Extra: Failed Bank Robbery


New Texas

Ever since the Mars Is picking up Income and I thought that I knew that they are a Easygoing Pushovers, I Would Definitely Try My Luck to Steal the Bank... Only... I never knew that I was kinda in Deep Shit.....

- Prisoner Taylor Slated for Execution


In a Unmarked van, a Group of Men were On their way to Steal from the Mars Federal Bank..

I am nervous that the Plan will go well, as a group of Robber that I don't know about their specialization joined me in the Robbery...

"Kenny Secure the Entrance, McQuack You Get the Staff and Force them to open the Vault, And ToyBox Get the Van Hot so that we can make our getaway, if it fails, Head to the back...I and Taylor will Keep Hostages" as A Gruff Man in a beanie hat gave orders, as the Van Stop in a parking slot Next to the bank they all got off but the driver that is waiting there..

As Me and my Group Barged in the Bank and the People were Scared, Me and Cracker Rounded up the Hostages while Kenny in his Old Bulletproof Armor from the last war, Guarded the Entrance with a Machine Gun,

McQuack Manage to force the Vault open and grabbing the Cash, but Kenny Shouted Out they are here

I rushed to a Window and shocked what I just saw... 5 APC's that their Creator Called "Chimeras" and they were armed with a .50 cal Turret and a Police Lights and out of them Came Marching men of Armor in Colors of Blue and Gold, And a Men Stepped forth...

"This is the Police, You are surrounded and You better Surrender" As the Colored Armoured Police spoke to the Loudspeaker

"NO Screw You, and Fck the Federation!!!" Spat Kenny as he Aimed his machine gun to shoot position and began to shoot at the cops, Which it didn't done anything but to Scratch The paint of the Armor of the Chimera, The Police Man Sigh... And Ordered the Elimination of the Shooter

The Chimeras pointed their turrets at Kenny and Fired in Unison Ripping Kenny to Shreds...

"Oh My God, they killed Kenny, You Bastards, That was my Brother Dang it" As McQuack Began Shooting at the Police to be Gunned down...

Cracker and I grabbed the Bags of Cash immediately went to the back and Found ToyBox Nervously Looking at us...

"Where Kenny and McQuack?"

"Step On It!! The Cops Are here!!! We have to head to the Safehouse Now!!!" As Cracker Tossed his Bags behind the Van

I Wondered How did this go wrong... I check no one was at the Police distress Button... and My thoughts were Stopped when I hear Police Sirens and I looked at the Back window, and What shook me to the Core, that the Chimeras and Police Cars were chasing us?

How? the Last colony Took at least 30 minutes, And Cracker is Making ToyBox Driving more irregular, and Hoping to Shake the police men off, But more and more Police Cars and Chimeras are chasing Us...

After a Few Minutes we got Off the Chase... But I am worried, that we were Let go? to let them catch all of us?

We managed to reach to the Shipping warehouses in the Spaceport...


"Who is it?"

"This is Cracker, Howler, the Job been a Hooch, But we managed to get the Money..."

"Did Anyone Tracked you?"

"Nope, we shook them loose"

"Good, Come in and hurry before anyone see you..."

As the Van Entered the Warehouse, A Floating Skull was seen in the Sky... As it Confirmed where they went, It Flew off delivering Information to a Nearby Observation Outpost...


I felt a sense of Dread as if we were compromised... Cracker and the rest was Drinking it off, trying to forget the loss of the two, but I felt that that was just a Calm before the storm...

A Chimera Rammed through the Gate and Broke the Stupor of the Gang Drunkenness, as they Grabbed their guns and immediately Shoot at the Invaders, But they were Armed with Tower Shields and Electric Maces, As one of this Police Approach a Gang member, He was hit with the Mace Causing him to Collapse in paralysis... More And More men were Paralyzed, the People in the walkway Kept shooting them, but the Chimera Side Machine Guns Shot the men at the Legs, crippling them...

I hid in a Crate, But I was Found Out and Was Arrested...

I was led out and I saw the Police Chief and A Young Kid Converse each other...

"You really are Mars Good luck, there were no Casualties and With your Armor, Vehicles and The Observation Outposts has Made my Men more Energetic to Get Criminals and less Missing person cases...And your Experiment was a Success.. Is it possible to implement it to other cities?"

