I Like Her

One month after her parent didn't fight she was having a wonderful night everyday.

Thursday at june 26, 2015 levinia got sick having a stomach pain she can't handle the pain so her parents decided to do a check up for her tomorrow morning to find out what is the cause of stomach pain.

It's already morning her parents went to hospital with levinia to do a check up. Her parents and the doctor are having a conversation together after they finished talking her mom suddenly said we need to do a ultra sound. After a minute we already done the ultra sound and after we received the result we go straight back to the doctor office and give the result.

The doctor read the result and he said " you're daughter had a crystal stone on her left kidney i will give you a medicine to melt the stone on her kidney" my parent was shocked and after everything we decided to go home and drink the medicines that the doctor prescribed.

Her parents decided to go to another hospital but the result is different this time the doctor said it was an ulcer and levinia needed to admitted to the hospital.

Her mom decided to call her cousin which is a doctor she told him everything so levinia uncle told them to wait until the medicine work if not they will proceed what the doctor said they need to admitted levinia at the hospital.

One day after levinia got feel better it means the medicine work after all what happened levinia finally got back at school she messed a lot of lesson but thankfully all her teacher knows what happed to her so they let levinia got excuses to all the subject.

All her friends got relieved after they saw levinia got better. Katie's and jason hand over their notes so that levinia won't left behind the class. After a while Katie's felt happy because she feels like the old levinia she knows is back.

After four months levinia finally in grade eight. Levinia was happy to see a familiar faces in the classroom (Katie, jason) she was happy but felt a little sad that the rest of her friends got separated from them. Katie and Jason are still the same they both friendly and talkative. Jason saw levinia sitting alone on her desk so jason decided to go and grab levinia to join them on their conversation so that levinia can make friends a side from them. Levinia felt something that she can't explain (levinia is an introvert person) the feelings that talking to someone who you just meet suddenly become your new friends.

Jason look at levinia like the way a guy admire a women. Katie notice the way jason gaze at levinia so she ask a question " jason what was that? " jason replied " what" so Katie decided to ask the most important question "do you like like her? I mean levinia do you like her? " jason was speechless and slowly answering katie questions "... Yes.... I do like her. " Katie was shocked by the answer of jason.

Jason told Katie not to tell levinia about his feelings he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Katie told him" why don't you confess we don't know what if levinia have the same feelings as you do" jason was satisfied on what Katie said it means katie supported him but still he doesn't have courage/confidence to his self he thought what if levinia doesn't like me it will ruin the mood or even our friendship.

Jason forgot that Katie like to tease someone. Katie shouted levinia name "LEVINIAAAA" " jason have a crush on you" jason was shock and cover katie mouth and told levinia not to believe Katie words. Levinia was laughing and told him "okay.... But you must give me a reason for not believing Katie words" jason was shocked and told levinia " you know katie personality she's just mumbling stupid words" levinia respond "okay, if that's what you want so maybe I won't believe her" jason got confused on what levinia means.

Jason got back to his home and went straight into his room he started acting stupid his thoughts saying did levinia like me, no impossible, what if she liked me, ahh shit what do i do, it makes me misunderstood on what she said. "ahhhh levinia this is your fault" "why did I fall in love with my best friend" jason shouting "ahhhhh you're so stupid jason" his sister are listening and laughing downstairs she said " I guess my brother totally went crazy"

Two days after levinia went to school and she saw katie the two of them talking happily. Jason came and said to the "good morning" katie and levinia replied "good morning jason" jason said what a nice morning did you finish all the assignments that the teacher gives us last two days. Yeah were already done levinia and Katie said.

The three of them busy listening to the teacher. Levinia finally focusing to her study and the time passed by her parents didn't fight for months already she really felt happy but she doesn't know it was just a temporary moment of being happy.