Dae Hyun and Cha Eun sat in the lounge of the mall as they watched the girls shop for their clothes as it didn't take long for them to choose their outfits.

"What's wrong?" Dae Hyun asked with a worried expression as he noticed Cha Eun's gloomy face and he very well knew the reason for it but he had a completely oblivious look on his face.

"Another victim of the anonymous killer was found...There was a note with my name on it..." Cha Eun explained and Dae Hyun's brows creased more.

"Don't think about it, I doubt he'll come after you after everyone's seen it." Dae Hyun said comfortingly but Cha Eun's jaws ticked in anger.

"He wasn't threatening me....He was talking about my mom." Cha Eun said with a pained expression as his voice broke.

"Don't think about it, focus on school and leave the rest to the police." Dae Hyun said persuasively but he shook his head vigorously with determination in his eyes.

"I'll handle it myself..." Cha Eun paused as he glanced at Yoo Na for a second then continued. "We'll handle it."

Dae Hyun understood that they had started working together, the game just got much more fun but this was only the beginning of the fun and he knew it'd get even more exhilarating with time and he anticipated the look on his face when he would tell him who he really was before killing him and the girl of course.

"I guess she's told you already and vice versa." Dae Hyun said and Cha Eun nodded his head in affirmation.

"Yes, she also told me you had a sister and she was a victim too. Why didn't you tell me?" Cha Eun questioned and Dae Hyun lowered his head a bit with a pained expression.

"Ahhh...That...I didn't want to talk about it and I only told her because she was determined to find the killer." Dae Hyun explained and Cha Eun could relate to how he felt.

"How old was she?" Cha Eun asked curiously and Dae Hyun pressed his lips in a thin line before replying.

"16." He replied shortly as he gritted his teeth in anger and Cha Eun's mouth slightly parted in shock as his brows creased with anger.

"He's really a monster! He'll pay for his crimes." Cha Eun blurted out furiously as his eyes burned with anger and he wondered how a human being could be so dark and cruel.

"He will, I'll make sure of it." Dae Hyun said with a motivated expression. "Have the both of you found any information yet or is there anything I can help with?" Dae Hyun asked concerned.

"I'm helping her secure the CCTV footage of the area near her friend's house but it was blocks away so I don't know if it'll be much help." Cha Eun explained and Dae Hyun nodded thoughtfully.

"Is that all?" Dae Hyun asked curiously.

"She said the police gave her a lead that the killer is left handed." Cha Eun said but he would never tell him that she had suspected him as a suspect but Dae Hyun immediately realized why she stared at him like that during dinner they had together and it was because he was left handed, so he suspected that she'd probably have him on her mind so he had to be careful around her since her dream was to catch the killer and he knew how motivated and determined she was to catch him even though she could never no matter how hard she tried, at least not after he killed her.

"I see.."


"Dae Hyun told me about your friend, it's a horrible thing to have happened to you." Min Hye said, breaking the silence as they picked their outfits but Yoo Na didn't reply, she couldn't reply and Min Hye saw her emotionless eyes and she could see a reflection of her younger self in them, she was young but soulless. "Revenge isn't going to solve anything, it'll only make you feel worse." Min Hye said again, she knew that if the girl didn't give up on her quest for revenge then she'd either end up dead or Dae Hyun would end up behind bars and neither of them worked well with her because she didn't want to see the young girl dead, not because she cared but the girl somehow reminded her of her self.

"I've already dedicated my life to it, it's either I get my revenge or I die trying." Yoo Na said and she could see the burning flames of determination in the girl's eyes to fulfill her dreams she dedicated her life to and she knew it'd be almost impossible to talk her out of it.

"It won't bring your friend back." Min Hye said with a blank face, trying to talk the stubborn girl out of it since it wouldn't be a pretty scene if she angered Dae Hyun in even the slightest way.

"At least no one would be a victim to the anonymous gift killer anymore and no one would go through what I did." Yoo Na said hopefully with hard eyes and Min Hye pressed her lips in a thin line not saying anymore as she hoped the girl would give up with time when her hopes in catching the killer would wear thin from lack of evidence but things wouldn't turn out to be as easy as she hoped.


Min Hye laid her back on the hard chest of Dae Hyun as they sat on the couch with his arms around her, enjoying each other's comfort in silence. He buried his face in her neck with shut eyes as he inhaled the sweet strawberry scent that evaded his senses and disrupted his clear headedness.

"Can I ask you a question?" Min Hye asked as she occupied the silent room with her melodious voice.

"hmm." He replied in affirmation as his eyes were still closed as he took in her scent.

"Why..Did you kill that woman?" Yoo Na asked, she wondered if he killed for fun or if he was pushed to kill out of curiosity.

Dae Hyun's eyes shut open as he heard her speak and he pulled his face away from her neck and his actions made her wonder if he was angry with her for asking such a question.

"I wasn't expecting that question, but since you asked, I just did." He replied straightforwardly with a sardonic smirk on his face as he resumed inhaling her scent with eyes closed.

"I see.." Was all she said and she closed her eyes to enjoy the peaceful silence with him.

"What were you discussing with her?" Dae Hyun asked, referring to Yoo Na and she was a bit surprised that he noticed her small talk with the highschool girl.

"Nothing important." She lied as she pressed her lips in a thin line and he didn't need to look at her face to know she was lying.

"I know you won't but don't do anything stupid Min Hye." He said calmly but the warning in his voice could be deciphered.

"I didn't say anything to her, I swear." She said immediately, the last thing she needed was his lack of trust in her because he was the only one who understood her and she couldn't risk losing him, not for anyone or anything.

"I only kill stupid people, that's why I didn't kill you, because you're not stupid." Dae Hyun said with a dark glint in his eyes as he laughed hysterically.

Min Hye gulped softly, she had seen his red flags from day one and she was sure he wouldn't hurt her even though he was dangerous but was that what she really saw or was that what he wanted her to see?