In the lands of Westeros many are born with their fate set in stone as they were unlucky to be born a lord or merchant and will never see 10 miles away from their village.

But if you are a bastard it is much worse, as the Seven preach you are a monster and are a creature of sin. That is where I found myself reborn as a royal bastard among the festering mob of Kings Landing.

My mother was a whore, no other way of saying it. She looked similar to Lyanna Stark and was hired by the soon to be King Robert Baratheon, but when he wed she was sent away back to the brothel she came from with some extra coin.

That is where I was born, in a whore house which wasn't as bad as you would expect. My mother and her coworkers treated me with kindness and love and with me showing such a high level of intelligence early on the owner took me under his wing.

That is how I spent my first 10 years of life. I improved the brothel with homemade soaps and oils and just kept the place in a better quality.

But that is when everything changed as the iron born rebellion had started, we were not affected at first but then the order for the men at arms to gather and the royal fleet to make harbor.

That is when the lords came, all of the 100s of small lords from the crown lands who thought themselves more important than they were. So when they showed up to the brothel and were not immediately waited on and given everything for free everything went to hell.

They were violent with the girls or refused to pay and when the owner, a man I greatly respected, confronted them he was struck down with a sword.

Still being a child at the time all I could do is alert the gold cloaks who we bribed in the area, by the time they arrived most of my little family had been raped and killed by the men and lords.

They were taken to the castle as was I there Jon Arryn sat the throne as the so called king was too drunk I would come to learn later to oversee the hearing.

The whores who survived and myself told the truth and what the lords had done, they of course said that it was true and that we were lying.

The Gold Cloaks that I had bribed actually did their job and supported me out of greed or morality I do not know but it didn't matter. The lords were forced to pay a small fee to all of us for killing my family.

My mother survived the ordeal for a time, she suffered from internal injuries and some STDs from the various clients she's had over the years.

But I held her hand as she passed. I knew what my fate would be. I would tear this place to the ground and make it anew. No more lords or kings I would make a republic and Drag this place into the future kicking and screaming if I have to.

That is when I felt something click inside my head and a blue floating screen appeared in front of me.

[Hello Host! You have been chosen to hold the Revolutionary system, your world has been held back by lords and kings now you must change the world with the help from the people.

But you won't have to do it alone, with this system you can summon various people from across the multiverse, gain powers and guarantee the loyalty of your revolution.]

Five things then appeared after; Summons, Powers, Contracts, Revolutionary Points (300), Gacha (1).

Clicking on Revolutionary Points, [Revolutionary points are earned in a variety of ways, from developing new technologies to killing lords and ladies the greater the feat the more points.

These points can be used to buy the more rare and useful summons and powers like Nukes and Superman's powers.]

My current points are from developing the new soaps and helping develop germ theory, with this amount I could summon one Schooner (Sailing ship) or five musket men or a person like Toph from ATLA (Adult)

For powers they were mostly low level things like; elemental manipulation like ATLA (One element pre person), passive abilities like boosts like strength and intelligence, or things like Cheese manipulation.

From looking through the list of people, summons, ects the more advanced the technology, skills or rare abilities the more expensive they would be.

While looking through the summons if I paid double the price I could absorb the knowledge and abilities of the summons instead of buying them.

Sadly the most useful ones are extremely expensive and I needed more of a plan before I start summoning mouths to feed as I don't even have much of a home anymore.

Lastly was the gacha which I had one free roll and decided to let luck take over, thousands upon thousands of items, people, and powers passed my eyes till it finally landed in on a name I remembered.

Ezio Auditore Da Firenze Master assassin and teacher that helped spread the renaissance throughout Italy, I looked at the two options of summoning and absorbing him, while he would be great to have as a mentor and partner I needed power if I was going to survive.

So I absorbed him, it surprisingly didn't hurt as the knowledge, strength, and Ezio's very essence was absorbed.

I felt in addition to my new powers and abilities I could shift into his form allowing me an additional level of safety.

For the first in weeks since my mothers death I smiled, shifted to Ezio and realizing I had no gear I spent 250 of my 300 points for the full set and a horse.


I left King's Landing and rode for the army on march towards Lannisport, as with the size of the army it would take a couple of weeks for the army to arrive and even longer for the Royal fleet.

So I rode the Gold Road and followed the swath of damage the massive army left behind it, and after two days I arrived at the back of the army to see the various sigils of the noble houses.

The ones so far back are the smallest of all the nobles houses who do not have the men or "honor" of being near the king. None of these men hurt my family and I didn't need to kill all of them yet, so I slipped into the crowd and began looking for three different House Symbols.

Three red hart's heads caboshed on a white bend on vair of House Harte, Per fess undy: A crown of white stars on burgundy above black House Langward, and lastly A grey iron greathelm on white of house Pyle.

Each of these men are guilty, their men are just as guilty. The only problem is taking care of them in a way that doesn't lead to the death of innocent people and get me the most revolutionary points.

As the more "interesting", dangerous and complicated the more points I get from the kill.

