Modify cultivation techniques?

The grey-haired dog had a full meal, scratched his belly with his paws, and lay lazily on the threshold.

Zhang Yu packed up the tableware, walked out of the kitchen, looked at the gray-haired dog lounging at the threshold, and couldn't help laughing and scolding, "You enjoyed it quite a bit."

Shaking his head, Zhang Yu walked into the room and lay comfortably on the bed.

"I wonder if the 'Insight Technique' can see my own information?" Zhang Yu was obviously very new to the insight technique and couldn't wait to study it.

[Zhang Yu]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 23 years old]

[Constitution Innate Talent: ordinary bloodline, 3 star Low grade]

[Perception Innate Talent: 2 star Low Grade]

[Special Innate Talent : None]

[Cultivation technique : Extreme Martial Dao (Spiritual Tier medium, total 11th-layer, up to Vortex Middle Realm, average 44 error per layer]

[Martial Arts: Dragon Elephant Strength (Spiritual Tier Low grade, 231 error), Fallen Leaf Sword Art (Spiritual Tier Low grade, 285 error)]

[Cultivation Base: Open Revolving 4th layer]

[Skill: Insight Technique]

"Huh!." Zhang Yu said with amazement, "Is my Constitution Innate Talent so high?"

Zhang Yu has always been very confident in his physique talent, but he never imagined that his physique talent would reach the standard of 3 star Low grade.

According to the system's classification of Constitution Innate Talent, there are six stars in total for constitution talents, and you cannot cultivate without constitution talents.

[1☆ Constitution Innate Talent: Ordinary cultivator]

[2☆☆ Constitution Innate Talent: The genius of a city]

[3☆☆☆ Constitution Innate Talent: a genius of a country]

[4☆☆☆☆ Constitution Innate Talent: The genius of a domain]

[5☆☆☆☆☆ Constitution Innate Talent: A genius in the world]

[6☆☆☆☆☆☆ Constitution Innate Talent: Extreme martial arts talent]

"The genius of a country, tsk tsk."

Zhang Yu is very satisfied, everyone want their innate talent to be higher, and Zhang Yu is no exception.

3-star constitution innate talent is a lot worse than 4-star and 5-star, and even more incomparable with 6-star, but it should not be underestimated.

Looking at the Desolate City, it is difficult to find a genius with a higher talent than Zhang Yu!

After a moment of emotion, Zhang Yu continued to check his information.

[Cultivation method: Extreme Martial Dao (Spiritual Tier medium, total 11th-layer, up to Vortex Middle Realm, with an average of 44 errors per layer]

[Martial Arts: Dragon Elephant Strength (Spiritual Tier Low grade, 231 error), Fallen Leaf Sword Art (Spiritual Tier Low grade, 285 error)]

"Cultivation technique, Martial Arts?"

Zhang Yu was a little puzzled. He remembered that when he checked Wu Xinxin's information in the afternoon, it seemed that these two attributes did not exist.

But Zhang Yu didn't bother about this issue. What he was more concerned about was, what does the so-called error mean?

Zhang Yu frowned and asked in his mind, "System, what does 'error' mean?"

After receiving Zhang Yu's question, a mechanical electronic voice sounded in Zhang Yu's mind: "As the name suggests, errors refer to errors in cultivation methods and martial arts. The more errors, the slower the training speed and the less powerful the martial arts. For example, host's martial arts, 11-layers, 44 errors in each layer, total of 484 errors. Therefore, the host's cultivation base for many years has only started Open Revolving 4th layer. Its only advantage is that it can cultivate to the Vortex middle realm, which is also the reason it was rated as a Spiritual Tier medium cultivation technique."

The cultivation techniques and martial arts are divided into four categories, Mortal Tier, Spiritual Tier, King, and God.

Mortal Tier cultivation technique can only be cultivated to the Open Revolving 9th layer. The Spiritual Tier cultivation technique can be cultivated to Vortex Realm. As for the king level cultivation technique and the god level cultivation technique, it can be cultivated to those legendary realms.

Listening to the explanation of the system, Zhang Yu looked at the dazzling number again, and immediately widened his eyes: "No way? There are 484 mistakes in the extreme martial dao?"

Thinking about it!

Zhang Yu's heart skipped a beat when he thought that there were so many errors in the cultivation method and martial arts he had practiced for so many years.

Of course, these exercises and martial arts can be passed down for countless years, even if there are a lot of mistakes, it will not make people's cultivation deviate, at most, the speed of cultivation is slower.

Of course, Zhang Yu also understood this truth, but after knowing the truth of the matter, he couldn't help but feel a little conflicted in his heart.

"484 errors. It's no wonder that the Constitution Innate Talent with my three-star low grade has only been cultivated to Open Revolving 4th layer." Zhang Yu understands that it is not his own innate talent, but he has not chosen the right one from the beginning. Cultivation technique and martial arts, "But…"

He wanted to change to another cultivation method, but the advanced cultivation methods and martial arts of the library had been emptied long ago, and the rest were some unfamiliar ones.

The incompetent cultivation technique and martial arts, even if he gave them to Morning Light Academy and Cloud Mountain Academy for free, it is estimated that they would not bother to come and move them.

So angry!

Zhang Yu has never hated Morning Light Academy and Cloud Mountain Academy so much!

