Nine - Departure!

Knowing that it would take a while to get those points, he shook his head and decided to sleep. According to the information in the orb, that's the best way to recover after a session of meditation.

As such, after closing his eyes, he directly fell asleep. In the end, one's magic power was linked to their mental energy, once it's completely spent, it's not much different from having gone through a whole day without rest. Your body might be rested, but your mind is completely spent.

After sleeping for a few hours and waking up again, it was already night, and there was still a lot of time before they would set off.

With nothing to do, Leylin pondered for a moment and decided to try meditating again, although the orb said that one can only do it once per day, he thought that maybe it had something to do with injuring the body. He wasn't too worried about it if that was indeed the case.

Going back inside after confirming that everyone had already left to sleep, he once again fell into a meditative state.

An hour later, just as he once again lost all the will to continue, the same sound from the system rang in his ear once more!

[Congratulations! Your training awarded you 1 TP!]

At that moment, despite how tired he was, a smile crossed his face from ear to ear. "Ha..Haha... Hahaha!" Laughing somewhat hysterically, he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. Considering the time it took for him to train and recover, in fifteen hours he would be able to meditate three times in a row!

Not only would his progress skyrocket once he dominated the meditation techniques and the drawing of the runes, it wouldn't take him more than a week to acquire enough points to purchase revision!

Smiling foolishly, he stood up despite the tiredness of his mind and decided to continue practicing the Grand Knight's breathing technique.

Since he is so talented, he might as well split his time between the two and constantly make progress on all sides.

He could already imagine the look on his peers' face once he became a level 3 acolyte with the body of a grand knight.

Based on his speculation, the physic of a Grand Knight was around 6 to 8 points all around. After reaching the peak of a Grand Knight and becoming an official magi... how strong would he be? Thinking of it now, he couldn't help but praise Lady Angelia and his new teacher which he had yet to meet. No matter what, Grand Knights were undeniably faster than any acolyte. With the added benefits of being an acolyte, he could only be stronger than everyone else.

Of course, such a thing was only limited to those with weaker bodies, he would be on equal grounds against those that were similar to him both in terms of spiritual force and body.

Still, an individual's time is limited, how can they compare to him who could basically cheat the recovery of his body so easily?

And so he trained till morning.

After the first rays of sunlight appeared, he walked out of his room feeling extremely refreshed. The singing of the birds coupled with the fresh smell of the sea made it all better. Looking around, he finally noticed a few people which he was familiar with.

"Yo, Leylin! Looks like your night was quite good, did you conquer some lady's heart without us knowing?" George greeted him in the only way he knew, by being a pervert scumbag. Needless to say, many girls blushed at the mention of those words, and seeing how close they were to him, Leylin could only scoff in realization.

"Look at you, if you're going around thrusting every hole, your thing might fall off your pants, be careful not to lose it." Leylin replied cheeky as he laughed.

George's lips twitched at his words. Coughing, he shooed the girls away and gave him a deadly stare. "Never, ever, curse a man's livelihood like that Leylin! It's our most precious tool given to us by God! How could it fall? As true men, ours are powerful and indomitable, breaking through any walls without difficulty!"

George's passionate speech caused the boys to chuckle.

"Alright! Alright! You won." Shaking his head, he and George approached the table where Kassa, Lisa and a few other people who accompanied them during their travels were.

"Good morning, George, Leylin." It was Lisa who spoke. She was a shy girl with beautiful red hair who was part of the Furze Alliance during their travel, although she tried many times to seduce Leylin, he couldn't care less.

Not only was she still a little thirteen years old girl without substance, he was too addicted to training, how could he stop for some hoe?

"Cough...." Leylin cleared his throat feeling a little embarrassed and greeted her and the rest. After all, wasn't he like those uncles working at schools? Hayaa, he was too handsome for his own good, both old and young thirst for him! His mind wandered towards the body of his senior sister at that moment, even his little brother in his pants reacted, that was his type of woman! Supple, curvaceous, and hungry!

Suddenly, someone stared at him and caused shivers to go up his spine, looking around and noticing Lady Angelia, he gave her a nervous smile and turned around.

'Fuck! Can she read minds or something?'

Not noticing his abnormality, George started speaking with him while munching on a sandwich.

"Hey, Leylin, remember Bessita?"

Bessita? Who? Scratching his head, he had to scavenge his mind for a moment in order to remember the girl. "Oh! That girl who got her flies to beat me up!"

Coughing, George almost choked on the food as he looked at him a little speechless. "Good lord, she is such a small background character that you forgot her? C'mon, she almost had you killed bro!"