"Of Course, Since this is Successful, I am Doing this for the Security and safety for the People, No longer Martians Fear the Night of their children Being Kidnapped, Soon if possible I wish to implement it Throughout the Federation..."

A PoliceMan Walk towards them and handed the Chief a Letter

"Oh, I just received From the Federation, that this group has a Bounty of 650 million? How will You do this? it's your experiment.."

"How about Giving it to the Police Budget? and Give the People who Participated this experiment a Bonus for this Month? I may supply them the means to achieve what is impossible... and Besides A more funded Police means a More safer Place to live in... Make sure you Don't Embezzled it or I will let Dad Know..."

"*Laugh* I will not or Martha will tear me a new one, and the Boys will like you to be invited to our Barbecue..."

"I will be glad to Join, know that I still a Minor"


"I will Bring the Complementary Orange Juice, Now let Head back..."

That all I heard that our Robbery was just a Experiment to this Guys? I stared in Disbelief as I was just shoved into a Police Car...

Later On The Federation Found out the Usefulness of the Observation Outpost and Chimeras,

that they requested Alex to Build it in a Metropolis on a Macro Scale Experiment, They have found that less Crimes were Lessened to the Point, that Even Veteran Criminals Have a hard time to do their deeds, And the Federation Allowed Alex to Build Field Command, Barracks, Mechanized Command, Observation Outposts and Allowed him to Build Chimeras In every Cities and Towns in every Colony, to the Point that Crimes was a Occupation way to Die, than a way to get rich...

(An: Means his Requisition Power income is Increasing like Crazy...)

And The Chimeras were pretty Much Seen Everywhere to the Point that Colonization was Spreading More Prevalent, No longer a Colony Has to Wait from the Federation list to Build a Power Plant, they can Just Order a Chimera Generator from Mars and they need to pay for the Promethium to Power the Generator for Quite Cheap they just need to keep it from Being shot at or else it blow up...

And Planets that are Always in Winter are grateful for the Medical Chimera variants as they have a place to go for treatment, Miners are even glad to have a Mining Chimera as it can handle a big Drill and Works as a Excavator or Even as A Armed Cargo Carrier as Bandit that were raiding them was shot Down increasing the productivity, Causing Mars Value As a Colony to Skyrocket since they were the only place to Build it..

Though, There were reports of Floating Skulls Appearing at Night and They head to the Observation Outpost.. Most reports were Scoffed as Mere Superstition, And Day carried out like Normal...


Author here, Alexander is Influencing the Federation slowly to get used to Warhammer tech

Why Chimeras?

Because it Modular, And Imagine a Police version of a Chimera or a Driller of a Chimera, Or a Hydroponics Chimera? Or a Joke that a Chimera that act like a Chicken Coop?

People tend to Forget that While it most seen in the battlefield as A Modular tool for War,

Note: They are only using the Hulls Of the Chimera not the Weapons of the Warhammer, So they will have variants of It having a .223 cal turrets, Or A Power Water Hose for the Riot Control or something more wacky Like a Portable Laundromat? Imagination is on overdrive here....

What happen if it used in Civilian Sector?,

Yeah I might see a Racing Chimera with Nitros attached (Initial Chimera D?), Or A Farming Chimera, Possiblity of Modulation are endless... and I am Unable to Count How Many Requisition and Power since the Federation have so much Planets and Space Stations and Cities and Towns and even villages is hard to count.. And the Income estimation each Month is more than enough to build 10 Armor Regiment and 20 Infantry Regiment and increasing, as each planet request the Observation Outpost and Plasma Generators, But Alex will not summon them immediately as a rainy day... And remember, Despite the Soldiers Alex can summon, they still need to eat, So Logistics is probably More leaning towards Food Much and the Transportation that is willing to take them...

Yeah... It takes time to build a Imperium Class Ship, So probably Alex will have to call Someone or Rob some Faction for their stuff...

But after the first movie...

Can't Imagine that A Group of Guardsmen Ranting About Fried Chicken the Divine food for the Emperor or something, Infront of a Fast Food restaurant...

[Emperor love Tacos? Is that Cannon?]

Though the Generators Required a Negative Cost, since you need to Refill it, the Amount of Requisite point is overwhelming Net Positive, Since the Plasma Generators last for at least a Month for it to refill... so It's ready for the Big games? And Note Alex can only Refill the Generators in his Vicinity, but not On Other Planets so that pretty much not Op?

If you found the South Park Reference? Congratulations 🎉👏