1632 Tesla

In the year 2000 a Modern Western Virginia mining town was transported to southern Thuringia in the year 1632 in the middle of the 30 years war.

This is where Nikola finds himself a man outside time himself who died and was reborn in the mid 1980s in the USA with the intelligence of Nikola Tesla and enhanced by some other worldly force giving him the Essence of the Crafter which gives him borderline supernatural abilities.

[Master craftsman, able to design, build, and maintain anything from machines to a simple shovel.

Flawless work, anything created will never rot or rust only able to be destroyed through violence. These creations are extremely durable as well.

Creations work better than one made by someone else.

Ability to craft items on par with those in myth and legend, spears that never miss, swords that can cut through anything, invulnerable armor, etc.

Can force specific abilities onto items through sheer skill and ability to craft on a conceptual level.]

All of these abilities make him an unparalleled genius and craftsman which he used to develop meta materials and borderline superallows which he sold to the US government, with that money he moved to the small town and built a workshop fortress in the gothic style on one of the taller hills in the town to work on his inventions in peace.

Sadly his peace would not last as in the month of April a flash of light covered the entire town which caused lights to flash and alarms to blare in his workshop.

Looking up from his work table one of his synthetic maids enters the room with worry on her porcelain face and begins to check him over, "Sir are you alright! Outside connections have been cut along with all radio and hardline communications to the factories."

"I'm fine Lydia please have the girls start the backup power and lock down the property but do not harm any of the town people, you and I will enter the balloon to look over the town." Putting his gloves on the table Nikola heads for the roof while Lydia enters the Maids private network to alert them of the situation who immediately go to work.

Deep in the basement of the property Saadia based on the woman from Skyrim who shared the same name flipped a massive switch as a small Fusion power plant is ignited and powers the property.

On the surface other maids based off women throughout fiction and history with guns and robotic dogs begin patrolling making sure nothing has happened to the property.

On the roof Lydia and Nikola begin getting his hot air balloon in the air to look over the area looking for any signs of damage to the town directly which he found none but he was surprised at the terrain that surrounded the town.

Like many towns in Appalachia it was cut and built into the hills and mountains that supported it, now it found itself in a heavily forested area and as he rose higher he could see a town about 30 miles north that looked medieval.

While to the west smoke rose from a farm where a group of men were chasing a woman and a man, lowering his binoculars he addressed his assistant.

"Lydia, analyze that town and landscape with the satellite photos I stole from the Pentagon located where we found ourselves. I have a bad feeling." Pressing a button a winch pulls the balloon down allowing Nikola to exit and Lydia to continue looking out over the area.

Walking down from the roof he is joined by another member of his staff two women one Uthgerd The Unbroken and Adda Wong wearing suits and wielding weapons hidden and obvious.

"We have secured the property and nothing has been disturbed Sir, but along the edge a small sheer cliff has appeared. We have sent the automatons to reinforce the area." Uthgerd, Nikola's head of direct security explained who began walking with her creator Ada the Head of Intelligence gathering walked beside her.

"We will be heading into town immediately, Lydia and I saw an assault of some kind to the west. Get the truck running while I get my guns. I believe we will be fighting and rescuing some people so get Shizuka as well with her kit." Using the internal internet the synthetic staff have alerted Shizuka to the situation.

The two security heads head for the underground garage where Nikola personal collection of vehicles many he had built himself over his new life, one such is the all terrain vehicle based on half tracks with the ability to deploy legs to scale the hills and cliffs of Appalachia.

Shizuka after a few moments jogs into the garage, her large chest bouncing much to the two other woman's chagrin as her model had been based off an ecchi anime.

But that didn't last long as her bubbly personality with a smile plastered across her face and under her arm a large Doctors bag, "Good morning Adda, Uthgerd!" The blonde says pulling the two girls into a hug with surprising strength.

The two security heads give a look to one another at the blonde antics, "Good morning Shizuka. Please get your things loaded into the truck Sir will be down in a moment."

Shizuka, who knew when she needed to be serious, climbed up into the truck and began securing herself into the seats.

Nikola with another woman behind him, a woman looking like Gal Gadot with driving gloves on, sits in the driving seat of the truck and gets the steam powered machine running.

Nikola sits in the back in a communication station with screens that were connected to the balloon floating far above the town that had cameras pointed to the highway which showed a jeep, van and squad car driving along.

"Sir, be advised that a group of two soldiers are chasing a woman In peasant garb towards the highway I recommend dispatching the two as their comrades are torturing a man and gang rapping a woman." Lydia said over the radio acting as overwatch.

