Min Hye soaked herself in a hot bathtub, soothing her skin as she closed her eyes for a minute, reliving the moments with Dae Hyun. They had been spending a lot of time together during the few months they had started dating and he had been giving her so much attention and care, everything would have been perfect if he wasn't a charming man with a sadistic taste for blood, but him being a psychopath didn't stop her from loving him, at that moment she wondered if she was capable of love and if what she felt for him really was it.

Whether it was love or not, what she felt for him was an inexplicable feeling and she loved what he made her feel, she loved how his touch made her shudder in excitement and she loved how deeply connected and comfortable they both were with each other.

She was glad he was unable to impregnate her because then, she wouldn't have to worry about bringing up an innocent child in his dark world in a messed up home with fucked up parents, it'd make the child mentally and emotionally unstable and she feared the child might end up like Dae Hyun but now, she could live her perfect life with her perfect fucked up lover, dancing with him in his dark world without a care in the world and as long as it was just the both of them living in his dark world, then everything was just perfect.

She finally got out of the bathtub, feeling refreshed and she put on a bathrobe as she walked into her room. She picked up a hand dryer from the dressing table and started drying her hair when she heard a soft thud of the door.

She wasn't sure she heard properly but she went to check anyways as she secured her robe tightly on her body and opened the door slightly, walking quietly into the living room when her eyes stopped at the flat screen that was put on but she could swear she hadn't put the TV on since she barely even watched TV enough to forget turning it off.

She put the TV off knowing someone was in her house but she wasn't panicking in fear like a normal person would as she roamed her grey eyes sternly around the house before going to the kitchen and taking out a knife. Whoever had sneaked into her house would either die in her hands or get critically injured and be rolled out of there in an ambulance.

Calling the police was a second choice to her since she was pretty sure the police wouldn't arrive in time before the burglar or thief got away with whatever he sneaked into her house for, so she had to defend herself first before calling the police as a second alternative.

She heard the door to her room being opened and her hold on the knife tightened as she walked towards the room but she didn't open the door, instead she waited for whoever it was to come out and when the person finally did, she pointed her knife at the person who sneaked into her house. It was undoubtedly a man but he was wearing a black hat and a mask, like a typical burglar and she wasn't surprised. She had been praying that it would be Dae Hyun who'd be teasing her but deep down she knew it was a burglar and her instincts were right because she was standing before one.

The burglar didn't even flinch as she pointed the knife at him, instead he moved closer making her move back but she wasn't scared, she was strategic because she knew too much closeness between them would result in him snatching the knife out of her hands and she was physically weak.

The burglar took off his mask exposing his face as he eyed her from head to toe with a grin on his face as he licked his lips, seeing how pretty she was and she only had a robe on. He looked like a middle aged thug which wasn't surprising to her as the area had thugs even though it wasn't a poor area.

"I would have just knocked you out but, you're too pretty, I'll like to have a taste of you." The burglar said as he eyed her hungrily not caring that she had a knife in her hand.

"I'll really use it, so I'll advice you to leave while I'm still being nice and cool headed." She warned with a fearless expression on her face but the man laughed at her words.

"You don't even look like someone who can slice a vegetable, how can you stab someone with that?" The man asked rhetorically as he moved closer to her but she immediately sliced at him but he was quick to dodge and she sliced into thin air instead.

The man laughed again seeing she had really tried to cut him and her threats weren't empty. He took off his black jacket and twisted it as he moved closer to her and she would have stabbed him but his jacket prevented it from happening as he wrapped it around the knife before knocking it out of her hands and she dropped the knife on the floor with a clatter. Now she regretted not calling the police, they would have been almost near her house but she didn't know the burglar would be this skilled, she bit her lower lips in regret as she tried to quickly reach for the knife on the floor but the man quickly grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her waist, preventing her from moving.

The knife wasn't far away from her and she scratched and sent futile blows to the man but it was useless. The man pinned her on the chair between his legs, preventing her from escaping as he undid his belt in a hurry, he was about to take off his pants when she sank her incredibly sharp teeth into his neck, tearing his flesh off with a bloody piece in her mouth as she spat it on his face with lack of remorse before colliding her knees with his groin as hard as she could with all her strength.

She immediately grabbed the knife on the floor in a hurry as the man fell on the floor as he held his groin and bloody neck groaning in pain but not for long as he furiously pounced on her.

"You bitch!!" He growled angrily as he turned her to face him, unaware of the knife in her hand as he pinned her again between his legs on the floor, but that was the last thing he did because in the next moment, she plunged the knife deeply into his neck, making the man cough out blood and she fiercely pulled it out, causing blood to spray all over her face and chest before the man froze and then fell to the ground with a soft thud.

It felt like she was reliving the past all over again when she killed the armed robber years ago as she stared at the man lying in a pool of blood in her marble floor with emotionless eyes, void of emotion but the difference between her and Dae Hyun was that she wouldn't hurt the innocent for fun, she only felt euphoria when she killed pieces of shit like the dead man she was staring at.

She thought against calling the police because she wasn't a kid anymore and they would charge her for murder because it wasn't self defense when he had no weapon with him and even though she was the victim, things didn't work well in her favour. She cleaned up herself all over again getting rid of the blood that had gotten on her and changed from her blood soaked robe to a clean pyjamas.

She picked up her phone and rang Dae Hyun immediately since he was the only one who would understand her and definitely help her.

Dae Hyun wondered why she called him so late around midnight but he answered as soon as his phone rang since he wasn't asleep yet.

"What is it love?" Dae Hyun asked but she didn't reply for a few seconds until he heard her voice.

"There's a body in my house." She replied with a low tone.

"What?" Dae Hyun asked confused.

"I killed someone."