"Yeah. The wedding dress was ordered. We have already come up with a concept. We've never met couples before, but we're sure that it'll work, Sir."

Brent was now standing at the seaside while he was talking to their Sir Mateo, on the other line. Their team leader.

"Okay. Good. Good. Don't forget to email me the designs that they will choose."

"Yes, Sir. I will."

"Take care there, Sanderson." A gentle voice came from their boss on the other line.

"Y...Yeah. Thanks, Sir." His voice stuttered and his eyebrows snapped together as he hung up the call.

He put his cell phone in his pants pocket and walked back to the hotel. When he got to the hotel, Brent immediately took the elevator going to the 4th floor. When he got to the right floor, he went straight to Elisha's room.

When he was near Elisha's room, Brent was surprised when he saw his older brother, Nathan, coming out from inside the room.

"Nathan?" He called out, but in whispered. He was bewildered.

He hurriedly walked towards his brother.

"Nathan?" He called him.

Nathan immediately looked at him and he was surprised to see Brent. Suddenly, he felt a tingling sensation and cold sweat in his hands, but he forced himself to calm down.

Brent's forehead furrowed in confusion as well as astonishment.

"What... What are you doing here?" Brent asked Nathan.

"Sanderson. Hey." Nathan was trying not to stutter because of the nervousness he was feeling.

"Why did you come out of my coworker's room?" Brent asked him, still bewildered.

'Co-workers?' Nathan only asked in his mind.

He was a little shocked. He didn't know Elisha was Brent's co-worker.

He breathed nervously, as he didn't know how to open his mouth to answer Brent's question. "Uh, well. I was..." He was about to speak when the door immediately opened. It was Elisha who came out.

She was also surprised to see Brent but she didn't make it look obvious.

"Brent," Elisha speak.

"Ish, what was Nathan doing in your room?" Brent asked Elisha.

'He knows him?' Elisha asked only in her mind.

"Oh, you know him?" Elisha questioned. Her eyebrows were raised a little in bewilderment.

"Yeah. He's my brother."

That made Elisha more shocked. She didn't know about that.

"B... Brother?"


She looked at Nathan but Nathan didn't look at her. She couldn't believe that the man he had loved for a long time was her co-worker's brother.

"Oh. I didn't know you had a brother." Elisha looked at Brent again. "Well, he was..."

"I was looking for you, Sanderson," Nathan said, cutting Elisha's sentence.

"Yeah. That's right." Elisha agreed, trying to make herself feel comfortable.

"The staff said your room was room 403. I didn't know it was your co-worker's room. Anyway, where have you been?" Nathan was trying to distract Brent.

"I went outside. Tch. Why didn't you just call or text me that you were coming? "Brent asked with a little bit of a frustrated tone in his voice.

"Idiot. I texted you so many times, but you are not replying."

"Really?" Brent raised his eyebrows.

"Of course! Anyway, seems you are busy. I should go. Do your stuff." He patted Brent's shoulder before walking away. He didn't even bother to look at Elisha.

Elisha was hoping that Nathan would look at her, but the man didn't. She just looked at his back. Until Nathan reached the elevator. Nathan sighed in relief when he got away.

"Why didn't you call me when he was here?" Brent asked Elisha.

Elisha turned her attention to Brent. She did not immediately answer that question. Brent raised an eyebrow and was about to speak but Elisha had spoken.

"Sorry, I was uh.... busy preparing for the designs and... I thought you were coming. Uh, so uhm... Is our client here yet? It's already 11 AM." Elisha changed the topic. She was still feeling so nervous that her heart was pounding. But she was trying to calm herself.

"They will come. Let us just wait for them. Maybe they are on their way." Brent replied.

She took a deep breath and smiled at the young man. "Okay. Come in." She invited Brent into her room.

"Yeah." Then, they went inside her room.

When they got inside, Elisha walked to her desk and took her samples.

"Here. My designs are ready." She showed them to Brent.

Brent checked them out.

"I am excited about presenting it to the bride. How about you? I didn't see your samples."

"You will, later," Brent replied while looking at Elisha's designs one by one. "You're really good. They all looked nice." he praised the girl after seeing it all. Elisha smiled proudly. She crossed her arms across her chest as she laid her back against the glass wall of the sliding door.

"Of course." She knew for herself that she was really good at designing. Because ever since Elisha's hobby has been drawing and designing.

Brent closed the folder of her samples and put it on the desk. He walked towards Elisha. She stood in front of the girl. He was one foot away from Elisha. Elisha suddenly felt strange, causing her proud smile to disappear.

Brent stared into her eyes and was about to say something, but Elisha spoke before he did.

"Uhm, I think we need to go?" Elisha looked at her watch. "They may be coming soon. Come on." Elisha was about to walk past him, trying to avoid him, but he held her right hand. Again, she looked at the young man. She wondered what Brent was doing to her, but didn't say anything.

Brent gently rubbed her right hand. "I have something for you," Brent whispered to the girl, wearing a smile. He let go of Elisha's hand and took the small box in his pocket. Elisha glanced at a small box Brent was holding.

She gulped silently and a question sank into his mind.

'A ring?' She asked only in her mind.

'No. No way. He knew that I didn't like him. There is no way he would propose to me.'

Brent slowly opened the small box he was holding and Elisha saw what was inside of it. She was surprised because it was her favorite necklace. Brent took the necklace from the box. Without saying anything, he put it on Elisha's neck.

"You're beautiful," Brent said warmly after he put it on Elisha's neck. Elisha was left speechless and her gaze fixed on Brent. Brent gave her a sweet smile.

'Why did he give me a necklace? For what? And how did he know that this was the kind of necklace I wanted?'

Oh, yeah. Brent likes me.

The infinite necklace.

"Ish..." Brent gripped her hand again, and slowly moved his lip to Elisha's lips, but as it drew near, Elisha moved her head straight away. Brent was disappointed to kiss her, but he didn't make it obvious. He knows Elisha doesn't like him.

"Let's go. They're coming soon." Brent smiled at her. He exited the room first.

Elisha released a heavy sigh when Brent left. She is saddened by the fact that she can't really love Brent, because Nathan is the only one in her heart.