The Wild Shaper.

In the most desolate reaches of Westeros far from the intrigue of Kings landing and the verdant fields of the south in the harsh lands of Skagos a child is born too House Magnar.

If this child was born to a House on the main land there north would be met with great celebration and jubilation but here in in the lands of Skagos it was met with a polite nod and the men and woman went back to try to gather a scrap of food in this desolate land.

But this child is special, his soul is far older than his physical form showed. His birth would be a great sign to those who lived in Magnar lands as a long spring and summer had caused a surge In wild edibles and fishing.

As for the child his life was normal for the first, he was a quiet baby as in his mind he was trying to memorize his previous life not allowing any a single second to be forgotten and with his old and new soul merged, with a dash of the magic in the world he had developed a mindscape.

In the mind scape an addition he didn't place appeared on his ninth birthday, a count down timer to be done on his 13th birthday.

As he grew up he was far larger than those in his age group, his father Edric the Third was extremely happy as his done would need to be strong of mind and body to survive Skagos.

And what a mind did he have, from his past life he had memories of growing up on a small farm and a great love history he had many idea to try and improve his peoples lives.

Sadly most of his ideas were useless in this environment, the land had been ruined for many years by salt and over exploitation from older generations. It reminded the boy of Easter island on his old world where the natives had cut to many trees down and stranded them selves on the island.

What trees he did find were heavily watched and maintained for fire wood and for growing mushrooms and other edibles, some of his ideas did help in some small ways.

His compost piles in the caves have helped securing some basic farming for the first time

In many years, and some small garden for potatoes and other hardy vegetables as with the lack of nutrients from the soil the earth must be heavily monitored to prevent issues.

He also against his father wishes began exploring the deeper parts of the cave system his people would normally hid in during the worst of the winter storms.

There he found a lot of skeletons of people who had died in previous winters which were carried to the surface to be buried in the suns light and there bones help feed the future generations, he going even deeper found a lava tube with large sections of obsidian in the walls.

He after alerting his father was reprimanded for going against his wishes and going with out an escort, but he of course was excited as with the obsidian he could expand his guard and improve the weapons along with the people as what little steel weapons they were extremely old.

With the obsidian tools he and his men began securing more and more of the island once again as even though his house is officially in charge of the entire island most of it was wild and in control of small tribes.

Most of the small tribes would join up after seeing the "well fed" guards and soldiers of House Magnar, but the occasional cannibal tribe would be put down and there bodies used as fertilizer for our House.

By the time the boy was 13 his father had united the island of Skagos once again, there people were not well off but they were not starving in the middle of summer, and with his knowledge the cave system was improved to more safe and warm conditions.

While on the surface actual farms were started while small they provided actual vegetables for the people of Skagos, they were living in new stone homes made from the new mortar that the boy developed and warming them with the coal that had been found on the island.

Then while the boy was in his personal "laboratory" he had ordered built he suddenly collapsed I front of his assistants, as the countdown had finished. Unknown to him this happened in multiple places throughout Planetos.

Himself Bronwen of Skagos, Meera Reed of the Neck, Gendry Of Kingslanding and Amadeo of Braavos. All of them at once collapsed, they would gain power and knowledge that non had on this planet.

Bronwen had gained complete Bio-kinesis, he had the power to completely change at a whim alter the genetic structure of anything he touches or wills upon himself so long as he had the biomass.

His father had heard him collapse and brought him to his bed and when he awoke the world would be extremely different.


Edric passed back and forth as his some laid in the healing chambers his son himself had thought of as the wise woman cared for his son.

They also were worried than they normally would be, there young lord and there father had practically saved the people of Skagos. So when he started to awaken a wave of relief swept through the chamber.

Edric rushed over to his sons bed side his much larger bulk form encapsulated his son as he pulled him into a hug. "Don't you do that again son, you scared the entire island passing out like that."

Bronwen didn't answer as his mind was completely overwhelmed by sheer amount of information that entered his mind, as he complete understanding of every minute detail of his fathers biology.

Bronwen collected his mind and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry dad, but I didn't have a lab accident or anything like that I was overwhelmed all the sudden. Dad….. I think the gods spoke to me or something because I understand even more about biology than ever before."

"Son…..I know you very clever and help the island so much but I think it's a stretch that the gods would do that." His father have him a polite smile and a look of your trying to get out of a punishment.

"No, dad I'm not being big headed or narcissistic, hand me the composting for today I'll show you." Giving his father a look that have no room for argument, which he had seen a number of times and waved for one of the wise woman to bring the trash can over as his some hadn't steered him wrong yet.

Being a clay vessels filled with fish bones, small chunks of meat and all kinds of organic refuse, Bron then took a breathe and center his self and grabbed a handful of the bio waste.

In his hands it suddenly melded and began to shift bubble as he willed the organic gunk transformed before the eyes of those in the room, Bron then began to twist and pull on the ball till it was in the vague shape of a small tee.

He then focused once again and the tree began to solidify though it was very different than any tree they had seen before, it's trunk is a deep blue color and in cracks of the bark it pulsed with a light blue color. While it's leaves are a pastel purple and among its branches are large fruits.

The room was silent as they watched there young lord change the very fabric of life, "I'm not sure what to call it but it's a fruit bush that grows completely underground, it should help for those who spend most of there time underground."

Bron picked a fruit and handed it to his father who closely examined the fruit and tile and dagger and cut the fruit In half and took a large bite out of the fruit which I had based around an orange which I'm nearly a hundred precent sure he had never had before.

Edric let out a deep guttural moan as he devoured the entire fruit almost seeds and all which he carefully placed to the side to grow more, I handed a fruit to the guards and the wise woman who watched over me and all devoured the fruits and eyed the tree.

Edric collected himself and wiped his face of the juices, "That is amazing son, I'm sorry to ask but what else can you do."

"A lot more dad, I have a ton of information on how to make a bunch of plants and animals. But I think I can alter people as well, I of course won't do this with out consent and testing."

His fathered nodded understanding, "What do you need son because from the wounds of it you have a lot of work ahead of you."



By the end of the week Brons requested materials had been located and brought to him, he was filled to the brim with ideas from his power and his own mind.

He had always been a big fan of science fiction and fantasy so he had a bunch of different experiments to run.

First he could only modify his self back to his base form like healing a cut or regrowing a limb, he could in theory make a virus that changes or altered his DNA though.

Second, he needed biomass to make or alter anything he could make it from Nothing.

Third, his power gave him retroactive understanding of plants and animals from this and his old life but he could just grow a dragon now and have it survive he must experiment to make new things.

So here he is testing the new tree he had grew to understand how he can build underground farms, to succeed in this endeavor he needed to to replace sunlight in its growth cycle.

As with the compost boxes and the various underground ponds and lakes that dot the caves should provide the needed for water, but with the lack of sunlight for photosynthesis I'll have to replace it with a different nutrient source or replicate a light source.