So I moved through the large camps of the various lords and was not impressed with their standards, as men were obviously drinking bad water and not keeping any semblance of order in camp.

No one even bothered questioning me about a complete unknown riding through the camps, so I rode through the various camp notes, the various makeups of the soldiers, how well armed and how much of the composition is levied from their lands.

Which is a depressing amount, I'm not sure if it's because they are still recovering from Robert's Rebellion or the lords not wanting to expend there trained troops for the rebellion.


It took most of the day to locate all three lords and their men as they were closer to the front with the king, stalking them for a couple days I learned quite a bit.

The three lords are actually quite new in their positions, their fathers chose the wrong side of the rebellion so they took over their lands without much training and still acted like spoiled children.

They whored, drank and fought with their men and each other as it seems the three are somehow related, of course the whorse they used never seemed to be seen again.

After seeing that I made up my mind to begin my revenge, gathering some wild herbs and some chemistry from Ezios knowledge I made some Anti-Libio drugs to prevent them from hiring any more whores for themselves.

So by the time we reached Lannisport the three lords were not acting like their normal selves as they had not gone and bought a whore since poisoning them.


I was lucky once again as the lowly lords were not able to enter the main castle.

My first target is lord Harte, a man in his twenties, but acts more like a man child; he is completely unfit for battle and weights close to 300 pounds.

He collapsed and suffocated a number of girls while using them and I had a punishment in mind.


My main target is resting in his large lavish tent where Lord Harte is feasting on his own and his men are out having their own fun as a large supply of alcohol has been gifted to them.

So most of the men are completely drunk and feasting, so when I approached one of the two guards on duty in front of the tent the one I spoke to was more than happy to run off to join in on the party.

The other guard just stood there for a while and finally broke the silence, "Alright this shit sucks, so how lo-" and I jut my arm with the hidden blade and shoved my blade into his neck killing him.

Quickly stabbing my spear into the ground and balancing the guard on it, I then shot a sleeping dart into Lord Harte and entered the tent closing the flap behind me.

The tent inside was covered with rugs, furs and trinkets wall to wall with a large table filled with various meats, cheeses and wines that could feed an entire family but this Beast of a man had been stuffing himself.

Grossed out at the idea of touching the man with his grease covered body I put on some gloves and wrapped the man in rope and put a god in his mouth and waited.

————-3rd POv

Lord Harte enjoyed eating and ate he did, he consumed more meat in his 25 years of life than most small folk would in their entire life.

From Peacocks to Dolphin he has tried it all and still wanted more and more exotic foods from as far as YiTi and beyond.

So when he bit a chunk out of that girl who refused to be bed his favorite food had been found and he indulged how he indulged.

He had found that different to the point he found differences in flavor between ethnicity and the nobility.

That is what he thought about when he felt a twinge of pain and was suddenly unconscious with his face in a plate of food.

When he awoke he was tied to his chair and gagged, looking around his tent and struggling against his bindings while trying to scream.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A man sitting in the corner twirling a blade in his hand and pointed it at him l.

Harte stopped and looked the man over; he looked like he was from the free cities and lord Harte immediately began yelling into his gag and Ezio rolled his eyes and threw his knife.

The knife sinks right into the thigh of Lord Harte who began to scream and whine into his gag, as tears fell down his oily face.

"Don't bother even screaming, your men are used to screaming coming from your tent you monster." Ezio then cold cocks the lord, sending his head to the side. "Now, I'll ungag you in a moment now you just shut up and listen."

Lord Harte stopped whining and looked down at the knife still in his thigh and nodded.

Ezio gave him a smile "Good the fat lord can listen, now you have killed and eaten a number of girls since leaving kings landing. Worst of all you killed my aunt in Kings Landing you crushed her body underneath you and tried to take a bite out of her before the guards pulled you out."

Ezio at each punctuation sliced into the fat of his body not enough to kill him but hurt extremely, Ezio then moved to the table and grabbed a large bone from a cow and moved behind him.

Ezio then moved his head to be right beside Harte, and move his hand to the gag."Now, I'm going to remove the gag and I ask you this one question and if you tell the truth I won't kill you, Do you remember any of names of the women you killed just tell me one and I'll let you go and if you scream I'll kill you."

Ezio then grabs the bone and holds it behind his back and lets loose the gag.

Harte, take a deep breathe and tires to think of any name and nothing comes and his eyes show his panic and starts to let out a yell and was quickly silenced as Ezio grabbed his head back and shoved the bone down his throat tearing and causing internal bleeding.

Ezio cuts the bindings loose and pushes Harte out the tent and lets out a yell and the more sober men run over and try to help but all they can do is watch as he drowns in his own blood.

Ezio repeats this process with each of the other three lords and each kill more brutal than the last all leaving the same symbol, after some investigations what the nobles had been doing came to light the smallfolk are happy and the symbol has been spreading.

The nobles didn't care about the smallfolk rather the death of nobles set them on edge as this hasn't happened in a very long time.