Mechanicus of Stargate

I did not like my second life, I was born on one of the incalculable worlds of The Imperium Of Mankind.

I did not know that till later in my life, I simply thought I was reborn on some random medieval world where I was born into the family of a blacksmith.

In my first life I was an engineer, with a love of over complicated analogue machines so I did what any reincarnated person does they start "inventing" new machines.

It was simple things at first, small toys for the other kids or a better plow in exchange for a cut of the increase profits. But as I started to make better and more advanced machines I began to notice I knew things I didn't know before like how to make giant clock work spiders.

I was very excited as I thought I had finally figured out what my ability was in my new life, I had access to the Factorio database of technology, which was partially correct I would come to figure out.

I actually had the ability to build any thing from fiction, sadly this is as over powered as I thought. Sadly I could just build a arc reactor and a iron man suit and take over the world I had to actually study and fully understand them alter the designs to fit the physics of the universe.

So for my first 20 years of life, I innovated and built. I would leave my small village and move to a trade city on the coast where I would eventually found my first factory that was actually a simple paper factory which would fund my research and other business.

It wasn't easy I was surrounded on all sides by enemies, From the nobles who saw my innovation as a threat to there power or the occasional pirate who wanted to steal one of my early Ironclads.

On my 25th year after having basically full control over the trade city I found myself in, I finally figured out what universe I found my self in.

I had heard rumors over the years of powerful witches that summoned demons or how some 1000 years ago a giant flying ship had visited the world and brought angels.

But on my first visit to the capital of the world a giant medieval city that while beautiful felt wrong while I was in it, I thought it was just some normal assassins but I was confident in my new Riflemen as they were the best trained and armed with early bolt action rifles while the rest of the world used sword and bows.

I myself was wielding a prototype M-1 Garand when the invasion began, It very sudden as I was meeting with one of the High Kings Generals when the sky above the city was suddenly filled with horrifying colors as rifts were ripped open by a cult of the chaos gods opened up.

It was utter chaos as they slaughtered and consumed the local population, when I heard those monstrosities scream out *SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE" I finally understood how fucked the situation was.

Of course the nobles that were in charge were useless or at worst were apart of the cult in some way, so I had my men take control over the fortifications and battle while I started working on a solution.

Having heard the rumor of Angels hidden in the capital I interrogated the high king for information, after some very heavy handed work I was guided deep into the bowels of the castle where I was shown a group of 20 stasis chambers.

All bearing iconography of the Imperium skulls and prayer seals, 10 of them were filled with Space Marines all of course Ultra marines While the rest had a mix of Mechanicus personal or which I would later learn an Astropath.

Looking over stasis chambers I was able to piece together enough to deactivate one of the Mechanicus members as I didn't want to accidentally kill a space marine.

I was promptly yelled at in a very shrill voice of Binary which I understood as why I was touching Mechanicus technology and prepare to become a servitor, Thankfully I was able to get our Cult and Daemons which it(?) would conform via its Servo Skulls.

After unlocking the rest of the Stasis chambers, I was suddenly being asked for every peace of Information on the situation which I just gave them the radio signals of my people coms.

That I when the fighting truly started, as the space marines took over the situation.

It was truly awe inspiring and horrifying watching them fight as nothing that big should move that fast, my men where fighting with them while I joined the Mechanicus members.

They normally would not be fighting on the field usually using skitarii to fight but they were using what advanced weaponry they had to decimate the Daemons.

So I had "given" them access to my Factorio Tank and Armored Cars which they were surprisingly cool with, I was running down every Deamon I could while one of the people from the Starks chambers interrogated the nobles while the Astropath sent a message to the nearest imperial world.

The interrogator would eventually locate all of the rifts and rituals which we were to destroy with liberal uses large tank shells or fire.

This stemmed the tide of monstrosities from the Warp, we were still dealing with quite a large number of them.

The worst of the fighting lasted for 3 days which I didn't sleep and given a large amount of stimulants from the tech priests to stay awake. During those days we did nothing but fight and fight, on the third day the space marines told us that we were pretty much clear and reinforcement were on the way.

After eating a very large meal and sleep for a full day my interrogation began, which was terrifying. I was spared the worst of it after I was cleared of any warp taint but the Mechanicus had a great deal of questions for me.

I would come to learn I was very lucky as these tech priests were from the 30th millennium which meant compared to there modern brothers, which would have killed me for even touching the stasis unit.

They were actually quite civil and were simply curious where I had gotten the template for the tanks as they would be good for uplifting feudal world or for cheap transport on certain world.

When I explained I built and developed all of the non standard technologies they would see in the coming days as I sent world for all of my assets to make there way to the capital.

