First Victory and the Aftermath

After the charge of my paladins, the Koutrigour left wing (against our right wing) was destroyed and most of the soldiers started fleeing in every direction. Sir Gildor's troops hunted them down one by one while I reorganized my cavalry and charged against the rear of the Koutrigour right wing (against our left wing), which already lost its cohesion and was on the verge of collapse after witnessing the desperate state of their freshest and most heavily armed troops. Our charge finally broke their morale and the Koutrigours were routed.

When I met my father after the battle, he was surprised to see the unimaginably advanced armors my men and I were wearing. After a second of comprehension, he then started laughing and patted me on the shoulder. His hand remained on my shoulder and I could feel his hand's trembling even from the bulk of steel and chainmail covering our bodies. Was it the relief of a successful victory? Was it because of my foolish brother who was ever so keen on fleeing the battlefield? Or was it because he was afraid of the possibility of me failing my assault? I wasn't sure. I was only a decoration to my parents before. Usually, people of authority tend to be greedy and corrupt, but King Lustinus was a good, honest man who only did what he thought was right and just. He always tried to appease everyone and I could see the weight of such responsibility slowly but surely crushing him. I turned towards him and asked, "Father, what's wrong?".

"I am tired. I guess I am just getting old. I used to fight on the front lines. Seeing you carry the holy flag with such pride and courage made me remember my own past."

His grip on my shoulder tightened and he pulled me towards himself and hugged me.

"You gave me such a fright. I am glad you are okay. That idiot Fir almost caused us a defeat and when I thought you were among the units surrounded by the enemy I-"

Seeing my father trembling and holding himself back, I had the urge to soothe him. For most of my life, the affection I showed to my parents was mostly an act, because it was difficult for a broken middle-aged man like me to connect with my peers as parents and child even though I know for a fact that my soul is basically born anew and I carry only the memories. I knew and acknowledged the fact that my newly born body and soul felt a close affinity towards my biological parents and I did acknowledge them as such, but the emotional connection was always halved. Today I decided to lift all the burden that my father was carrying on his fragile shoulders so I cut him off and told him,

"It's okay, father. You can leave everything to me. From now on, everything will always be okay. I'll make it so."


After we gathered the loot, buried the dead, recalled, and reorganized, we left for the camp.

When we arrived at the camp, what waited for us was my brother in a bad mood. He was in a fit of rage and was shouting at his men in his tent. My father called him to his tent and a heated argument followed. My father and our knights were not happy that Fir was retreating from the battlefield, whereas he was arguing that he was left with no choice. The next day, Fir left the camp with his men to go back to the province he was in charge of.

We stayed at the camp a few days more to see if there was a following attack, but then a messenger from Moesia brought us the news that the Koutrigours retreated to their postures in Dacia. Then we left for the capital.

We were welcomed with cheers in Alta. I was never really patriotic in my previous life, but I felt a sense of accomplishment and a strange sense of pride for being able to stop an enemy from wreaking havoc on my land.

I, Sir Thalandir, and the rest of my men received great praise and support from the city once the story of the battle spread. The cavalrymen who followed my Paladins were knighted in an accolade held in the palace hall. Then a banquet was held in honor of our victory.

There were many knights and vassals who questioned the method of smithery with which we forged our armor and weapons and the mechanism of my artillery. I had no intention of hiding my achievements and since no one could steal the process of magic enchantment or cast artillery pieces by themselves, there was nothing to worry about. On the contrary, a show of power was essential to secure my place. I also didn't forget to mention that Lady Goddess helped me in each and every step.

Initially, I was scheduled to leave for Nicea after a month of rest in Alta, but I decided to talk to my father so that I can stay in the city. He thought that my staying in the capital would be an obvious declaration that I was the heir, which made me ask him,

"Am I not?"

"Aelius! This is not a matter that should be spoken so lightly! If Fir or his mother hears of this talk, then they will summon the whole of Medes into our doorsteps!"

"Father, They have been sending assassins after me since I was a baby. In the first place, isn't he the one who proudly walks with heathen bodyguards in the middle of Alta? We both know too well how our people in Medes are treated. They even massacred and raized a whole city of Elven believers of Goddess Aenna two years ago and we still kept the peace. We didn't even send a single letter of protest! A whole city of people, father!"

"Aeilus, we still can't fight them. Now is not a good time."

"Father, I was determined to die for this cause that I believe in. I know you have your doubts, but if it's not now, then when? When do we fight for our faith? Do you really want to wait until they come knocking on our doorsteps?"


"Grant me the authority and I'll show you just what it means to be the apostle of the Goddess of Light!"