Leylin shrugged at his words. "I couldn't care less about her. Her minions all died on the way here, moreover, I'm a fifth grade acolyte who already has a teacher. If I waste my mind with useless people, wouldn't you surpass me eventually? If I had the time and energy to bother about her, I should be using it to get stronger."

Hearing his words, a boy who had been listening on the side chuckled and attracted the eyes of Leylin's group. "I was wondering what type of person the sixth Fifth Grade Acolyte of this batch was, I didn't expect him to have such a good head on his shoulders."

"And you are?" George asked a little threateningly. No matter what, the competition in Ennea Ivory Ring Tower was a lot greater compared to other schools of the South Coast. Every year there would be around five to ten people with a Fifth Grade talent enrolling in the academy. It wasn't without reason that they were one of the three academies in the region with a 3rd rank Magus overseeing it. It could even be said the majority of the wars fought by the academy were against itself.

The boy smiled and his figure started changing, the face which had once looked immature became a lot older, with stubbles around the mouth and the jawline, and tired dark blue eyes. Not only that, his height also grew from 1.5 meters to 1.8.

George and the other students in the Ennea Ivory Ring Tower's camp gasped and fear took hold of them!

Not knowing what was happening, Leylin frowned and thought about the one important person of this camp which he had yet to meet. The professor who was responsible for accompanying the students this time.

"Forgive me for my impudence! My Lord!" George kneeled down and lowered his head while the others all bowed in respect, including Leylin.

Chuckling, the man dismissed their worries with a wave of his hand. "No harm done, I was the one pulling a prank on you all, after all."

Looking at Leylin, he smiled and said. "You must be the new disciple of that insane guy. Tsk, tsk, I pity anyone that Gustav takes interest in, they usually die horrendous deaths. Well, anyway, nice to meet you. My name is Zephyr Magnussem, I'm the rank 2 Magus responsible for protecting this batch of students."

"O-oh! N-nice to meet you my Lord!" Leylin staggered as he answered.

Nodding, Zephyr swept the crowd with his playful eyes and smiled. "Everyone, be ready, we will be departing soon. Go take your things and follow me to the boarding area, we will be leaving for the Central Region of the South Coast." After saying those words he left and stood next to the entrance of the camp while chatting with Leylin's Senior Sister.

Seeing her flirting with him and the two laughing made him somewhat speechless and uncomfortable. Thinking about it, he shook his head and erased those thoughts, going back to his optimal state. Humph, what was he thinking? That woman doesn't belong to him. At most they only had some fun.

Just after Leylin fixed his mindset, George whispered next to him. "Eh, as I was saying, Bessita actually joined the Wetlands Garden, believe it or not, she will basically be our neighbor as their academy isn't that far from ours."

Was that the case? Leylin nodded and only kept this information on the back of his mind, if she caused him more trouble in the future, he wouldn't mind killing her. But as of right now, he already lost all interest in the girl.

After a while, everyone gathered and followed Professor Zephyr towards a gathering place. On the way there, they could see that the whole encampment was being dismantled, it seemed that those people only came here once or twice a year to recruit new students. Passing through the camp of some academies, they arrived at a large platform with enough space to make a football stadium.

The people of the large academies had already gathered, among which, there was also the Abyssal Bone Forest. Looking at it from the corner of his eyes, he saw Kaliweir speaking to Beirut, and the sight basically confirmed his fears. Fang Ming had definitely reincarnated, the original Kaliweir wouldn't spend much time speaking with the level 3 acolytes, only barely enough to ascertain his position as the leader, as for why he still chose the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, his only guess was that it was either fate - which was very unlikely as that man wouldn't choose to do something that didn't benefit him - or one's affinity is related to their soul and not their body. This could explain why he lacked the plant affinity that the original Leylin had, while also having a new one, light.

As he was lost in thoughts, three large dirigibles appeared under the clouds, their sight caused many in the crowd to gasp and look at it with amazement.

Once they landed, a man took the central spot on the platform and started speaking. "Attention, everyone! Those from the Ennea Ivory Ring Tower and Wetland Gardens Academy are to board the ship on the right numbered '332'. Don't miss it. Professors, please take note of the number and acolytes, follow your professors!"

Following George and the others, he couldn't help but take a deep sigh. Soon, however, he felt reinvigorated and determination flashed in his eyes. No matter what, he wasn't one to slack, with his talent, hardwork and the system, he would definitely reach heights that nobody ever reached in this world! Thinking of Fang Ming, he gave the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy one last look and smirked. 'Fellow transmigrator, you better not disappoint me, I will eventually need a high quality follower to assist me, after all, no matter how good a friend someone is, if they aren't strong enough, they can't even be your assistant in your experiments.' Looking at George, he shook his head helplessly, he would try to help him, but only if it wasn't much trouble.