After one month levinia felt confuse if she wanted to give up her dreams of become a doctor. She was having a very difficult time and every night she was crying because her test scores are not good she didn't tell Jason because she doesn't want that jason will worry about her and she just wanted that Jason will focus on his study because she knows that being a law students is not easy as well.
Levinia really wanted to give up but she remembered her family side of her them being judgemental people and she want to show to those people that she will be successful someday but right now she doesn't know what to do.
She was watching a movie about chasing your dream after she finished the movie she finally realised and said to herself. I must keep going until I finally arrive at my destination.
After a week levinia has an exam she was pressure because she wanted to have a nice result on her exam. She's doing her best on studying.
After the one hour of exam the professor went to her office to check the exam paper after that he give the paper to the owner. Levinia was scared to look at her score because she think she didn't passed the exam but when she saw the scire she didn't expect her score was a highest she cried because all her hard work was pay off.
She called her boyfriend and best friend to tell them about the score she got. Jason and Katie was happy to levinia and they said " see you can do it just believe in yourself." levinia was crying and Jason was fluttered and ask "why are you crying lev is there something wrong is your head hurt or what teel me okay?" levinia replied " I was just happy about my exam score and thank you for both of you for always being there for me and Jason thank you for believing in me, love you."
Katie and Jason was just happy to see levinia smile and not being stress.
"We all know that being a medicine student is not so easy its really hard that someday we think of giving up our dreams because we are coward to face challenges on our life. Every challenge or problem both of them have there own answer and solution but we just don't know how but if we keep looking until we find an answer we finally solve our problem or challenges in our life. "