Yo Io Na went into her room and closed the door with shaky breaths as she let her back hit the door freely and she slid to the floor, Dae Hyun had caught her sneaking around the office, what was the worse that could happen. If Dae Hyun was really the killer, then no doubt he knew what she was up to but if not, then she was probably sleepwalking to him, but she prayed inwardly it was the latter and not the before but her instincts troubled her at the back of her mind, what if, just what if he really turned out to be the killer, then she would be doomed from the start and her plans for revenge might not work because he'd be one step ahead of her or maybe ten.

Dae Hyun slipped into the bed in order not to wake Min Hye up but she was already awake.

"Where were you? You didn't kill my maid of honor, did you?" Min Hye asked with a sleepy voice and he snuggled closer to her.

"No, I just found a rat sneaking around." Dae Hyun said with a sarcastic smirk and his grey eyes glinted darkly under the moonlight.


The wedding hall was beautifully designed and it looked like something from a fairytale as it was decorated with beautiful flowers, making it look scenic.

The wedding bell chimed loudly as the wedding was almost getting started and a few guests had started trooping in, one by one filling the hall slowly. Min Hye and Yoo Na got ready by the fashion designers and makeup artist while Dae Hyun and Cha Eun got ready in a different room.

Min Hye was being dressed in a beautiful straight white gown, it was simple but elegant and stunning. The off shouldered sleeves fell down and the bodice was beautifully decorated with tiny silver stones, from the waistline to the hem of her dress that swept the floor had beautiful silver linings running down on it. Her hair was beautifully designed in a simple wavy style with silver hairpins seated perfectly atop her head. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and a big smile cut through her lips, there was no doubt she was happy and Yoo Na stared at her too as she watched the excited bride. 'What if they were a normal couple and I'm just here overreacting?' Yoo Na thought inwardly as she stared at the blissful face of the bride and she sighed heavily.

Everyone got seated at the wedding hall, awaiting the bride as Dae Hyun stood at the altar dressed in an exquisite black suit, looking twice as gorgeous with Cha Eun beside him as his best man looking as handsome in his suit. Dae Hyun couldn't wait to see Min Hye walking through the large double doors that stood in front of him.

The slow orchestra music played and after a few seconds, the large double doors swung open revealing a mouth dropping bride in a bodice fitted white gown that revealed her beautiful curves and everyone's attention fixated on her as she walked down the aisle with her maid of honor following behind her.

Dae Hyun gulped hard, Min Hye had never been so alluring to his eyes until then, not only because of how gorgeous she looked but because in a matter of minutes, they would be lawfully joined together as husband and wife, it felt like their souls were also going to be joined together as one.

Low murmurings could be heard from the crowd as the gorgeous bride walked slowly towards the altar because of her radiating beauty even when her face was still being covered by a veil.

Cha Eun's mouth almost dropped on sighting Yoo Na in a magenta coloured gown with the same design as Min Hye's as she walked towards the altar behind Min Hye and surprisingly, she wasn't wearing a poker face but a fake smile.

The bride arrived the altar and Dae Hyun took her hand in his as he led her up to the altar while everyone watched as the two beautiful couples were being joined together in holy matrimony. The priest cleared his throat before reading the vows and they both read it after him. Dae Hyun slipped the ring given to her into his left ring finger and he did the same with slow precise movements.

"Do you take Choi Min Hye to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked and Dae Hyun stared at her for a second before voicing out his answer.

"I do!" He said with a loud, clear voice and the same question was directed to Min Hye.

"Do you take Jang Dae Hyun to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!" She said with a low voice and the crowd cheered loudly for them.

"You may proceed to kiss the bride." The priest declared and Dae Hyun slowly pulled her veil up to reveal her beautiful smiling face that shone with so much bliss and a grin formed on his face as he stared at her with emotion filled eyes. He lowered his face and gave her a soft kiss as he cupped her face with his large hands and the crowd gave a round of applause.

Yoo Na watched them observantly, there was genuine happiness in both of them and they both seemed like a perfect couple, maybe too perfect. Her eyes moved and it stopped at Cha Eun who was staring at her intently with swirling emotion in his eyes and she quickly averted her gaze from his, she knew he liked her, it was obvious but she knew there was no hope for them, it was never going to happen, not when she lived only for her revenge and nothing else, her heart was already darkened with hate and anger that could never be contained.

In Ra stared at Cha Eun and Yoo Na who were the bridesmaid and the best man of the couple, the sight angered her an made her blood boiled as they wore matching colours and she saw the way Cha Eun looked at her which made her furious and jealous to the core. She wondered how on earth Yoo Ma knew the vice chairman of APEX and how close they were with her to make her their maid of honor. Something wasn't right but she'd get to the bottom of it.

The guests swarmed around the newly wedded couple in the reception Hall after the wedding ceremony, congratulating them but they knew better that only a few meant it as a lot of the women who attended the wedding had their eyes on Dae Hyun.

The Chairman walked over to them and Min Hye couldn't help but twist her face at the sight of him being accompanied by his daughter. 'Oh! How she hated both father and daughter' she thought inwardly as shot them glares full of detest, they were already ruining her wedding day for her with their presence.

"Congratulations Dae Hyun, I thought I should be here to support you even when I had a lot of business to attend to." The Chairman said and Min Hye visibly rolled her eyes at him.

"Thank you, sir." Dae Hyun replied politely even though he wanted nothing than to cut his guts out at that moment.

"Congratulations Min Hye, Dae Hyun." Mi Ra said with a smile but Min Hye didn't bother to return it as she gave her a silent glare.

"Thank you, Mi Ra." Dae Hyun said politely at her and Min Hye could see the faint blush creeping it's way into Mi Ra's cheeks and she scoffed with a sarcastic smirk on her face.

"Both of you are unbelievable, father tries to kill me for his daughter who's undeniably having feelings for a married man and here you both are, acting like fucking saints." Min Hye's voice was low enough for no one else to hear but the raw anger could be heard in it. They shot their heads towards her in a surprised look at her outburst but she walked away before they could say anything else.

Dae Hyun ran after her and he grabbed her arm reflexively as she went outside.

"I like it when you get mad." Dae Hyun whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arm around her with her back facing him and a smile broke through her lips.

"Let's just go home now." Min Hye said with a low voice.

"You look gorgeous in your dress but I can't wait to take it off you either, so let's go." Dae Hyun whispered into her ears in a low, husky voice and her blood ran hot.