2/4/23 A Tiring 6:30 AM Practice

We started off with dryland. We did a bunch of jumping jacks and pogoes and frog. We also did spidermans which are basically a plank then you bring your leg up to the outside of your arm. We did alternating and then we had to jump both our feet up to both our arms. It was tiring. By the time we were done I was already so dead and ready to be done with practice.

Practice was slow. We did a few 50s of our classic warm up that we did yesterday. Then we moved on to 12x25 3 fr 3 fly 1 or no breath fr on :30 fly on :40. Nothing too interesting. Then we did our turns from the flags just like yesterday and we had to think about the same things about keeping our legs straight till the last second possible. It was fun ish.

Next was one of our two main sets. It was 2x(2x200 im 2:50 100 kick 2:00 2x125 im but the stroke you did on kick would be the 50 you do in the 125 im so basically fly back breast free of 25s but one of those strokes you do a 50 on some easy interval i forgot what it was 2x100 kick 2:00). It was an interesting set but I liked it since it was IM. Our second set was 3x(200 fr 3:00 100 kick 2:00). It wasn't fun but I would say I did decent on it. I went 2:17 2:11 2:08 for the 200 fr. Coach was happy with my 2:08 so I'll take that. After that I had to leave, because my dad had to go home to take my brother to practice. Anyways that's what we did today. Have a good day!