He cursed at Morning Light Academy and Cloud Mountain Academy, Zhang Yu slowly calmed down, he shook his head and took a deep breath: "No matter, go to the library first, in case there is something suitable for me. What about cultivation techniques and martial arts?"

Getting out of bed, Zhang Yu put on his shoes, and walked straight to the library.

On the way, Zhang Yu asked in his mind: "System, why didn't I see the cultivation technique and the martial arts attribute when I looked at the Wu Xinxin information?"

The mechanical electronic sound quickly sounded: "Unless she runs the cultivation technique or performs martial arts in front of the host, the host cannot view her cultivation technique and martial arts attributes. The host can see his own cultivation technique and martial arts attributes because the host's Insight extracts the corresponding information directly from memory."

Hearing this, Zhang Yu was thoughtful.

Library Pavilion is located between the teaching building and the dormitory building of Sky Academy, only a few hundred meters away from Zhang Yu's Residence. After a while, Zhang Yu's figure appeared outside the Library Pavilion.

Because it has been left unattended for a long time, weeds are overgrown around the library, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of dust.

Zhang Yu pushed open the door of the library, there was a musty smell in the room, he walked in slowly, looking at the dense books on the bookshelf, Zhang Yu's lips curled into a self-mockery: "Should I thank Morning Light Academy and Cloud Mountain Academy? It kindly left behind so many cultivation techniques and martial arts..."

Advanced cultivation techniques and martial arts are on the second and third floors of the library, and those on the first floor are unpopular cultivation methods and martial arts, so no one cares about them.

Zhang Yu did not go upstairs, because he knew that the second and third floors had been emptied long ago, and nothing was left.

Walking to the bookshelf, Zhang Yu picked up a book that recorded a cultivation method, opened it, and activated the "Insight Technique".

[Hong Tianju: Mortal Tier medium, total 6-layers, up to Open Revolving 6th-layer, average 56 errors per layer]

"An average of 56 mistakes per floor... Are you kidding me? This kind of cultivation technique really will not cultivate dead people?" Zhang Yu shook his hands and sweat broke out on his face. (I don't know what he was trying to say, correct if you know chinese and read the raw.)

[Lotus Art: Mortal Tier Low grade, total 3-layers, up to Open Revolving 3rd-layer, with an average of 63 errors per layer]

Zhang Yu brace himself continues to look through one after another.

[Changchun Collection: Mortal Tier medium, total 6-Layer, up to Open Revolving 6th-layer, average 45 errors per layer]

[Earth Dragon Art: Mortal Tier Low grade, total 3-Layer, up to Open Revolving 3rd-layer, average 38 error per layer]


After an hour.

After reviewing all the cultivation techniques and martial arts on the first floor of the library, Zhang Yu was in a very bad mood: "There are thousands of cultivation techniques and martial arts, but none of the cultivation techniques have an average of less than 30 errors per layer..."

You must know that the highest level of these cultivation techniques and martial arts is not higher than Mortal Tier medium, and many of them have more errors than "Extreme martial dao".

"It's really hard to find a cultivation method with few errors!" Zhang Yu couldn't help but sigh, but any force with a little background may not look down on these unpopular cultivation techniques and martial arts.

Looking down at the book in his hand, Zhang Yu sighed.

[Jian Tianjue: Mortal Tier medium, total 6-Layer, up to Open Revolving 6th-layer, average 31 error per layer]

This is the method with the least number of errors per layer he has found so far, but this method is only average.

Mortal Tier medium cultivation technique, which can only be cultivated to Open Revolving 6th-layer!

If it is an Mortal Tier High Grade cultivation technique, Zhang Yu may consider it, but if the Mortal Tier is medium, Zhang Yu will never switch to this cultivation technique unless his brain is flooded.

"System, do you have any good suggestions?" Zhang Yu rubbed his head and was at a loss for a moment.

The library was silent for a moment, and the mechanical and electronic voice of the system sounded slowly: "Different cultivation techniques have different errors. The 'Insight Technique' can see the errors of the cultivation techniques and the place where the error is not marked is correct. The host can replace the wrong places in 'Extreme Martial Arts' with the correct places in other cultivation technique..."

Modifying the cultivation technique!

Bold suggestions!

Zhang Yu was stunned for a long time, then his eyes widened, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes: "Yes, each cultivation method is different, and the errors are also different, I can completely replace the correct paths in other cultivation techniques! "

As long as there are enough cultivation technique as materials, Zhang Yu can even change the "extreme martial arts" without a single error!

Although Zhang Yu was only a rookie in martial arts, he couldn't create a cultivation method out of thin air, but...he could learn from other methods!

Others can't modify a cultivation technique, but Zhang Yu is different. With the "insight technique", he can use the "insight technique" to find out the wrong places, and then find the corresponding correct places from other cultivation techniques to use as replacement, in this way, he has every opportunity to come up with a flawless cultivation technique.

"There is no wrong way to cultivate, won't you feel comfortable at home?"

Just thinking about it, Zhang Yu couldn't help himself with excitement.

When he thought of it, Zhang Yu quickly moved in the library and implemented the ideas in his mind.

But in the process of taking action, Zhang Yu encountered a problem.

"Each cultivation method has different cultivation methods in different realms. If you want to modify it, you have to separate the cultivation methods of each realms. If you mix them up, you can't modify them at all..."

Hesitated for a while, Zhang Yu took a deep breath: "Then start with Open Revolving."