Side Chapter: Federation Broadcast and Commercials PT.1

(A/n: I heard that it wouldn't be the same, without the Federation Tunes, So I Compile it to a Side chapters, since I can only Focus on one sector...It will Compiled some of the major Commercials and Broadcasts until Battle of Klendathu...I suck At Propaganda...)

[Federation Theme Song]

Welcome Citizen, Today Is the Day that Sky Marshall Dienes Had Conferred Alexander as the Head of the New Branch in the Federation Forces... In the Halls of Justice, Now Live at US Federation Headquarters... (I dunno where is the real Headquarters Stationed at...)

Yes, this is Sarah McLachlan, Now Live in the Texas Hall of Justice, as We see the Birth of a New Branch of the Military and We are at the Venue as Sky Marshall Dienes is giving his Anointment Speech to Now Commander Alexander Solair as the Leader of M.A.Rs...

"I Sky Marshall Dienes, By the Power Invested in Me, that is Granted by the Federation, Do you Alexander Solair, Keep the Mantle of Responsibility, to Preserve the Legacy Of the Federation And Humanity Will Across the Stars?"

"I do, and I will Entrust My Soul to defend Humanity Prosperity...."

"Now, let this Moment, be Known Throughout Humanity that Commander Alexander Solair, Bears the Responsibility of Humanity as the New Dawn Rises, Bringing Hope for Humanity.... As this New Branch Will serve as a Shield Against the Threats of the Federation and Humanity beyond the Stars...."


Do You Like to know More?

Ever Want to Taste of the Unknown?

Here have a Glass of Amasec, as it's Flavors Is beyond Taste

And Bacchus Distillery Has it for You...

As their Advanced Distillery Techniques and Barrels Made of Trees that Exist Beyond Federation Space, Handpicked by the Greatest Craftsmen, has Condensed The Flavors into Several Grades to a Variety of Flavors for Men Can Enjoy with their friends, or a Light Flavor where you can have a Enjoyable Night Dinner with your Loved One....

Now Only 120 Barrels Have Been Made, and We assured you.... The taste is Irresistible...

[Federation Theme Song]

Its Been 2 Years since the Rise of the M.A.Rs Branch and Commander Alexander Has Issue a Most Ambitious Plan of All time, never seen before in The Formation of The Federation...

"The Prospero Project"

(Magnus the Red Home world?)

Now Live to Mars Speech Venue...

Yes, this is Blake Kennedy now Live at the Speech Venue as Commander Alexander is Now Giving his speech...

"A Few Hundred Years ago on Earth, We Looked at the Stars, and We Desire it, We Built Machines that landed us on the Moon, Then Colonized Mars and then Beyond the Solar System, as We Colonized Planets that is Suitable for Human Life, Whether if it's a Tundra Planets to the Volcanic Planets, we thrived... And I say this, is because we have an Obligation... That No Planets and Station on the Outer and Middle Rims of The Federation Space will be left out, For we are Humans, As I Swept the Federation Space from Pirates that seek Harm to Federation Citizens, I have heard the Hardship of the people that on the fringes of Space that is Struggling to this very Hour, this Very Moment, from The Stations that nearly forgotten from the first Expansion, to the Obscure Planets away from Major Trade Routes, they Need our Help, I will Give My support, I will Send Supplies, Medical Aid, and Security to the Worlds and Stations that needed Our help...

I am A Martian, Born from the Planet that was First Colonized By Earth, I will not Hear my Brothers and Sisters beyond The Solar system Their Voices will not go Unnoticed in the Federation... If No One wants to help Them... Then I will... With My own Pockets, I will help those that need the Federation, We Have been Stagnant far too long, And the Fire of Progress must not Be Quenched and the Remains of that said fire will not Be forgotten... And We Must keep the Flames Hope Alive, so that each and Every Single Person can See tomorrow with a smile on their face...

My duty is to Humanity, And not a Single Man, Woman and Child be left In Hunger and be forgotten in the Fringes of Space...." - Commander Alexander Solair of the M.A.Rs


Federation Observers are analysing Alexander speech

(Arrogant Person): This Upstart think He Could supply the Entire Fringes and Mid Rims in Federation Space, Is he Crazy!? I knew we Shouldn't let him take the Mantle of Responsibility, A mad man I say...

(Calculating): This would take Trillions, If Not Quintillions of Federation Credits, And where does he get the money from, No Bank ever have that money or we will will have a Financial crisis.... Despite he Manages the Hunt down the Pirates that is Attacking our Trade routes is another Matter....

