Chapter 8: Training Part 2

3 year and 2 Months later

After training 1 year and 9 months, Alex is able to Handle Most of the heavy ordinance and their maintenance, He was then Shipped with the newest batch of trained recruits to the nearby Local Planet PDF Garrison Base of Mina which Was Under a Waaagh, which he does some wonders, that the local TechPriests is interested that the Machine Spirits always so calm around him, bugging him for explanation, which he always run off in fear of being dissected, The Small Feral Orkz Warband that Occasionally Attack the city and Repelling Space Pirates that Stalks near the route to Kaurava System that Occasionally Raid this Sector For supplies, kept him busy for a couple of months..

Mynes who accompanied the 2nd Reinforcements to the Battered PDF, decided it's time to train Alex in Close combat as a Passing gift.

A Group Of Soldiers is staring and Cheering at the Clashing can be heard From the Training Ring

*Clang Clash*

As Alex Broke in Sweat as he Tries to Slash his Drill instructor Myne Rottenman with a Training Knife, who choose little effort to Deflect the Knife with his Training Saber.

"Patience Alex, You can't Brute force everything you know?" As he Deflect his student Knife once more

"Well, I trying to...Arrrgh" As his Knife once more Flew away from his hand and got push down from the Training Ring by his teacher saber.

*Pant Pant*

As Alex Inhale deeply lying flat on the ground

Mynes approach him staring at him from above laughing.

and the Crowd cheers while some is glum looking as they handed their money and cigarettes to the winners

"Well, so much for the Ork Slayer, how life down there?" as He held his hand out.

"Doing Fine, Drill instructor, I just enjoying the scenery, and the Night sky looking nice today" Alex said sarcastically Grabbing his instructor hand to get up.

"I see that your endurance has improved but you used it in explosive, wasteful actions" Shaking his head as he picked up his student Knife.

"That tactic of yours, Catching the enemy being unaware will be the end of you, there are Countless Enemies of Man can kill you a thousand times and you still don't know about it, The Warboss you slain now, It was caught off-guard but what about other war bosses? They will not let their guard down, but now they may fear you, but can the fear last?, Even the Eldar will slay you, before you are even aware and you are already Dead with their famed Speed and dexterity" as he handed the knife to Alex

"And you got Lucky that one time, you can't be serious about thinking that luck will last forever do you Alex?" Still waiting for his student answer


"Good thing that you are learning, in here, you know your mistakes, but on the battlefield, you can only blame yourself for the lack of Judgement, you better Head to the Briefing room, I taught you the best of my knowledge and I soon be heading back to the boot camp tomorrow" Mynes laughing out loud.

" Thanks For teaching me Drill Instructor."

"Do me Proud boy, and make sure you don't go dying in a Fashion that belittles our group, always be humble..." As the Mynes left...

Alex Pondered....

"System you there?"

"Show me status..."

Name: Alexander Solair/ Alex Hyde


Warhammer40k: Captain

Terran Federation: Civilian


Requisition Points: 9000 + Bounty bonus (Orks*150= 14,985000, Grots*5= 5000950)= 19994950

(AN: this includes the Men that follows Alex on that Slaying quest against the Orks)

Power: 9000

Relic points: 79,891.2


- HellGun

- LasPistol

- Knife

- Battle Shovel

- Standard Issue Flak Armor(M)

- Standard Carapace Chest Armor (M)

- Imperium Uplifting primer

- Mess kit


- It's a Bloody Magpie!

- Digger of the Earth

- Orkz Slayer (New)


Due to the fact, that You were unimpressed that you were on the defensive to the point that the It has become a Waaagh, You managed to convince local CO to let you head out to kill the Orkz with Permission Alone, For a 1 Month, you Disappeared, While the Garrison think you were dead at that time, Or ran off, you appeared With a String of ropes containing the current Warboss Unggard Gork Killskar head causing the Waaagh to break apart, Battered Armor but still alive, You requested 30 men to follow you, 30 men was Picked by lottery among the battered PDF garrison, 30 dead men were well aware they were going to die if given a wrong decision, But all Those 30 survived following you, And those people spoke tales of how you Killed an Ork mob using a Knife and a Shovel and such ferocity they believe you were a bane to Orks, And Command gave you 30 more Men were given and you managed to turned the battle and they all returned to the point alive, Command gave you 130 men and two Chimeras and 4 Sentinels to see if you lead, and you dealt much damage to the feral Orks that they point of brink of extermination, you were promoted graciously.


