Dae Hyun watched Min Hye as she took off her clothes, placing it in the laundry basket until her lingeries remained on. She was wearing black lingeries and the colour steered something inside of him. A grin cut through his lips as he watched her start to take off her lingeries. She unhooked her bra and let it slide to the floor, revealing her two beautiful moulds on her chest which made him swallow hard and his throat bobbled up and down as she slid her panties off her legs, standing completely naked in front of him.

It wasn't the first time he saw her naked but he could never get used to seeing her naked as he was obsessed with every inch of her body. She liked the way he stared at her, like she was the only person that captured his eyes and possibly, his heart and there was no doubt that she did.

She was about to walk into the shower as he started taking off his clothes but she felt his strong arm hold her, stopping her in her movement as he pulled her close with her naked back hitting his chest and he wrapped his arm around her small waist, facing the mirror in front of them on the table. She watched him as he took off his clothes hurriedly through the mirror, till he was standing behind her fully naked with his raging monster, standing erect to her view and she gulped at the sight of his huge bulge.

His blood boiled like hell and his body burned with the temptation to tease her, eat her, fuck her and do unholy things to her body. His arms roamed about her body, caressing her flat tummy, before travelling upwards, cupping her breasts and massaging it hard but gently as he planted soft kisses on her neck and she moaned as her head laid back on his hard chest with eyes closed as she enjoyed what he was doing to her body. It didn't take long for her to feel the hotness and wetness between her legs as she felt deeply aroused by his touch.

He lowered his hands down to her lower area which was already wet, warm and swollen with unquenched callous desires. He slid his fingers into her wet entrance, feeling her erect bud and she shuddered when she felt his fingers stroke her sensitive bud over and over again, making her toes curl in pleasure as she pressed her thighs tightly against each other from the electrifying touch he gave her.

His pace fastened and her moans echoed loudly in the bathroom, in which they had just gotten rid of a body in a puddle of acid one hour ago but there they were, enjoying every second with each other. He pulled out his finger and swiftly turned her to face him as he held her waist and effortlessly carried her on the table in a sitting position but he still towered above her with his height and huge muscular body.

He separated her legs open to pave way to her wet entrance as his fingers were replaced with his mouth on her. He planted kisses on her thighs as he went upward, sucking and nibbling on her soft supple skin which sent a tingling sensation throughout her body as the hotness of his mouth collided on her skin. He went upwards and inhaled her sweet scent before teasing her with his tongue, licking the outside of her wet entrance with his hot tongue before slipping it inside, licking her sensitive bud. He nibbled on it lightly, before going deeper with his tongue, sucking her hard, tasting her peachy sweetness and he heard her moan as he felt her fingers dig into his thick black hair, pulling him deeper as she wrapped her legs around his neck, with her head thrown back resting on the mirror as she closed her eyes in pleasure.

He pulled his head from her and watched her pleasure filled face as she closed her eyes tightly with chest heaving up and down, he loved seeing her expression when he did erotic things to her and it aroused him even more when she was aroused. He lifted her down from the table and turned her back to face him. Her breath hitched in anticipation as he made her lay down on the table as he pushed her bottom closer, brushing his raging monster and she shuddered at his touch. She felt his hands parting her legs open and he positioned his raging monster at her entrance as he gripped her waist and his raging monster slowly slipped into her tight wet entrance effortlessly as a result of her wetness.

He pushed inside her fully and he moaned deeply as her walls pressed on his raging monster, every touch made his cell spark in sexual excitement. He moved his waist along with hers with his hold on her as he thrust in and out of her slippery chamber with force and speed and their moans grew louder, reaching the four corners of the house. He stroked her, thrust her deeply with both heaving heavily with hearts pounding from the intense pleasure they were both having.

He pulled hardly on her hips and his raging monster reached places they had never reached before leaving her crying in ecstasy for more as his deep thrusts made her body itch from flames of pleasure burning through her veins. Blood rushed to his groin as he thrust faster and harder and he grinned in electrifying pleasure with every stroke leaving them both senseless as their nerves sparkled in a deep wave of ecstasy. They reached their climax of mind blowing excitement and she felt a cool sticky liquid fill her insides and her body relaxed lazily on the table as she heaved heavily with body shuddering slightly and shaky breaths from the intense erotic moment they had.

Dae Hyun didn't slump on the table as he stood with his palms rested on the table as he still had a lot of stamina to go for more rounds but he waited patiently for her to recuperate from the aftermath of their activity.

"Let's take a shower." His deep husky voice rang in her ears and she slowly got up from the table with knees still weak from their erotic moment. He gave her a helping hand as they went into the shower. He cleaned her up thoroughly and afterwards cleaned himself up under the warm shower that ran down their body, making her more relaxed and strengthened but her knees felt weak again when she felt his raging monster poking her behind.

He turned her to face him and he immediately slammed his lips on hers, kissing her hungrily as he slipped his tongue inside her warm mouth, tasting her like he had never tasted her before. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder as she kissed him back, both drowning in breathless kisses. Her body went aflame with callous desires as he swiftly carried her on his body, straddling him with his hands placed firmly on her soft buttocks to position her properly, she felt his raging monster brush against her wet entrance and she shivered as she felt a tingling sensation.

She felt the fullness and hardness of his raging monster occupy her insides within a second as he couldn't wait to be inside her and taste her again. He pulled away from the kiss, allowing her to suck in air as he took one hard nipple in his mouth, sucking it firmly and she moaned loudly at the inexplicable feeling of his addictive touch from the hotness of his mouth on her skin and hot pressing bodies under the hot shower to the fullness that occupied her underneath and the senseless strokes he gave her.

Dae Hyun clenched his jaws hard as he thrust her deeper and harder but he couldn't get enough of the mind blowing sensation as their naked skins rubbed hard against each other and his hips moved faster and viciously, pushing deeper into her, making every second double with intensifying pleasure he felt being inside of her.