The lunch date

In the morning I got up and went straight to the academics office to verify my programme but I was told to switch to law cause journalism was full so I went for it. When I went for my first class I met Sam I felt a bit of relief cause I had known someone in the class. When he saw me he smiled and called me to sit with him and after the class he introduced me to all his friends then took me out for lunch. We went to a very expensive restaurant and when we got there we ordered expensive foods and after the meal he held my hand then asked me to be his girlfriend. I hesitated to agree but eventually I did. If only I had known the worst mistake I have ever done.

Soon after our chat we left the restaurant and went back to campus. Upon reaching campus he took me for a walk at the lake it was really amazing cause we talked about alot of things especially the part of us spending the rest of our lives together.