Soon my whole private army arrived, 1000s of men, artillery, tanks and spider mechs flooded the city trying to keep the peace or just do what ever the giant blue men wanted. (All using WW1 ear weapons)

That didn't include the navy which blockaded the port not allowing any to leave or enter the capital while the imperials arrived to take over.

While none of it very advanced it got the Mechanicus very interested in myself which would seal my fate for the next 500 years.

By the end of the month the first of the Imperial reinforcements with them came the Inquisition the imperial faith.

After being checked for taint once again and confirming that I was actually a blank me sign I was immune to the horrors of the warp, the Interrogator then negotiated with me about buying all my assets on the planet for the Inquisition as they needed to investigate the entire planet and my trade network spanned every corner of the world.

Seeing as how he could just take my assets with no consequences I made the deal, which meant he would be giving me access to basic imperial tech and a very good nest egg for the future.

When the Mechanicus fleet arrived I was again summon but this time I was told in advance what was occurring, the tech priest I had awoke had agreed to sponsor me for joining the Mechanicus.

I knew that was my only choice in the matter or fleeing for Tau space as I didn't want to stop innovating and developing technology, even more so since getting ahold of some imperial tech.

I had already thought the idea of Machine spirits and rituals to sanctify technology was stupid but after analyzing it my power clued me in on it. If done correctly and with enough zeal a priest could prevent any non human or Deamon from messing with technology.

So when they "asked" me to join up I did, my first days were rather normal I was put through a number of tests for my basic understanding of math and science.

Then my training began, the start of the my training was focused on the tenets of the Mechanicus.

The Mysteries of the Cult Mechanicus

Life is directed motion.

The spirit is the spark of life.

Sentience is the ability to learn the value of knowledge.

Intellect is the understanding of knowledge.

Sentience is the basest form of Intellect.

Understanding is the True Path to Comprehension.

Comprehension is the key to all things.

The Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all.

The Warnings of the Cult Mechanicus

The alien mechanism is a perversion of the True Path.

The soul is the conscience of sentience.

A soul can be bestowed only by the Omnissiah.

The Soulless sentience (i.e. Necrons) is the enemy of all.

The knowledge of the ancients stands beyond question.

The Machine Spirit guards the knowledge of the Ancients.

Flesh is fallible, but ritual honours the Machine Spirit.

To break with ritual is to break with faith.

After that my training began 100 years of it. The ship I was being trained on was a part of the exploratory expeditions, we went blindly into the warp to search for lost technology and planets to found Forge worlds.

I was taught the basics of the technology, from lasguns to data slates I was expected to know who to make and understand it all. I of course was augmented slowly at first but as I aged more and more were applied.

Most built by myself or my two teachers, mostly focused on improving my intellect and survivability for obvious reasons.

After my first 100 years I was trusted enough and moved up enough in the ranks to gain access to more technology and allowed to join expeditions to the world themselves.

My equipment never stagnated, my weapons were a mix of laser and Bolter as we came across many monsters on our expeditions. My implants as it was expected of me were also expanded, my arms and legs were removed and replaced with cyberpunk style limbs that allowed me to blend in as needed unlike my companions.

Around my 350th year in service of the Mechanicus I was an actual devote follower of the Omnissiah as it truly protected us from the chaos gods, but like my original teachers I still wanted to improve technology.

I had gathered a decent following of the younger more open minded members that wanted to improve technology. While we were not liked by our leaders we were not purged as we all did great work and actually showed great progress in fixing all of the issues we found.

On one of the 1,000s of trips I came upon a STC which is a Standard Template Device from the height of mankind. While not a truly ground breaking find that revolutionized the Mechanicus it was good enough for me to earn my own forge world.

The world I was given was truly off in the middle of no where, no near by Imperial world for at least a month of travel Which I and my followers were fine with.

The world was extremely active in volcanic activity and filled with minerals as is the system itself.

I was also given 5 millions colonists over the period of 50 years and told to make sure they do not all die.

With that my Mechanicus followers and I (5,000) began setting up the infrastructure, dropping pre made buildings from orbit that we had set up and scanning the planet do resources we got to work.

By my 500th year the planet was on almost on par with mats in our industrial might, we were also 1,000s of time more efficient and safe than any other forge world.

As any means of preventing chaos from taking root was implemented, the Blank Gene was implemented on every citizen meaning we had no cults or warp Fuckery.

Orbital platforms for food and defense covered the orbit of the planet while in system ships mined the asteroid belt for any metal they could find.

There was also around the planet a swarm of satellites that were about to active, as when I learned of my location in the multiverse I planned my escape.

So on my 500th birthday I activated the array and teleported the planet to the Stargate universe as I knew my people still didn't love Xenos While they wouldn't kill on sight anymore no cross breading was happening soon.