- Orkz will more likely target you.

- More Efficient at dispatching Orkz.

- Soldier Under your command Will be more Less likely to break Morale against Orkz

- When slaying an Ork regardless you or the men you lead, Orks are unable to release Fungal Spores (Global)


[Treasure 15/20]

- Baneblade Plush toy

- Sentinel Figurine

- Sly Marbo Funko

- Cadian Guard Funko

- Krieg Infantry Funko

- TechPriest Funko

- Commissar Funko

- Catachan Funko

- Saint Celine Funko(Myth) (New)

Description: An Angelic Armoured Being with wings of light, showing a Sword of light to the heavens, its part of the Adepta Sororitas line, only 10 of this pieces was made in her name, and those that were lucky to find it, find such properties were beyond mortal understanding, has made it a family treasure in their household


- Able to Survive a Fatal Wound once a day

- Sororitas more likely to listen to you.

- Relic point generation 0.1 per 10 minutes

- Ciaphas Cain Funko (Legendary) (New)

Description: Perlia is the only one world that produces it, many times Young Commissars that were trained from Perlia Scholar Progenium often Put out this Piece and said, "What would Ciaphas Cain would do in my position?" And they often found their answers and found success in their endeavors...

It's a Commissar with a Chainsword with a Smug look that assured everything would be all right.


- People more than likely listen to you

- Easier to get Promoted

- Able to Shoot beyond Weapons Operation Range

- Soldiers will have constantly have High Morale when you are nearby

Note: You don't get the absurd luck Alex

- Ferik Jurgen Funko (Rare) (New)

Description: A Stout Stone faced grizzled Valhallan trooper holding a MeltaGun, not many pieces were put into production, but those that collects it knew that He was a Part of Ciaphas Cain Strength and his greatest friend...


- Terrain is no longer a detrimental to Vehicles

- All Units you lead Will be undiscovered By Psyker Detection.

- Enemy who's a Psyker Based enemy will be inaccurate when attacking

- Relics points 0.1 per 10 minutes

- 597th Salamander Scout Model (Rare) (New)

Description: A Model that was Made By the 597th as a gift and a rememberable Moment that they were the among the groups that Ciaphas Cain led them to victory


- Chimera and all its Variants can Overclock their engine without straining the Durability of the engine.

- Relic points 0.1 per 10 minutes

- Sluggar Boy Funko (Common)

Description: A order was made to a Segmentum Command to accompanied to the Uplifting primer to conscript regiments to show the Orks were as weak as possible by looking harmless, sadly Didn't work, now this Funko is a constant reminder that looks can be deceiving,

Looks: An Ork look trying to smile Holding a Choppa in a Chopping Pose


-The more enemies, will turn your fear of being outnumbered into Excitement

-Relic points 0.1 per 10 minutes

- Shoota Boy Funko (Common)


Another series of Funko Xenos line was made to accompany the Imperium Uplifting primer to young recruits that Orks just as harmless as a grox, not effective, Veterans Guardsmen keeping this Funko is a reminder that Bullets seem infinite when facing the Shootas variants...

(An: I preferred the old Codex that Orks that have Infinite Bullets and their Guns were made with Hope and dream of shooting more Dakka, I wanted to be Infinite but Nah that is pretty killjoy, they still run out of ammo, imagined a Sniper put One Shell, but Shoot 500 times or a Flamer that have hours of Promethium until it runs out? That this my Joke Funko or Probably Tzeentch, Or Gork and Mork, messed My mind as I am thinking this up?)

Looks: A Ork chewing on a Cigarette Holding a gun Comprised of Mismash of Metals in a Shooting Pose while holding a Stik bomb


Ammo Seems Bottomless

- Vehicle and Infantry has Increased Ammo Capacity is 500x more, however Missiles, Hand Grenades are not affected.

