Da Yeon arrived at the exact time and place Dae Hyun had texted her to, it was around ten in the night and she had no choice but to go at the time he told her to. She told her parents it was a sleepover with In Ra and drove herself to the place, with only In Ra's knowledge about her whereabouts. It was a secluded area with not much development or buildings. Unfortunately, there were no CCTV cameras in the area as a lack of the development which made her skin crawl because he could easily kill her without a trace.

She didn't wait long for Dae Hyun, because five minutes after arriving, she saw a dark, tall figure walking towards her and his features become more vivid as he neared her. It was Dae Hyun and her blood froze when he stood a few meters away from her, her instincts told her to run before he could get a hold of her but her body refused to move, she knew running would make things worse and then, there would be no doubt about him coming after her to kill her.

Her heart raced hard against her chest as he stood close to her, there was no escaping now.

"Let's go, do you want to stand here all night?" Dae Hyun's deep, cold voice resonated into her ears and she gulped hard.

"I have the recording with me, you can have it." She said in a rush as she brought out the recording from her bag with shaky hands, stretching it towards him and he slowly took it from her before throwing it on the floor and stomping hard on it, crushing it to nothing but debris.

"Let's go." He said and her heart skipped a beat as she stared at him with widened eyes and fluttered lashes in confusion.

"I already gave you the recording, now all you have to do is kill Yoo Na." Da Yeon stated out, trying to sound composed and firm as possible, she couldn't let him detect her fear as everyone knew he was a sadist and he derived pleasure from people's pain and fear because of the goriness of his murders but her fear had been long detected by him.

"Let's talk and go through the plan, if I were you I wouldn't refuse because if you turn your back against me, you won't live to regret it." Dae Hyun warned with a cold voice that made her blood curdle and she watched as he turned and started walking towards to the opposite direction.

Da Yeon knew she had no choice but to follow him, he had clearly warned her against running so she prayed with silent tears that she wasn't going to get murdered in the hands of a cold blooded psychopath and in a vicious way. The path Dae Hyun had taken became even more secluded and less occupied than where they met, there was barely any house and the whole place was as silent as a graveyard.

The place was perfect for Dae Hyun to kill her and get rid of her without any suspicion. They reached an apartment that stood in the abandoned looking vicinity and she wondered if this was his slaughter house. She followed Dae Hyun into the apartment and tried to become as unnoticeable as possible, at least if she didn't anger him and did as he said, he was sure to let her go, after all she had given him the recording.

She watched him disappear through a door and she wondered what he was going to do next until she saw him come out with a metal detector in his hold. Her eyes widened knowing what he was about to do. 'oh no!' She screamed inwardly, if Dae Hyun found out she had a hidden bug planted on her, she was definitely doomed.

Dae Hyun didn't need the metal detector anymore because her face full of dread and shock gave him the answers he needed but he still went towards her, making her move her feet back ward in fear.

"Stay still, if you obey, I might have mercy on you." Dae Hyun stated with a calm voice and her legs glued to the ground, his voice was calm but it was terrifying. He stretched his arm holding the metal detector towards her body and he waved it from her head down, lowering it till it made a beeping sound when it reached her chest side.

Her heart stopped for a second and sweat garnished her face as she heard the metal detector beep, she had told In Ra not to plant a bug on her but she refused, saying she wanted to hear everything they spoke about but mostly because she didn't want the girl to mention her name to avoid being in his blacklist.

A daunting smile cut through Dae Hyun's lips as he heard the detector beep and he slowly put it aside as he watched the horrified expression on her face that had suddenly turned pale from fear.

"'s..not.." Da Yeon stuttered as she tried to get herself out of the ugly situation she was in, but the right words couldn't form as she was stricken with fear.

"Shhhush." Dae Hyun shushed her up and her lips closed shut at his menacing aura.

"I warned you not to think of outsmarting me, just had to." Dae Hyun said with a dreadful voice and a sinister smile kissing his lips, she was petrified with fear, her chest heaved heavily and adrenaline flowed through her veins.

He immediately yanked her hair aggressively as he dragged her to the white room, she screamed in pain and fear, while hoping someone would hear her. He slammed her body down on the stretcher viciously, with force, inflicting pain on her weak body. She watched him as he bound her wrists and ankles tightly to the bed, she tried to move away from him but her limbs were weakened with fear and the pain he inflicted on her by slamming her body on the bed.

She sobbed hard, knowing she was going to get killed by the anonymous gift killer, if only she had taken the other choice of becoming poor instead of being stuck in an ugly situation, but truthfully, she couldn't face such shame and embarrassment of going from wealth to nothing, but there was no use crying over spilt milk now as she regretted being poor rather than dead.

Dae Hyun tore her clothes off viciously which made her whimper in fright. His eyes narrowed at the bug and he immediately tore it off her cloth, he stared at it for a second before placing it on a table near her. He knew she wasn't the one who wanted Yoo Na dead, he had realized it since the first day she came to him, he could see the fear in her eyes, she didn't have the spine to murder a rat so how could she possibly murder a human being.

He realized she was been controlled by someone else into doing their dirty works for them and whoever it was, was listening to what he was about to do to her.

Da Yeon watched Dae Hyun as he rolled his sleeves up, getting ready to kill her as he put on an apron, wore gloves and finally put on a mask. She sobbed harder as she watched him pick up a butcher knife. She shook her head as she wiggled her body vigorously when he started walking towards her, his hand holding the butcher knife in the air and as soon as he neared her, he brought the knife down on her thighs with immense force.

The sound of metal slicing through flesh could be heard, followed by the ear piercing scream of Da Yeon as her legs separated from her thighs, with blood oozing out of the dissected area of her thighs. The excruciating pain she felt made her want to embrace death quickly so she could escape from the pure torture as her cries of pain increased in a blood curdling way.

"Are you listening? This is what happens when you do something stupid, try to outsmart me again, I dare you." Dae Hyun said, making it obvious to whoever was listening that he was aware of them listening.