The top floor of the empty lighthouse held only bookshelves, desks, chairs, and books under a dark sky broken only by the celestial body radiating brilliant mana.


The shaking ground and the meaningless rustling of the wind. I stared at the place where she had been standing.

"It's not even funny."

I snorted. Looking back, the hints were everywhere. Her appearance, her habits, her reckless personality, and above all else-

"…This flower."

I carefully ran my hand across the petals.

My mind couldn't accept the possibility of her being subjected of a transmigration like me. She was too precious for me to consider it.

"…Yoo Ara."

Only because you had the courage to call my name was I able to find out at the last moment.

"You're still the same."

I smiled. My feelings for her were still clear. She was the person who occupied the largest part of Kim Woojin's heart, who shared half of Deculein's soul.

I looked at the forget-me-not.

I'm glad I got to know you, but I can't be happy, I can't rejoice, I can't say that I love you. Now, the end will come. Even for you, this is the last thing that must be concluded.


Suddenly, the wind kicked up. Was it a signal? Or was it some last bit of consolation? I gripped my staff tighter. At that moment, Yukline's mana arose and resonated with nature's mana.


A quiet thumping sound filled the air as mana and magic fused. Now, my spell gently bloomed from the very bottom of this lighthouse. Up, up, up, up, and finally, at this summit, I would implement my great magic.


Only one day left. There was no need to worry about the spell being ruined. Until then, 'My Knight' would hold up.


A spell of harmony was engraved in the air with a flash of light. I quietly closed my eyes and mumbled softly as I adjusted the lighthouse's mana.

"…Kim Woojin."

Kim Woojin and Deculein. Which part of the two was I? I thought for a moment, but the answer came quickly. It was too easy and simple, and there was nothing to think about and no need to waste my understanding.

"I think it was thanks to you."

I am Deculein, and at the same time, I am Kim Woojin. Deculein got help from Kim Woojin, and Kim Woojin got help from Deculein. Deculein acknowledged Kim Woojin, and Kim Woojin also acknowledged Deculein. They were embracing each other.


The wind swirled around my feet.


Cold energy froze my suit pants. I opened my eyes and looked at the door.


* * *

…Julie's life was pure white. All the trajectories she went through and walked were dyed pure white without any memorable color, making it impossible to distinguish which memories were joyous and which ones were scars.

Julie knew the reason why. It was because she couldn't accept positive things like joy, and she couldn't accept sad things as sadness. So, maybe her heart wasn't meant to be pure white but had been bleached.


Syrio was calling her name; her former companion, but now an enemy who had turned to the Altar's side. He was looking at her with sorrow.

"You're being broken."

It angered her to hear, but it was hard to deny. The doll's body was already broken. Now that even her consciousness was blurring, she could barely hold on. When all of this was over…

"Will you be okay?" asked Syrio.

Instead of answering, Julie tightened her grip. There was no need for that. This sword Deculein had tempered was already the same as her body. Even if this body broke, she wouldn't fall.

"…I asked the wrong question."

Syrio scratched the back of his neck, then glanced around.

"You worked hard. We were almost winning."

The priests of the Altar and the Demon Bloods chimeras and even their high-ranking apostles were frozen now.


Syrio chuckled.

"Was it worth it?

He gently swung his sword. That was enough to disturbed Julie's posture. The situation was already over.

"…What do you mean?"

Syrio's eyes widened.

"You can speak?"

She closed her mouth again. Syrio grinned.

"What I meant was, was it worth sacrificing your life like this? After being bound by a knight's morality, devoting yourself to developing a knight's swordsmanship and living without liking or loving anything. In the end, to protect Deculein…"

Syrio's voice trembled. Was it because it was too absurd, or did he feel sorry while saying this?

"The Deculein you hated so much... Did you work that hard to meet this kind of end?"

Syrio spoke as if he was genuinely worried. However, Julie showed no reaction except icy calm. No, rather, she sneered at Syrio.

"That's right. I am happy even at this moment."

Syrio's smile vanished.

"As you said, I have always lived my life for the sword. But on that way, at some point, he intervened."

"But is that good? Your path was polluted."

Julie smiled. She still didn't know the feeling of love, but wouldn't it be okay to call it 'love' if it were this much?

"He colored my bleached world. Without him, I would be a pointless person pursuing the most pointless goals."

A knight without a target to protect had no meaning. Even if you became the most honorable knight "serving the empire", there was no meaning in protecting something you had no reason to protect.

"Thanks to him, I now understand. I found a reason to live."

Mana poured like a waterfall from Julie's broken body.

"I will protect him."

Her mana spread slowly, very slowly. It crept at a speed that could be followed with one's eyes, but neither Jaylon nor Syrio could approach her recklessly.

"This is dangerous."

Jaylon said. With one arm already frozen, he prepared for the battle to come—


He broke off his frozen arm. Syrio grinned.

"I know. I thought we were about to win."

Julie's mana froze everything: first, the air in the atmosphere, making it impossible to see, and then the space, blurring all sense of distance.

"…What kind of monster is this—"

Syrio's smirk also had frozen. The mana that Sirio was emitting, his movement, and even his blood cooled down, and in that way, the very time in this space slowed to a crawl, then halted completely. Eternity in a never-ending winter.


Silence reigned alone in the harsh cold. Feeling her consciousness sinking, Julie heard a whisper.


It was impossible to tell whose voice it was, but Julie wished to think of it as Deculein's.

"…I am proud of you."

Hearing this, she could disappear without regret.

"I am also proud of you, professor."

Julie smiled.

* * *


Sophien and her guards paused for a moment at the sound of crackling ice.


Sophien continued up the stairs without another word. At that moment-


A chill met them on the stairs, rushing forward as it froze time and space.


Sophien recited the divine language. Then, strangely, the cold air stopped moving and instead made way for Sophien.

"Your Majesty! It's dangerous!"

Belatedly, Delric and Lawaine stepped forward and blocked her. Sophien slapped them across the back of their heads.

"It's okay, so get out of the way. Julie did this."

She could tell by the mana.

Sophien looked back. There weren't many left: two Demon Bloods, Delric, Lawaine, and Ganesha. Had the others been devoured?

"…Let's go."


Step by step, the stairs resonated with the sound of crushed ice. How much time had passed since they started their climb?

"What… is this?"

Ganesha's admiration flowed freely with her breath. Each of the knights echoed her sentiment, as in the middle of climbing the stairs, they reached what could only be described as an ice cave.

"It's a magical space."

Sophien said. She smiled softly and rubbed her fingers together. The air quivered.

"She froze the entire top floor of the lighthouse. Space, time, everything…"

Sophien explained to the guards behind her.

"You wait here."

"But Your Majesty-"

"I can feel Julie's will in this space. She's allowing only me to enter."

Stomp- Stomp-

As she walked alone, admiring this crystal space, Sophien said:

"You just have to stop those who try to interfere."

Suddenly, she wondered: in what form and with what kind of effort did Julie create such a beautiful, magical space?

"…But Your Majesty, who do you mean we should stop~?" Ganesha asked. "No one will be able to cross this~."

Even Ganesha was afraid enough of freezing if she followed Sophien. She doubt anyone in the Altar was capable enough to go through this place.

"Anyone who tries to get in my way, of course" answered Sophien with a dry tone.

This was the surest Emperor's Order she could give. With that in mind, Sophien went on her way.