(Pragmatic): Well it would help Lessen the Rebellious Conduct of the Fringe worlds, since they are a Hotspots for Crime and Piracy, and We are unable to Cater to all of them... If He succeeded, then we will have a Secure for More Trade and Their loyalty to the Federation will be cemented... but if he fails?

(Carefree Person): Let's Just Wait And See... Rather than Reading into his thoughts, We shall merely Observed if he is just a full of Air, and if he fails, then he would be a laughing stock of the century...

As the Speech Ended, a M.A.Rs Fleet left the Space docks, Now Carrying Materials and Supplies to the Alpha Centuri System escorted with The New Luna Class Ships to deter any would be Pirates that dare to think of Taking A Man Dream...

And another M.A.Rs Fleet is being Docked loaded up Material and Supplies and Medical Aid, To the Fringes, as if Alexander were not lie about his desire to help.

Ratings Polls in the Core Worlds were Mixed, as Some Called him Crazy Lunatic and Others is Altruistic Pious person that heeded the Call to aid the suffering of the People on the Fringe...

While the Fringes Worlds and Middle Worlds polls went Overwhelmingly Positive as they hoped that they received what they were promised by Alexander...

Only Time Will tell ...

Now Onto The Commercial Break

Ever Need a Drill a Boulder that Hinder your Planet to Progress, But it's too expensive and Labor intensive?

Hephaestus Mining Industries

have the Tools For you, We Have Walkers that Carry Loads, Laser Cutters to cut through Bedrock, And Now We have Patented Chimera That has for every purpose, but the Kitchen Sink, for the Intensive Asteroid Mining? We have Heavy Duty Mag-Lock Suits that prevent you From flying off, Maintenance and Repair are free for the First 2 years for All our Products Come Try now... and No, we will not Have Refunds for your Wife

[Federation Theme Song]

Good Evening Citizens of the Federation

It's has Been almost 3 Years since the Proclamation of Alexander Solair Prospero Project has Been Making Strides, Baffling his Detractors, that what he has done is beyond the Impossible... And A Miracle, as Reports on the Ground On the Fringe Worlds have seen that they are having a Semblance of Modernity Similar to the Core worlds...

Reporter Sharon?

This is Sharon Li Live from Tadpid XI, Where Reconstruction is Being Constructed rapidly and Behind me was just a Empty Plot Of land just An Hour Ago, now there is Gorgeous Building in its place as if it was like Magic ..

Does any Local Express their Discontent?

No, Sir they are Happy to see that the Federation heeded their pleas and Thanked Alexander for all the Infrastructures they Done... Now, We are Heading to a Hospital center where Hundred of thousands of People in the Surrounding System flocked to there for Medical Checkup Daily, Until their own System is Fully Sustainable to receive such medical treatment... and They Gave thanks to Alexander to Get Rid of the Piracy in their system, now Trade and Commence is Flourishing here, As Merchant ships and Traders Now Flocked to the Fringe Worlds for Rare Herbs, spices and goods that is not found in the Core worlds, and Tourism And Trade.... No longer Harassed by Pirates that demand a Transit fees this Making the Local system GDP to Skyrocket...

Now the Locals Even made a Bronze Statue of Commander Alexander, Despite the Latter Protest that he shouldn't be worshipped as a Messiah.. the Locals Insisted.... and He left for another System and search for Pirates once more, leaving a Garrison Behind to Guard them... While his Bronze Statue is Placed in the Public Square where he First met the Planetary Governor...

Now This is Sharon Li Signing off ..

Do You Like to know More?

Ever Want to go on a Family trip, but unable to Leave from your Homes in fear of Danger? Pirates are at your Planet ruining your day?

With the Joint Cooperation By M.A.Rs and Federation High Council and Wondertainment

Wondertainment now Present you the Resort of the Future, A Mega sized Resort Space station that have all your needs, For all Ages to enjoy, Ball parks, Malls, Restaurants, Arcades, Amusement Parks, Bars, Beaches, A Forests Preservation, For those that want peace for the hustle and Bustle of the Daily Life over there, Top Quality medical Facilities to cater your illness and Injuries... And those that want to live there have a Residential Quarters and Security is Top Notch With the Joint Cooperation Of M.A.Rs and Mobile Infantry Garrisons to rapid Response along with Police Branches to ensure your Enjoyable stay and Safety, Now only 3 such Station Have been Constructed...

And we Have a Low Low Price of 19800 Fed credits for a Family of 10 , you can bring your Elderly along for Free Checkups And Medication in our Resort Stations so that they too can enjoy with your Family.... Along with Armored Escort to your journey there and Your way Back, Reserve now. If you want to Stay, Contact your Nearest M.A.Rs Embassy for more inquiries...