- Weapons Do not Overheat or Explode

- Relic points 0.1 per 10 minutes

- Basilisk Model (Intact) (Rare)


- While not Lobbing Shells for the Emperor, Basilisk Gunners spend their time Putting a Model to pass the time, it is rare to find one in the Market, but it's intricated design has fascinated for collectors to the point they managed to get it at a supply depot for artillery.


- Artillery reload has increase by 10%

- Relic points 0.1 per 10 minutes

Briefing Room

As Alex headed into the room that is being filled with people he being called out...

"You are definitely always Early, do you Alex?" As A Tall Cap Figured Looked at Alex in Cold Eyes

"Commissar Agustius Wrant?" Alex Saluted

"Carry on Captain" As the Commissar just went to the back to his group of Commissars to observe the Attendees.

Alex approached one of the Chimera Drivers

"Any Idea what's going on?"

"I dunno, I was awakened up by my teammates saying this is an emergency or something?" the Driver Shrugged

Commissar Agustius Wrant: The Few of the supposed "Sane" Commissars Amongst the other Commissars We heard from other Regiments that was Stationed in Base.

Stickler for the rules, and Last time, someone Pranked him that he was going to get dessert, The Joker was strapped Naked on Chimera hull for 6 hours, while the Driver was given the green light to practice his driving skills on high speed in a rocky Hills where the sharp rocks kept hitting him and then He was Permanently Regulated to Latrine duty, must better than being blasted by a Bolter...

He was Assigned To this Regiment because he was too "Soft" In his line of duties,

Soft but not forgotten, when One of the Soldiers in the base actually Betrayed the group by sending Information to the Pirates causing Parts of the Garrison up in flames, The Traitor was dragged out, stripped down to his pants and was Shot by Bolter Infront to all that witness it, reminded all of us, he doesn't take jokes that he still can kill, If necessary...

'If he is here in the briefing room, something must be serious that the High Command didn't Dispatched the Usual Normal Colonel to give a briefing...'

//*Door Creak*//

As A Group of Elites Karskrin Entered the room followed by a Middle-aged Man Whose chest is filled with Medals and a Plasma Pistol is strapped to his hip

"Marshal Solomon Fenhildr is now in your Prescence!!" A Kasrkrin Bellowed

The Once hushed whispers Briefing Room went silent.

"At Ease Guardsmen." As the Major General raised his hands

"I am here to discuss that there is a problem. "

"The Former Ork Wasteland almost cleansed, thanks to the bravery of a captain and his unit is under attack."

*Hushed voices*

"At 19:30 we discover a problem"

"The Survey Unit Mysteriously stopped contact and several Platoons went to search for it has went missing as well. and there is Smoke Coming from the location where the Platoon is headed."

"We will need volunteers; someone needs to verify if they are alive and search for the Missing unit."

Silence has pervaded in the Briefing room.... Not Many wished to charge into the unknown from the Comforts of the safely of the wall.

A lone Hand raised up...

"Captain Alex? Is there a Question you wish to ask?"

"Sir, Is this a search and Rescue Mission? or A Recon Mission?"

"Ah, Yes... If you Managed to find them alive and their Vox Antenna is broken. then it's a Rescue Mission, but if they are dead, report the problem, if you managed to find who killed them and salvaged whatever that is still functioning... You know what to do... And if You managed to return, you will get a Double Promotion. Hit the Sack and Get Ready to Move out at Dawn "

'Just One More mission' As Alex Grinned


AN: I Better Rest from writing Tomorrow, The Chaos God Known as Writer Block is Encroaching my Poor Mind and Fighting It off with a LasGun and a Krak Grenade.... Does not help.... By the Throne...

Alex will be returned to the Starship Troopers Universe after this Scuffle of a Mission... Considering he will get the Rank to get Promoted... To unlocked tier 2...

Reason the double promotion, Let's just say Lot's of Ranking Officers were kinda Killed by the Waaagh that affected Planet Mina, By the Time Alex landed on the planet and the Garrison will do anyone that have a modicum of a Experience to the positions.

yeah... A food for thought, who would win? Eldars with Psyker Powers that can rip Fabric of Space or an Alex has the Capacity to Cover his troops as a Blank without forming a disgust towards him and is like a Commando Null?