Dae Hyun noticed the way Yoo Na was staring at him with a confused look on her face.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a worried expression and Yoo Na quickly came out of her thoughts.

"Yes, I'm fine." She said and he knew that she was lying, she was definitely pondering over something and it felt related to the murders which he must get out of her by all means especially since she had told him that the police had promised to share liable information with her if they had any, which was a good opportunity to figure out if the police would have any useful information on him but he doubted that they would have any.

"If there's anything you want to talk about, you can talk to me." He said with a genuine concerned expression and both Cha Eun and Min Hye wondered what they had talked about.


Yoo Na lay on her bed as she stared at the ceiling, The director was nice and he seemed motivated to catch the killer whom had supposedly killed his sister but there was a hint of doubt on her mind because it all felt too easy and her doubt had grown when she found out he was left handed but she quickly dismissed the thoughts of suspecting him because she could see the pain in his eyes when he had talked about his sister so there was no reason to doubt him. Her hopes had increased on getting her revenge when he had offered to help her and she felt lucky that good people offered to help or so she thought .


Dae Hyun was driving Min Hye home in silence until she broke it.

"What exactly did you discuss with that highschool girl?" Min Hye asked curiously and Dae Hyun's lips curved up as he remembered the hope filled face of the girl that he would despicably crush soon.

"She wants to get revenge on the anonymous gift killer for her friend who was a victim." Dae Hyun said with an excited tone as he glanced at Min Hye who had a stoic expression glued to her face.

"So..You're pretending to help her, why?" Min Hye asked with twisted brows.

"How did you know? You never cease to amaze me." He said as he smirked sarcastically but his eyes were still focused on the road as he drove.

"It was obvious." She replied shortly.

"You're the only one that can see through me that's why it's so obvious." He said and he wasn't wrong.

"You don't have to pretend to help her, just let her be." Min Hye said, she didn't care, but she had a rational mind of her own and she didn't want him to go around hurting kids as a form of his so called hobby. She liked his dark sides but her rational mind didn't entertain the thought of him ending the lives of innocent children, but her weakness was that whether he did or not, she would be with him anyways without a second thought.

"Why? Are you scared I might kill her?" Dae Hyun asked with a low dark voice. He could clearly see through her like a glass even without looking at her.

"I don't care who you hurt but I think hurting children is a bit overboard since we might have one of our own one day." She said reasonably but there was no sign of remorse on his face instead it was twisted with anger as he screeched the car in a halt and it was the first time she had seen him truly angry and she immediately regretted saying anything.

"That's the fucking difference, it's theirs, not mine!" Dae Hyun growled at her in anger with burning eyes and she kept shut as he burst out in anger.

"I'm sorry." She said with an apologetic expression in a very low tune trying to avoid his anger as much as possible.

"You're supposed to love me for what I am." He said in a low deep voice as he stared at her with angry dark eyes, as he gritted his teeth in anger.

"I do..." Min Hye said with a soft look but he was still seething in anger.

"Then why are you judging me, huh?" He said with clenched jaws as he smacked his lips in anger.

"I'm sorry if it felt that way but I'll never judge you." She said in shaky breaths as the air got tense. Dae Hyun's angry expression suddenly converted into a serene one as he looked at her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." He said with an innocent and apologetic look on his face as he took her hand in his and kissed the back of her palm softly and a small smile appeared on Min Hye's lips.

"It's okay, I wasn't scared." She said and Dae Hyun grinned satisfyingly at her answer.


It was a new day and Dae Hyun strode into the company with his long legs elegantly, on his way to his office when his phone chimed and when he flipped his Samsung phone open, it was a text from So Ra saying,

'Come to the roof, I have something important to tell you.' He sighed deeply after reading it, he wondered what she could possibly tell him that was important but he knew that she obviously just wanted some alone time with him to confess that she was foolishly in love with him, so he thought it was a good idea to just ignore her since he didn't want Min Hye to get the wrong idea of them together if she happened to run into them on the rooftop which was almost impossible. He was about to walk into the elevator when his phone chimed again and the next text got him interested.

'I know you're the anonymous gift killer.' The text read and he wondered if she was trying to blackmail him into being in a relationship with her but she couldn't have gotten hold of any strong evidence since he was always very calculative and careful but he thought he should go to hear what she had to say in case it was anything of his interest.

Dae Hyun went up to the rooftop to see So Ra standing with her back facing him near the edge and he imagined pushing her off the rooftop from the one hundred storeyed building, 'she would die a fairly miserable death' he thought inwardly as he smirked sadistically but he wasn't going to kill her just yet since the police would most definitely suspect him which he didn't really care about because they had no strong evidence but he wanted to look like an Angel in everyone's eyes for his games so he couldn't risk a single person suspecting him.

"Miss So Ra." He called out as he made his presence known to her and she turned around to meet him. "Why did you call me out here?" Dae Hyun asked with an oblivious facial expression.

"Because I know who you really are and I still love you." She blurted out firmly and her confession almost made him laugh out loud but he maintained his stoic expression. He could see the fear in her eyes and the quivering of her lips as she spoke even when she tried to act courageous in front of him and it only irritated him more. The only person he could show his true hideous nature and look at her eyes without fear was Min Hye and he felt a smile cross his lips as he thought about her leaving So Ra perplexed on his expression.

"Your words are just funny..." He said as he noticed the girl's facial reaction.

"You can deny all you want but I know who you really are." She stated firmly an his eyes narrowed at her in curiosity.

"Who am I?" He asked with a serious tone and she gulped hard before saying,

"The..Anonymous gift killer." She said and he scoffed.

"Do you have evidence to back up your accusations?" Dae Hyun questioned her with a hard stare.

"You were the last to be seen with both Chan Yeol and Ha Na just before they died, isn't that enough evidence?" She stated firmly but when his gaze hardened on her, she reflexively stepped back in fear.

"How can you blatantly accuse your boss based on some baseless accusations?If I was really the anonymous gift killer, what would be stopping me from pushing you off the rooftop?" He asked rhetorically with a hurt filled and innocent expression and So Ra doubted herself for a minute, thinking she had pointed fingers at the wrong person and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry, I just..." She trailed off and she bit her lower lip in regret.

"I'll forget this ever happened." Dae Hyun said and walked out on her without waiting for her reply. Immediately his face was out of view, a devilish grin spread on his face because he saw how So Ra's face was filled with doubt and there was not a hint of suspicion towards him as she apologised. He would definitely push her off a rooftop to her death as her punishment for blabbing to the police and poke nosing in his business but he could wait.