2/22/23 Recovery Day

Today we started off with dryland outside. We did walking on our toes and heels and a lot of small step-ups on the curb outside or fast feet is what my hs coach called it. Then we stretched our calves while standing on the curb and touching our toes. After, coach gave us a talk about what happened with our group as I mentioned yesterday.

He basically said to watch what we say online and to not say things sometimes cause that could be better. He said that we can stand up for ourselves depending on the situation. If we were in a physical fight then yes he would want us to, but if it was a verbal argument like online then he said maybe it's not best to say anything because once it's online it's there forever, or that words can hurt more sometimes. We then had to do a silent warm-up for 30 minutes to reflect on what happened and not to bring it up again and leave it in the past.

For warm-up we did 400 loosen then 4x75 IM 1:15 21x25 2 fly 2 back 2 br 1 fr no breath. I think that was it and then we split up into our groups of people going to a meet this weekend and everyone else going to Tennessee.

The people going to a meet this weekend did 4x150 100 swim 50 kick start off stronger and get easier each one on the last person touches. Then we did 6x25 underwaters with fins and then 4x25 underwaters no fins. Then we did 4x150s again from before except this time we had to start out faster than before.

Anyways that's it for today we didn't do much for swim since the people that had a meet got out 30 minutes earlier than usual. Enjoy reading!