Typing on his keyboard the camera switched to the scene she had described, "Thank you Lydia, we will keep an eye out."

Nikola began typing and flipping switches to over power the local radio waves trying to connect to radio in the squad car, "Dan? Can you hear me? This is Nikola from up on the hill." Nikola said using the vehicle radio system.

The radio in the squad car crackled for a moment and eventually Dan the Local Sheriff answered, "Hey Nikola I hear you can you give me an idea of what's going on? We just saw a flash of light then the power went out."

Nikola had gathered something of a reputation from the locals as the local scientist or mad genius in some cases, "Not much Sheriff, the town has been transported somewhere, where I do not know but one of my staff is in my Hot Air balloon looking around trying to locate our position.

But what I can say is that the smoke is a farm house being attacked by some vagrants or something." The cameras in his vehicle focus big on the girl running who was about to reach the jeep and what he assumed was her home burning.

"Also Sheriff, a woman is about to run into you. She is being chased by some of those vagrants who are armed as well. My staff is with me, one of which is a doctor we will help." The sheriff confirmed what he had heard and told them to gun it as they had another woman who had been in a car accident and hit the new dirt wall.

Telling Gal to gun it she began driving recklessly around the bends and dips of the mountain road as she reached the gathering of vehicles two soldiers were on the new dirt clif and aiming at the Sheriff yelling at the man in German.

As the truck slid to a stop the two men flinched and fired one missing but the other hitting the sheriff, who entered some kind of battle state and within seconds fired off 4 shots taking out the two soldiers.

Shizuka as soon as the truck was at a full stop ran towards the man bag in hand and began trying to help the man who was losing a lot of blood, "Shizuka uses the Stempack the pentagon can kiss my ass I won't let good men die today."

Shizuka gave Nikola a smile and reached into her bag and pulled a hypodermic needle, prefilled a red substance and stabbed it into the sheriff with a shout of "Sorry!" Much to the shock of the men around him even more so James Nikolas a Black man and Surgeon watched the large wound that just a second ago looked like someone tore a hole into the man was already scabbing over, keeping the blood in and pushing out chunks of metal.

"I'll be damned. I've never seen anything like that before, I'll have to exchange notes with you young lady." Nikola said with a small smile on his face still looking over the sheriff who was semi conscious.

"Mike…." Dan whispered, "I'm deputizing you and your guys. Tesla, find out what…." He faded out for a moment, "Just do whatever you've got to….."

Dan who had lost quite a bit of blood then the same pack which put his body into overdrive making Jim's pass out.

Shizuka patted the man on the cheek,"The stem pack, while experimental, has put his body into a state of overdrive to heal itself, he needs fluids soon." She looked over to the other Doctor and his daughter who began to move the sheriff into the van to be driven into town.

Another man, Ken Hobbs, a local gun enthusiast more than the average redneck, said, "What in the world, Mike take a look at this, it must be a fucking matchlock." He said hefting the rather unwieldy firearm.

Ken's face flushed momentarily as he looked over to the Doctor's Daughter Sharon "Sorry ma'am 'bout the bad language." She just gave the man a wave as he helped her father move the very pale sheriff in the van.

"I swear Mike it's Matchlock, I have pictures in my books back home." He said his wizened face scrunched in confusion and concentration.

Another man, Hank Jones, saddled up against Ken and began talking to one another quietly examining the firearms while others began looking over the two soldiers.

"I'll be damned Dan shot the bastard's head off, straight through the guys neck." Darryl McCarthy is a man in his early twenties and had no problem using harsh language around women.

McCarthy looked over to the other dead man. "This one too straight through the neck, the only thing keeping his head on is a strip of meat." They all looked over to the sheriff who by now was loaded into a Lens van with looks of approval.

"Ken, drive the sheriff back Into town he is already in your van and let one of the other guys borrow your gun." Mike said not leaving any room for argument.

Ken, Sharron and the woman from the car accident rode off towards the highschool the place with the closest clinic as the town didn't have a hospital.

The men gathered their guns as they knew what was coming next, Gal who hadn't moved from the Truck deployed the legs and used the wrecked car as a step walked over the new dirt wall which knocked it down allowing the men to follow.

"Okay everyone you know what's next. We're going hunting from what Telsa here has said. A group of men are raiding some farm houses only a couple 100 yards from here. Let's take care of these guys." Mike the local Union president hefted the sheriff's large .357 magnum.

With the cleared path from the truck which Nikola has Gal and Shizuka stay back with as they sneak through the light birch wood forest, the whole group were confused by the surroundings as the wide open farm lands meant they were definitely not in West Virginia.

