Being born a slave means one's destiny is written in the blood of millions dating back to the days of the Valyrian Empire; it has become so institutionalized and beaten into the very souls and faith.

As in the slave pens and market's whispered by those in bondage of a god all their own, a woman justice and freedom lady liberty she who cares a torch that will burn slavers to ash as she did to the Valyrians of old.

And liberty herself had been empowered by the blood of her worshipers and connected to herself just for a moment from across the multiverse where she found a version of herself "worshiped" by a nation unlike any other a place of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

She took a sliver of her other selves power and grabbed a single soul and empowered it, unlike other gods she is one of absolute free will so she did not demand worship rather made a deal with the soul.

She would act as a conduit for a "system" that was in the souls memories, a thing called GURPS a way for the soul to gain power and in exchange it would spread liberty, freedom, and innovation to her worshipers.

With what little power Liberty had left from her excursion the soul was given 100 points to empower his new body; he improved his physical and mental Dexterity and his base Health, he also expanded his knowledge from his old world from the mysteries of Alchemy to Clockwork. Lastly he gave himself knowledge of Massive Warhammer to defend himself and his future companions.

Before he was taken to his new form he finally chose his new name which took the longest as his name would be of great importance in the history of his new world, so he thought back to the myths of his home Prometheus.


Prometheus, a name he would need to get used to, woke in darkness in a room sticking of rot and corruption, as his new Alchemy knowledge (3D6=11) he recognized the smell of decay.

Getting to his feet his eyes eventually got used to the low light from the moon poking through the window, then he realized where he was from the body's memories, a mass grave (more like a pit) where the weeks dead slaves are gathered then burned.

Looking around the pit for any scraps of coin or extra clothes (Perception 3D6=10) not much as the coins used by the Tryoshi are triangular and a little bigger than a penny, equal to about $20 enough to buy simple meals for three days. He also found some nicer clothes from where a man was killed and dumped among the slaves.

Moving away from the pit he turned to the pit of about 30 slaves men, women and children many had been stripped and thrown here, most had died of some kind of sickness but too many children had broken limbs and bones so he kneeled, praying for their souls to know only peace and rest.

Leaving the pit he headed for one of the small villages that were near the city to replace his clothes and get some temp work and plan on how I am going to make good on my deal.


Lady Liberty watched her new champion already enjoying her choice as an influx of souls moved her way away from the Red God and the Seven tried to grab them, but with her champion praying over them and then being slaves she was able to make a strong claim.

Her champion wandered for the night till he saw a village in the distance and thought better for the moment and slept for the night in the scrublands huddled under a bush and slept.

Still keeping an eye on her champion she felt she shifted her focus to other matters as it was nearing a gladiatorial tournament in Meereen and the souls coming to her would need comforting.


Prometheus grumbling to himself stretched and gathered what little he had and made way to the small fishing village that he spotted in the night.

He would like to scout it more but the village had already spotted him this morning (Dex 3D6=13) and were not obviously arming themselves for a fight but are on edge.

A group of men saw me approach and gathered with some clubs in their hands not threatening but ready, the biggest of them a man with skin like leather from spending much of his life in the sun.

Prometheus raised his hand in greeting, and stopped about 10 feet away. "Greetings, I apologize for intruding on your morning work but I was robbed on the road and lost practically everything. (Charisma 3D6=3 Critical Success!)"

The men's guard dropped and looked at one another with sad and understanding looks, the oldest man waved most of the men off and walked over with another young man that looked to be his son.

"I'm sorry young man, the pirates and bandits have gotten worse with Westeros in a Civil war. Come and get some food and tell me your story, I'm Hector the elder of Sedes."

Hector and his son Dion led me into the village while the men moved out into the sea in small ships to fish while those not old enough walked the shallows for anything edible.

Along the way I told Hector my fake story. I was a recently graduated apprentice in a variety of crafts and lost my tools in a bandit attack, with my disheveled appearance and my ability to read and write they both thankfully didn't think I was an escaped slave.

They invited me to eat in the main meeting house where Hector's wife Sophia gave me the last of the fish soup from breakfast. She looked like every old Nona that I had ever met and acted exactly the same. She had me eat as much as I could and more and quickly had me working within moments of finishing.

After a couple of hours of working I had proved my skills and Hector made me a pretty decent deal that I would work around the village for a week and a day and in exchange they would provide me food, housing and pay.

When the week is up they would be heading into the city proper to sell fish and anything the people had made for extra money for the village or people.

He was able to dig out some tools and he showed me to one of the old carpenter workshops which was thankfully in decent condition with a wooden bed and an area for cooking.

There was also a set of new clothes and a pair of nice sandals that were common In the area, with little to get settled I made my way to the docks with my new tools and found the upturned dinghy that had a hole the size of my fist.

(Carpentry 3D6=8) Probably from some coral or some other kind of coral near here, looking over my tools and what would be the cheapest and longest lasting I made the decision to square off the hole to the keel.

Then applying some wood glue and some new pieces of wood it was as fixed as I could make it without much more wood and time.

Upon finishing I felt something ping in the back of my head and I saw my character sheet pop up and under my carpentry skill was 2 of 200 hours till my skill increased another point.