by the question. She averted her gaze to his face.

"I don't remember." She said stiffly.

"Do you want to eat a good home cooked meal then?" He asked. Her long lashes fluttered in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Do you mind me cooking for you?" He asked innocently.

"Why?" Her question was short and firm. She wondered why he would waste his time and energy to cook for her.

"Because you haven't eaten a home cooked meal in a while." He said with a genuine expression.

"So you're taking me to your house just to cook for me." She stated.

"Yes, do you have a problem with me cooking?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"No..its just...sudden..." She trailed off and didn't say another word. She knew he was a dangerous man but his dangerousness attracted her and she couldn't help it but feel like he was not a danger to her, moreover, she was eager to know what his space looked like.

They arrived at Dae Hyun's apartment and she found it similar to hers, not too much or too little. The design was plain but classy, she liked it already. She followed after Dae Hyun who led her to the living room.

"Do you want a drink? Wine?" He asked politely with an innocent expression on his face as he adjusted his glasses.

"Wine sounds good." She said as she closely studied him, maybe she might eventually get to know more about him and unravel this mysterious gorgeous man. She watched him walk to the fancy bar built at one corner of the house near the kitchen, he took an expensive wine along with two glasses and walked towards her, giving her one of the glasses that she slowly took. He opened the bottle of wine and poured it in both their glasses as he sat next to her.

"Cheers." He said with a smiling face as they clinked glasses.

"It tastes...really good." She said as she savoured the expensive wine coating her tongue and Dae Hyun watched her pleased face, that made her expression soften and she immediately became even more alluring in his eyes than before. Min Hye caught him staring and he immediately averted his gaze as he adjusted his glasses.

"Did you bring me to your house to sleep with me?" She asked, her face was calm but blank.

"What?!" Dae Hyun's brows were raised at her in question.

"I really don't want to have sex right now, I'm not in the mood." She said as she averted her gaze to the window. She didn't show it but Dae Hyun knew how flustered she was as she smoothed her hands over her skirt, he saw how uncomfortable she was been at that moment.

"You got it wrong, I just want to cook for you." He said, his eyes were so innocent and genuine that she couldn't doubt him even if she wanted to. She just nodded.

"I'll start cooking now, what do you want to eat?" He asked as he stood up. Min Hye was truly flustered at his gesture to cook for her, she couldn't even remember the last time she had a home cooked meal, mostly because she couldn't cook and there was no one to cook for her.

"You'll make whatever I want?" She asked with slightly widened eyes and raised brows. He gave her his sweetest smile revealing his perfectly white teeth as he replied,

"Yes, it seems like no one's cooked for you in a while." He could tell from her reaction.

"I'll like to eat Tteok galbi." She said ignoring his statement.

"OK, I won't take long." He said and disappeared into the kitchen. Min Hye was tempted to watch him cook but she resisted the urge and instead took a tour round the house but she didn't go upstairs where his room was. Dae Hyun watched her intently from the kitchen as she got engulfed in her tour, staring at unusual paintings or artifacts he had bought for relatively high prices.

She toured some more until she found a door, she felt highly tempted to figure out what was inside the plain door that didn't blend with the house, she stretched her hand towards the door handle and was about to open it when she felt Dae Hyun's strong hand grab her hand but not too tightly.

She didn't gasp in shock or jerk, she was as calm as ever and it made him drawn to her the more that she didn't feel things like fear.

"Dinner is ready." He said as he watched her move to the small dining with two chairs. On the table was a deliciously looking Tteok galbi with the aroma filling her nose and evading her brain. Dae Hyun was satisfied to see her reaction after taking a piece of the pork.

"You're really a good cook, I'm jealous." She said, her stoic expression replaced with an amazed one.

"You can eat here everyday if you want." He said with a grin casually.

"Its weird for a boss to cook for his secretary, don't you think?" She said as she glanced at his face.

"Why should we live by some invisible rule, we can do whatever we want." He said with a sarcastic smirk on his face and she smiled because he was right, she liked the fact that he was a man who knew what he wanted and he got it.

They both enjoyed each other's company in silence and didn't need to fill it with unnecessary conversations, she didn't need to ask him to tell her anything because she knew if he wanted to tell her anything about himself, he would without her having to ask first and same went for her.

The night had ended quickly and he dropped her at her apartment and zoomed off. Dae Hyun entered his house and walked to the door he used for his murders in his house and opened it, it was empty, he had cleared everything from the room because he bought a new place he would use for his murders instead.

he figured it'd be a good idea to separate the murders from his house since he was been too laid back about it and it was a bit risky murdering people in his house. He had bought a warehouse under a fake identity close to his house and he had moved the equipments himself into the warehouse, he made sure everything he did was carefully calculated and devised.