As they reached the edge of the forest they saw a group of farm houses, "Alright I see a group of six assaulting that poor woman the other three. I'm not sure I think they nailed that man to his door and tortured him."

Adda chambered a round in her rather large for her stature Rifle which like all of Nikola staff was heavily modified and personalized by Nikola, "Sir…..I can take out the men at the door just give me the order Uthgerd could take out the main rapist with her Revolver." Adda looks to Nikola who even with Mike being the de facto leader currently looks to her boss for orders.

Nikola looked towards Mike letting him take the lead not wanting to take any leadership position as he knew how things were going and he didn't want to be in politics. "Mike, you have military experience, you take the lead and we will back you up." Nikola said reading his personal weapon the Tesla Rifle.

Mike looked at Tesla and nodded and looked at the man's weapon, "Tesla….. is that gun based on your name sake?" Nikola just laughs with a slight tinge of madness to it with a wild look in his eyes that the men look led concerned at.

Mike took that as a confirmation and looked at the group of men and women, "Frank, Adda take over watch and take out the men at the door and keep watch for anything unexpected. Nikola and I will take the lead as I think his weapons will take out the men."

As he finished the men and women spread out as Mike and Nikola walked with purpose out of the woods till they were no more than sixty yards and opened fire Mike shooting first exploding the main rapist's head as the other men jumped and pulled out their swords.

If the men knew what Nikola they wouldn't have pulled there metal swords out as Nikolas monstrous invention sprung to life as a bright blue bolt of lightning shout out and jumped from man to man heating the metal fusing it the the flesh of the men while their nerves sending conflicting information as the electricity fried their brains.

Frank and Adda took their shots at the same time taking down both men torturing the man Adda using her Rail gun shot through the armor of the man had his chest burst while Frank using a lever action rifle aimed for the ass which took the man to the ground.

The third man dove for the house which normally for the time would keep him alive for a moment but Adda rifle was like no other, flipping a switch the image in her scope changed as it shows her the man moving inside the house he flipped a table which he quickly hide behind and aiming his arcubus over the top he kept watch.

Adda aimed for his head and moved the setting of the rifle to penetration, she squeezed the trigger this time the rifle was much louder as a Tungsten round went supersonic and broke clear though the stone and wooden wall within a millisecond the man was dead.

The farm was silent just as quickly as it was filled with a wall of noise, "Gal, pull up the truck we have survivors and a rape victim Shizuka please help her as best you can." Gal conformed of the radio and the rumble of the truck soon entered the farm as the rest of the group cleared the house and Shizuka before the truck stopped ran for the man who had been nailed to the door and had the other men help her down Uthgerd walked over to the woman who had been tapped and kneeled down beside her and began talking to her quietly in German and moving her to the truck.

Nikola stood beside Mork who's mode began to wander off thinking of what he had done, Nikola gently grabbed Mike's shoulder bringing him back.

"Mike? Are you alright my friend?" Nikola, even a newcomer to the town, had made quick friends with the Union leader as he personally made donations and hired many members of the uniting to do work on his property.

"I'm fine Tesla, even being in the army I never had to kill anyone before." Mike, who had been a wild child in his youth who turned his life around after the military, now a leader of men after his father passed, supported his family since now since the event things were already changing.

"It is never easy but eventually you shut it off, as for myself I'm a little mad I can separate myself from it, but for these men I do not need it they were barely men more like monsters." Nikola said looking over the men he had killed there flesh smoking from his weapon.

Mike nodded, then walked off to the Doctor, who was with Shizuka helping the man who had been torturing his wife watching from the truck praying.

"How is he doing Docs?" He asked not knowing the woman's name, James gave Shizuka a look who waved him off, finishing wrapping the man's wounds and taking a blood sample to figure out his blood type.

"We did as much as we could but without an ambulance or medical facility but with that Stempack I think Shizuka called it he will pull through but he will need blood." The two men walked away from the wounded man and talked quietly.

"Where the hell are we Mike?" The doctor's eyes wandered the area the way to the old farm house and the flat land around them.

"Not anywhere in West Virginia Doc Toto." James Chuckled, "There is nothing like this in West Virginia I'll tell you that even with its issues nowhere still has this and if it did it would have been declared a historical site." James nodded and Nikola approached while finishing speaking into a radio.

"Mike, James I will ask you not to think me mad as I tell you this but from what my staff has put together based on the landmarks and other data they had put together we seem to find ourselves in 17th century Germany near what will become Czech Republic." The two looked at Nikola, They knew he was mad but this was….. then they really thought about what he had said and how it actually made sense put all together.

