Min Hye stared at Dae Hyun for a second with a blank expression but he could tell that she was a bit angry with her creased eyebrows.

"It was my friend." She said with a low sad voice and Dae Hyun took her hands in his as he caressed it softly and lovingly while he locked his gaze with hers. He could see the curiousness in her eyes, but not a hint of fear which piqued his interest on her more.

"I'm sorry. You have every right to be angry with me but I wanted your full attention and I couldn't get it with the dog around." He explained, which would have been insanely abnormal in the ears of a normal human being but oddly, his words made her feel special.

"But you do have my full attention. I've never paid this much attention to anyone before." She said and a grin tore through Dae Hyun's face. He was obviously glad that he was the only one that stole her eyes and probably, her heart.

"I know but when I want something, I become very possessive and your full attention would be impossible to get if you still had the dog. He said reasonably even though it wasn't.

"That's not fair. You bailed out on me last night because of your hobby." She blurted out the last sentence in almost a whisper but he heard her clearly enough to know that she was smart enough to realize that he postponed their dinner to kill someone. Dae Hyun's smile dropped and it was replaced by a grim look. If she found out his secret house location, it would be risky for him. He was obsessed with her but it didn't mean that he was dumb enough to fully trust her or anyone as a matter of fact. His safety was more important than anyone else's even hers.

"How did you know? Did you follow me?" He asked with hard eyes as he stared at her, slightly squeezing her hand in his.

"No, I just know." She replied as she winced softly and he released his grip on her as he gave her a sweet smile like nothing had just happened which made her a bit wary of him as she wondered if he would be able to hurt her if she did something he didn't like or if things didn't go his way.

"It was urgent, but you understand don't you?" He asked.

"Yes. Who was it?" She asked with pure curiosity which made Dae Hyun's smile even wider.

"Ha Na. I had to get rid of her" He replied immediately and deep down, she felt happy even though she knew it was wrong to feel that way.

"Why?" She asked with inquisitive large eyes.

"She annoyed you." He replied.

"You won't get caught, right?" She asked slightly worried.

"I'll never get caught because I'm one step ahead of them all, so don't worry about me." He said with a wicked glint flashing through his grey eyes. There was silence for a while before Dae Hyun broke it.

"I'm sorry for tightening my grip on you, I was just a bit alert. You should know that I'll never hurt you." He said in a low deep voice with the sincerest eyes she had ever seen and she couldn't help but believe every word of his.

"It's fine. I know you won't hurt me." She said with a small smile on her face.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked immediately like a gentleman with a charming smile plastered on his face. Min Hye tilted her head up slightly thinking of what she wanted before she finally replied.

"Uhmm Jajangmyeon." She replied.

"Good choice." He said before he dashed off to the kitchen and started preparing the food diligently like a perfect husband material. Min Hye calmly watched Dae Hyun as he was busy preparing the meal for her and he looked so perfect in her eyes that she swept the fact that he killed her dog under the rug. His handsome face looked so innocent as he paid attention to what he was doing, it was almost impossible to picture him slitting someone's throat or bashing someone's head with a hammer but his dark side combined with his charming side was definitely what drew her to him even though it was risky. She was ready to take the risks.

The aroma of the meal was definitely mouth watering and she had no doubt that it tasted better than it smelled. Her eyes widened when she ate a spoonful of the meal. The delicious taste of the meal coated her tongue and sent her to another world. She could never get used to his cooking skills, he was just simply perfect at everything.

"It's always so delicious. I can never get tired of your cooking." She said with a smile as she ate the food.

"And I can never get tired of looking at you eat my food." He said with a serious expression on his face and a red tinge crept up her cheeks as she blushed.

They sat at the couch in the living room after dinner while Dae Hyun opened a bottle of wine which they sipped in peaceful silence.

"How are you going to make it up to me for killing my dog?" Min Hye asked, breaking the silence as she turned to face Dae Hyun.

"Ask for anything." He said with a serious look on his face and a wide grin settled on her face. He stared at her for a while, she really looked different and beautiful when she smiled in his eyes.

"Really?Anything at all?" She asked with an unbelievable facial reaction.

"Yes, anything." He said and she pondered thoughtfully on what she could possibly want, but nothing came to her mind.

"I really don't even know what I want." She said with a slightly disappointed look on her face.

"How about I make you feel pleasure?" He asked and she fluttered her eyelashes.

"Pleasure?" She repeated and he gave her a sarcastic smirk.

"I won't do anything uncomfortable. I'll only do what you're comfortable with so are you comfortable with me eating you?" He asked with a serious look and she gulped because she knew exactly what he meant and the air grew tense.

"If it'll make me feel good." She replied and her response was totally unexpected for him. He took her hands in his and headed for the room, while she followed him obediently in silence. She was rather excited than nervous as they reached the room in suspense of what would happen. She watched as Dae Hyun slowly closed the door gently and returned his attention to her which made her heart skip a bit as his grey eyes locked with hers. He gestured for her to sit up on the bed and she did without saying a word. He didn't waste any time as he got on the bed, trapping her legs between his then he slowly parted her legs effortlessly. He pulled her gown up slowly revealing her white lacy undies, her milky white skin made him want to eat her whole but he would only do what she wanted.

"Wait!" She said and he stopped as he shifted his attention to her. "Kiss me." She said confidently and a wicked smile drew on his lips which made him look even more dangerously handsome. He obeyed her as he pulled his face closer and then meshed his lips with hers. His soft gentle kisses soon became firm as he parted her mouth with his tongue and stroked his tongue against hers. Their bodies pressed lightly and she wrapped her legs around his torso as she pressed and caressed his hard back with ragged breaths as their kisses became harder, he bit the bottom of her lips and sucked on them while rolling his tongue with hers and a moan escaped her lips as he cupped her two beautiful peaks with his hands, massaging and caressing them gently but firmly then he pulled away, allowing her to suck in air into her lungs after the breathless kisses. He resumed what he had been doing earlier as he planted soft butterfly kisses on her thighs and went upwards till he reached her panties which he smoothly took off and then placed his strong arms on her waist for better positioning. He planted his face at the opening of her wet chambers and filled his nose with her scent before kissing her there. His warm breath on her made her shiver and she felt his hot tongue roaming about the outside of her wet chambers and she closed her eyes as she felt his hot breath on her skin. He licked and sucked at her sensitive areas and she shuddered at his touch then an electrifying wave hit her when he buried his tongue inside of her and sucked firmly but gently as he pulled her closer, making her moans louder. He sucked her harder and she planted her fingers into his hair as she pulled him closer, shoving his head deeper into her wet chambers, arching her back to get more of his addictive touch that made her head spin in pleasure she had never felt before.