twenty nine

"what was that, what did you burn" Karen asked

"nothing" Lisa said

"we are very aware that you know another way out of here. was that what you burnt" lovely asked

"leave me alone" Lisa said

"you know what we can do, so talk" sky said

"if you don't talk we might kill you here" Emma said

"you don't have to go to that extent" Lisa said

"then talk" Karen said

"I know a way out, follow me" Lisa said and they run after her as she run towards the library

"what are we doing here" Karen asked

"you want to get out of here and this is the way out" Lisa said

she walked towards the book shelves at the back, she took five steps and stopped infront of one shelve

"this is it" she said

she tried to push the shelve away

"will you help me or not" Lisa said

they helped her move the shelve

"it's just a wall, there seems to be no door" Emma said

"there's, but before I open I need to tell you this, this secret door is very tricky, it has so many turns and trap that if you don't enter the right one it will take you back to the school" Lisa said

"are you trying to scare us" Karen asked

"no it's the truth. it's a secret pathway, that can lead you to many places in this school, if you make the wrong turn you might end up at where you were at the beginning" Lisa said

"is that all, open the door and let's leave" mark said annoyed

"there's more, the lights in there is not good, when it switch off it will take long before it gets back on, in the span of the darkness if you make the wrong turn you'll get lost so let's stick together please" Lisa said

"how do you know all these, have you went inside before" Karen asked

"when I was tortured by you guys, I wanted to report you to the principal when I got there he was talking to someone about this passage way to get out of this school and how dangerous it can also be, the person gave him

the design of the structure, and I saw where he hid it. I told him about you guys and he didn't care and sent me out. I had enough of you guys so I checked it sometime ago to escape from here until the year ends, and then this whole incident came up" Lisa said

"interesting" lovely said

"can we move already" Alex said

Lisa opened the door

"after you guys" she said and they entered, she entered after the last person, she turned to close the door and Lisa had this weird smile on her face whilst closing the door"