Both men look at each other and said the only thing they could think of "Fuck!" Then Adda and Frank yelled as both who had been keeping a lookout, "We got incoming from further west a carriage then more men behind them on horse back and they look like the bastard we just killed."

"Get those two in the truck and everyone else gets to cover the house but don't shoot. I don't want to start anything." Mike stayed as all but Nikola stayed out who Mike looked over too.

"Do you speak German? No, I didn't think so." Nikola said with a laugh Mike just shook his head and waited for the carriage to arrive.


Rebeca was thrown to the side of the carriage that she shared with her father Balthazar Abranel, her father hissed in pain grabbing his chest, "Gently daughter." He admonished and massaged his chest, his breath quicking her own heart, filing the same terror gathering in her soul.

Outside the carriage her shouting could be heard the Landsknecht her father had hired in Amsterdam to escort them to Brandenburg she didn't understand at first but she soon made out what he was saying.

"Identify yourselves!" The mercenary shouted to some unknown party outside the carriage.

The sudden stop made her father main in pain then he was barely able to to squeak out, "See what is happening Rebeca."

Wanting to protest but she obeyed but a lifetime of obeying her fathers words she undid the sash and poked her head out of the window.

Her mind not focusing on what she saw took her a moment to comprehend what she saw: blood everywhere and multiple men missing body parts.

Rebeca who had never seen violence on this scale, only the thugs and ruffians of Amsterdam, which the authorities tolerated little if you didn't pay their fees.

Then she saw a man approaching Hidalgo, a Spanish noble approaching, her fear shifted away from the man to her father who mumbled out something then began to lurch forward.

Then she heard the Leader of Mercenaries shout to his comrades "Let's go!" The Captain said as he moved beside one of the other men and reached his arm out and "We are not getting paid enough for this." She then felt the carriage rock as the driver ran off to follow his comrades.

She turned to her father for help who looked even worse as his jaw tensed and fell to the carriage floor, her heart filled with a childish fear that her father, a man who she had relied upon her whole life, looked to be dying.

She looked at the books her father had, medical books from Arabia written in Arabic which she couldn't read well or find the right information in the 37 volumes.

The Hidalgo spoke to her and what he said she wasn't paying attention too as the language he spoke in was English which made no sense as no Spanish noble would speak English such a language is below them.

The Hidalgo for the fourth time said, "Please, ma'am, do you need help?" He spoke with such concern and worry for her and her father she felt something deep in her heart quake for just a second.

"Yes, please, my father…" she looked down to her father, tears in her eyes which began to fall down her face. "He is very ill, his heart, I think." Another man behind him shouted for more people. Within seconds two more people came to the carriage a black man and a woman who began looking over her father.

The Hidalgo spoke to her again, "Ma'am, who are the men following you? Do they mean to harm you?"

She had nearly forgotten her with her father's health declining, "Tilly's men!" The Hidalgo looked confused but his companion a Serb she thought, recognized the name.

"Mike, get that girl in the house or in the truck, those men are monsters just like those we killed a moment ago. They have raped robbed and pillaged all across Germany and if I guess correctly Magdburge has fallen recently." The Serb turned to her looking for confirmation, "Yes! They sacked the city and did horrible things to the citizens."

Mike she had learned his name began shouting out orders as he focused back on the two people with her father, one a moor from Arabia and who she assumed was an Asian woman from where she had no idea.

"Get Miss, what is your name?" The Hidalgo Mike asked her, "Rebeca Abranel." She waited for recognition for her family name as her Jewish family is famous and infamous for their trade connections all across Europe and the Middle East not including her fathers past as a spy for various kings.

The Hidalgo (Mike she told herself) again didn't show any signs of recognizing her name but again the Serb recognized the name and whispered something quietly to Mike, who nodded and his face changed to a grim expression.

"Frank, Tony help the docs get these people moved and the rest get into cover and when I give the signal light the bastards up." Mike walked off to the side and the Serb moved to help her from the carriage and guided her to a metal (carriage?) where the physicians were working on her father who already looked at ease as they had some kind of fluid entering his veins.

"Will he Survive? He is all I have left." The moor gave her a look full of pity seeing the fear on her face, "He will live young lady, but we need to get him to a clinic."

As he finished the world outside of the truck was filled with noise as the men fired upon the incoming mercenaries taking them down. She, against better judgment, peaked her head out of the truck and watched as Mike on one knee took out man after man with his rather large gun.