As Kai and Sarah headed out,Kai quickly remembered the apartment parking space which wasn't really that big. So he quickly led Sarah to the parking space while avoiding the dead people buried under the rumble.
It took Kai and Sarah about 3 minutes to get to the parking space. As soon as they entered,Kai quickly gestured for other survivors to get in but only four did as the rest were are mourning their loved ones or trying to pull out their already dead bodies.
As Kai, Sarah and the other four survivors settled in the parking space,Kai softly asked in a low voice for the names of the others so that they could mingle and be comfortable with each other and to not allow the gravity of their predicament sink in. At first,they were all reluctant to comply,but as they understood Kai's intentions, the elderly couple spoke first,the man's name was Mr. Bridgewood he was an Arcada-Srahi and was 67 years old but his wife Mrs. Bridgewood was an Srahi and 55 years old. Then a girl who was probably around the age of 16, spoke up "I am Lucy, I live on the third floor ". Finally the last person who was somewhat moody still refused to say her name.
After the introductions,Mr Bridgewood and Kai estimated that with all the food they had put together including Lucy, Mrs Bridgewood and Sarah and except the stranger the food and water would only last a week but that would be enough for the radiation to reduce so that Kai and Mr Bridgewood can head out to get more supplies.